Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 507
________________ 490 SACRIFICE, SACRIFICES 356; 44, xiv, 74-9, 176, 309, 309 n., (k) DETAILS OF ZOROASTRIAN S. 383, 393, 402; 48, 149, 155; the S. to Sraosha, 4, 136, 136 n., 223; Vaisvadeva, the first of the Kâtur- 23, 162-7; to atone for the murder mâsya-s., 12, 383-91; 41, 47; 44, of a water-dog, 4, 170 sq.; to the 74, 74 n., 78, 289 sq. and n., 291 sq.; good waters, 4, 210, 255, 335, 337; the Varunapraghâsa offerings, 12, to the Fire, 4, 217, 223; 31, 313-16; 391-407; 41, 47 sq.; the Sâka- to Saoka, 4, 237 sq.; to Waters and medhâh or third seasonal s., 12, 408– Plants, 4, 245; to Thraêtaona, 4, 51; 41, 48 sq., 44, 76, 76 n. ;-the 246; for the benefit of a member Kesavapaniya, 41, 126-8, 126 sq.n.; of the family who is travelling, 4, -the ayana of the Kundapáyins, a 248; prayer and s. to Ahura Mazda, great s. lasting a whole year, 38, 4, 283; 23, 25 sq. ; 31, 80, 83 ; s. 250, 250 n., 251, 314 ;-Mabávrata and prayers to Ahura and the Fire, ceremony must not be performed 4, 293 ; offerings for the Gâhânbârs, for another, except a father or a 4, 337-43; Sôshyans performs a teacher, 1, 260 sq., 266 sq. n.;—the Yazisn ceremony, 5, 126; death Mitravinda-s., its origin and fruit, occurring during the sacred cere44, 62-6:-the Prishthya-shadaha, mony(yazisn), 5, 255-7, 257 n.; an accelerated Soma-feast, 44, 171; the simplest forin of worship (yast), —the Sahasradakshina Trirátra, or 5, 338 sq.; to all the divinities of s. of three pressing-days with a the Sîrôzah, 23, 13-20 ; to the thousand cows as the priests' fee, Amesha-Spentas, 23, 31, 37 sq.; 37, 26,414-18,414 n.;--the Satarudriya, 394; to Asha-Vahista, 23, 47; to or 425 oblations to Rudra, 43, 150, Haurvatât, the seasons and the 156-69, 171 sq., 174, 320;---the years, 23, 49, 51 sq.; to the Waters Satâtirâtram, or sacrificial session of and Ardvi Sûra Anâhita, 23, 54-84, a hundred Atirâtra-s., 44, 91-5; 357; 31, 320-4, 320 n. ; s. to the origin, purpose, and peculiar rites Sun enable men to withstand the of the Sautramani.s., 12, 165, 165 n.; demons, 23, 86 sq.; to the Moon, 44, 213-73; the Sautrâmanî, 41, 23, 90 sq.; to Tistrya, the star, 23, xxvi, 129-38; 42, 112, 328 sq., 93-109 ; offered to Gôs Drvâspa, 329 n., 591; 44, xiv, 223, 239-48, 23, 111-18; to the Sun, Mithra, 262, 264, 270 ; Sautrâmani is a Brâh- and other gods, 23, 120-58, 351-5; mana's s., 44, 260;--the Shodasin, the first, the next, the middle, and 26, 397-402; 38, 228; 41, xvi sq.;- the highest s., 23, 165, 165 n.; to the the Sunásir(î)ya, 12, 444-51; 41, 48 Fravashis, 23, 185 sq., 188, 190, sq.; 44, 77 sq., 77 n.;-the Tápaskita, 192 sq., 197, 228; to Verethraghna, an accelerated Soma-feast, substitute 23, 231-48; to Vayu, 23, 249-63; for the performance of a thousand to Kista, 23, 264-9; to Ashi Vanguhi, years, 44, 171 sq.;—the Traidbåtaví 23, 270-82; to the awful kingly ishti, or the completing oblation of Glory, and to the priestly Glory, the Râgasûya and other s., 41, 138, 23, 289-309; to Atar, 23, 359-61; 42; 44, 412;-the Trishamyukta or Yasna, the chief liturgy of the triply connected s., 41, 54-7,54 n.; Zarathustrians, 31, 195; liturgies the Vágapeya, 26, 167; 41, xi, xxiii- at Zoroastrian s., 31, 195-230, 253-9, XXV, 1-41, 246; 42, 508; 43, 223-5; 270-84, 290 sq., 309 sq., 320-32, 44, 254 ; 46, 408; Brihaspatisava, 335-64, 379-88, 391 sq.; all the part of the Vâgapeya, 38, 223 sq., Yazads worshipped, Hôm Yast 223 n.; Vagapeya is superior to recited at the time of Hâvani, Râgasûya, 41, 4; 43,225;-Vishuvat 31, 201, 207, 211, 217, 222, 226, day, the middle of a Sattra, 2, 77; 231, offerings (meat, fruits, liquids, 44, 139, 144, 158-60, 165-7, 177; &c.), for the propitiation of gods, the Visvagit Atirátra, 43, 320 sq. 31, 207 sq., 211-14, 222, 226-9, and n. See separately Mahâvrata, 270 sq., 274-6, 320 sq., 350; Pravargya, Râgasûya, and Sarva- Myazdas offered to Maidhyô-zaremedha. maya, &c., 31, 368–72; proper Digitized by Microsoft ®


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