Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 515
________________ 498 SAMGHA-SAMHITÂ-UPANISHAD 146-70 and notes, 234-40, 248-55; sq.; results of Kamma brought a Bhikkhu possessed of five good about by causing a schism in S., 20, qualities, to be officially appointed 267-71; will not brook association by the S. for receiving robes, 17, with an evil-doer, but cast him out 200 sq., 203 sq.; property left by just as the ocean throws out a dead deceased Bhikkhus belongs to the corpse, 20, 303; points to be conS., 17, 243-5 ; unlawful and lawful sidered if a Bhikkhu intends to take expulsion from the S., 17, 256-62, upon himself the conduct of any 272 sq., 274 sq., 283 sq., 291 ; matter to be decided in the S., 20, there are five kinds of S., 17, 268 313-15; the higher penalty, 20, sq.; persons who cannot protest 381; laxer rule on the carrying out against official acts of the S., 17, of official acts discussed at the 271; schisms in the S., 17, 285- council of Vesâlî, 20, 386, 398, 411; 325; 19, xi-xvi; 20, 265-7; regu- the Act of Reconciliation, 20, 388; lations about re-establishment of the Act of Suspension, 20, 393 sq.; concord and ending a schism, 17, any one can leave the S. when he 320-5; the Bhikkhu worthy of the likes, 35, 20, 20 n.; reasons for leadership in affairs of the S., 17, which people join the S., 35, 49 sq.; 323-5 ; formal acts of the S. must in what sense there can be no not be carried out against Bhikkhus schism, 35, 227 sq.; why reverence who are not present, 20, i sq.; must be shown even by converted settlement of disputes among the laymen to members of the S., 35, S., 20, 1-65; appointment of a 229-33; Buddha greater than the regulator of lodging-places and ap- S., but gifts should be given to the portioner of rations, 20, 5 sq., 221- S. rather than to the Buddha, 36, 3; proceeding for the acquittal of 51-6; laymen are admitted into the one conscious of innocence, 20, 16- S., though they may become back18, 57 sq.; the taking of votes in sliders, 36, 63-75; rules for memthe S., 20, 24-7, 56 sq.; no voting bers of the S., 36, 98-100, 98 n., must be taken when a schism in the 99 n., why did not the Buddha S. is likely to arise, 20, 27; the promulgate all the rules of the S. Tassa-pâpiyyasikâ-kamma, or pro- at once ? 36, 109-11; causing a ceeding in the case of the obstin- schism, and furtively attaching oneately wrong, 20, 28-31; settlement self to the S., are offences preventof disputes by Tinavatthâraka oring conversion, 36, 177 ; Bhikkhus the covering over as with grass,' versed in the Regulations of the S., 20, 31-4, 61, 64 sq. ; four kinds of 36, 236; Bhikkhu should dwell legal questions to be settled by the under the shelter of the S., 36, 343 ; S., 20, 35-45; two kinds of settle- the first members of the S., 49 (i), ment of legal questions : proceed- 172; Buddha, Dhamma, and S., see ing in presence, and proceeding by Jewels, the three. See also Bhikmajority of the S., 20, 45-65; pro- khunîs, Bhikkhus, Buddha (b), Mâceeding on confession of guilt, 20, natta, Ordination, Penances, Sâvaka, 61-4; proceedings of the S. as to Sekha, and Uposatha. turning the bowl down' in respect Sâmgivî-putra, n, of a Vâgasaneyi of a layman who has committed teacher, 12, xxxii-xxxv; 43, xviii, certain offences, 20, 119-25; ap- 404. points Bhikkhus as overseers when Samgña, see Name. a Vihâra is being built, 20, 189-91; Samgñaskandha, group of verbal probation and penance, 20, 195 sq.; knowledge, 34, 402, 402 n. office of overseer of buildings, 20, Samgrahîtri, t.t., king's charioteer, 212-16; the Act of Proclamation 41, 62, 104. against Devadatta, 20, 239 sqq.; Samhitâs or unions, the secret docdissensions in the S. caused by trine of the, 15, 46 sq. See also Devadatta, 20, 251-6; eight quali- Veda. fications for an emissary, 20, 261 Samhitâ-upanishad of the Aitareya Digitized by Microsoft ®


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