Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 480
________________ RAMA HVASTRA-RASHNU 463 210 ix sq. is in his Vedârthasan Shilo- 32, 320, 323houghtfulness, a gendo 183, 183 n.; connected with the Rânâyanîyas, Khilas of the, quoted, Moon, 23, 88; Râm Yast devoted 34, Ixx; 38, 218-20; 48, 643 ; to R. and Vayu, 23, 249-63; has Upanishad of the R., 38, 219. fullness of welfare, 23, 327. Rangûstar, brother of Zoroaster, Ramak-tôrâ, ancestor of Fredûn, 47, 144. 5, 132; the Aspîgân, 47, 34, 34 n. Ransom, to be paid for Vessantara's Râman Hvâstra, see Rama H. children, 36, 131. Râmânuga, on the Bhagavadgitâ, 8, Rantideva, or Antideva, 4 30 sq., 35, 66 n., 84 n., 89 n., 90 n., 101 n. 107 n., 112 n., 116 n., 124 n., 346 n., Raokas-kaêshman, n. 378 n., followed Baudhâyana, 8, 219, 220 n. 32 ; 34, xxi sq.; his Vedântasâra, Rapithwina, worshipped, 31, 197, 34, xvi; his Sri-bhâshya, 34, xvi sq., 201, 204, 209, 215, 219, 223, 373, xxii, xxxi n.; Vol. 48; his relation 381 sq.; the R. ritual, 31, 367, to Sankara, 34, xvii, xxii sqq., xli- 374 sq. xlvi, lxxxv-ci, cxxiii sq., cxxvi; 48, Rapti, or Akiravati, 11, 167 n. ix sq. ; quotes a series of ancient Rasâ, the distant river, 32, 1, 8; teachers in his Vedârthasangraha, Avestic Ranhâ, a kind of Okeanos, 34, xxi sq.; sketch of his philo- 32, 320, 323. sophical system, 34, xxiv, xxvii sqq.; Rasāstât, Thoughtfulness, a genius, chief points in which R. and San- 23, 11, 282; worshipped, 31, 200, kara agree and differ, 34, xxx sq., 211, 217, 226. xxxiii-xl, xlviii-li, lxii-Ixvi, Ixviii- Rasåtala (lower region), the earth Ixxiv, lxxvi-lxxix, lxxxi-lxxxvi, cxii, sunk into, 7, 3, 8. cxiv, cxviii n., cxxi; approves of Rashn, see Rashnu. the system of the Bhâgavatas, 34, Rashn-rêsh, n, of an apostate, 47, li sq.; on the relation of the indi- 12, 84 sq. and n. vidual soul to Brahman, 34, liii sq., Rashnu, or Raslın, or Rashnû, or lviii; according to R., the soul is of R. Razista, or Rashn Râst, Genius minute size and a knowing agent, of Truth and Justice, 4, 49; 5, 34, liv-lvii; on the activity of the 213 n.; 23, 327; comes to meet soul, 34, Ivii; on dreams, 34, 1x sq.; the departed soul, 4, 89 n., 373; denies the distinction of the two stationed at the Kinvat bridge, 4, Brahmans and the doctrine of 272; 5, 383 n., dog-rose, the flower Mâyâ, 34, Ixi, xci, cii; on the com- of R., 5, 104; the R. of Kino,' 5, bination of the senses with the 130 sq. and n.; the just, 5, 228; 37, manas, &c., on the death of the 72 sq., 72 n., 278; weighs good vidvân, 34, lxxix; on the immor- works and sins in his golden scales, tality of him who knows Brahman, 5, 241 sq, n.; 18, 33, 33 n., 61 n., 34, lxxix, 1xxx; denies the distinc- 92 n., 282; 24, 18, 18 n., 22; 37, tion between a higher and a lower 155, 155 n.; funeral cake to. R., knowledge, 34, xci. 5, 383 ; 18, 61, 61 n. ; 24, 351; inRâmânugas, their sect occupies a voked, 5, 402, 405; 23, 6, 9, 15, pre-eminent position among the 17, 36, 38, 40, 164, 166, 168–78 Vaishnava sects, 34, xvii; closely (Rashn Yast), 283; Mithra and connected with the Bhâgavatas, 34, R. take the account of the soul's xxii sq. ; their fundamental text action, 18, 66, 24, 258, 280, 319, concerning the soul's fate after 361 ; frees from demons, 23, 50; death, 34, cxxi sq. See also Bhậga- liars who escape Mithra fall into the vatas. hands of R., 23, 129; companion of Ramaputta, see Uddaka R. Mithra, 23, 139, 145, 152, 342 ; the Râmâyana and Dhammapada, 10(i), unholy priest displeases R., 23, 156; 36 n.; horse-sacrifice in the R., 44, one of the three judges of the xxix ;-R. of Tulsidas, 34, cxxvii sq. departed, 23, 168 ; invoked at Ranañgaha, the 27th Tathagata, ordeals, 23, 168-77; Mithra, R., 49 (ii), 6. Spenta-Armaiti, with Ahura Mazda, ac Digitized by Microsoft ®


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