Raurava, see Hell (a).
purity on birth and death of Râvana, a Brâhmana with ten heads, Sapindas and Samânodakas, 2, 251, 42, 374 sq.
251 n. ; 25, 177-82, 186 sq. ; 29, 244 Ravant, n.p., 23, 217.
sq. and n.; those who do not cast Raven, see Birds (6).
off r. guilty of mortal crimes, and Reabsorption of the world into those who forsake blameless r.
Brahman, see Pralaya, and World (6). become outcasts, 2, 280; 25, 384, Real and Unreal, 34, 4.
442, 442 n.; Sapindas, Sagotras, Realists and Idealists, 11, 49 n.; and Samânapravaras inherit on maintain the reality of everything, failure of sons, 2, 305 sq.; 25, 34, 401; the Sautrântikas and the 366 sq.; believers should not ask Vaibhâshikas are the R., 34, 401 n.; forgiveness for the idolators, though controverted, 34, 402-18.
they be their r., 6, 189; two kinds Reasoning stands nearer to percep- of Bandhu and Sakulya, 7, 68, tion than Sruti, 34, 299; its relation 68 n. ; who are to be honoured as to the sacred texts, 34, 299 sq., Gurus, 7, 129; how to be saluted, 314-17; only a subordinate auxi- 14, 67, 155; not to be fed at liary of intuitional knowledge, 34, Sraddhas, 14, 267; 25, 101 sq.; to 307; the assertion that r. has no be informed of an adoption, 14, 335; foundation rests on r. only, 34, 315; Mithra (contract) between r., 23, recommended by Manu, 34, 315; 149 sq.; to help in illness, 24, 69; the want of foundation constitutes quarrels with near r. should be the beauty of r., 34, 315 sq.
avoided, 25, Ixviii, 157 sq.; maternal Rebha, n.p.? 46, 136.
uncle, aunt, grandfather, 25, 39, 54, Rebirth, see Transmigration.
96, 102, 157, 182; respect due to Recluse, see Hermits, and Holy to r., 25, 54 sq.; marriage with persons.
(female) Sapinda forbidden, 25, 75, Recompense, see Karman, and 466; defamation of r., 25, 302; Works (C).
Niyoga with Sapinda, 25, 356; names Reflection (dhyana), earth, sky, to be given to r., 27, 118; r. who heaven, water, mountains, gods, should wear mourning for each and men reflect, 1, 114; meditation other, 27, 146 sq., 146 n.; 28, 42, on r. as Brahman, 1, 115.
42 n., 44, 55; regulations about a Regicide, see Homicide, and Rulers, ruler and his r., 27, 354-9; rights Regions, see Quarters, and World. of eldest cousins, 27, 458 sq. ; Relationship, five orders of, 3, 43; assembly of r. at ancestral rites, 28,
nine branches of r., 3, 54, 88; 'the 293 ; love of kindred, the greatest hundred houses,' or chambers in a exercise of benevolence, 28, 312 sq.; hundred family residence, 3, 333, liability of r, for debts contracted 333 n.; degrees of r. and period of by members of a family, 33, 41-6, mourning, 4, 148-54 ; religion to be 48, 329; king must maintain the preferred to ties of r., 6, 175 sq.; rules settled among assemblages of real ties of r. to supersede the tie r., 33, 153-5; who are inadmissible of sworn brotherhood, 9, 139; de- witnesses, 33, 302 sq.; property grees of consanguinity and affinity not lost to r. by long possession, 33, in China, 27, 202-8 and Tables 1-6. 310 sq.; authority for inquiry into See also Family, and Relatives. the sin of r., 37, 77; loyalty towards Relatives, father-in-law, and uncles r., 40, 242 sq. See also Etiquette, received as guests, 2, 120, 205; 14, and Guru. 49, 244 sq.; 25, 96, 96 n.; 29, 87 n., Release, see Emancipation, and 88, 197, 273, 435; 30, 132,279; the Salvation. terms sagotra, sakulya, sapinda, and Released, the, one who has reached samânodaka defined, 2, 127 n., 250, union with Brahman, 8, 288 sq.; 250 n.; 7, 87 ; 14, 28, 177 sq., 178 for ther, there is no fear anywhere, sq. 11. ; 25, 74, 178, 180 sq., 186 sq., 8, 292 ; the r, soul, see Soul (d). 366 sq. and n., 368 n., 468; im- Relics, see Buddha (i), and Stûpas. S.B. IND.
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