giving, or of deprecation, 27, 448; character of it, 21, ix sq.; one of women attend at s., 27, 477 n., 479; the Mahầvaipulya-sútras, 21, x; 28, 170 sq.; no avoiding of names relative dates of the metrical (Gâthâ) at s., 28, 18; demeanour at s., 28, and the prose portions of S., 21, 26, 74 sq., 77, 79-81 ; offering to xviii-xx ; Chinese translations of the father of charioteering, 28, S., 21, xix-xxiv, xl-xlii; its date, 78 sq.; fish offerings, 28, 78, 78 n.; 21, xx-xxii; Burnouf on S., his transat the beginning of school lessons, lation of it, 21, xxiv sq., xxxvii sq.; 28, 84; to the waters, 28, 91; to its general character, 21, xxiv-xxviii, heaven and earth, 28, 99; s. at the xxxii; how far it represents orthodox equinoxes, 28, 218 sq. and n.; in Buddhism, 21, xxviii sq.; summary the suburb to heaven and sun and of its contents, 21, xxix-xxxii; a moon, 28, 218 sq. and n.; in the Tathagata appears to hear the Hall of Distinction, 28, 231; on preaching of the S., 21, xxx, 229purification as preparatory to s., 40; Buddha relates by what merits 28, 239 sq.; three things important he acquired the S., 21, xxx, 243-6; at S., 28, 241 sq. ; servants and promise of Bodhisattvas, disciples assistants at s., 28, 249; days for s. and nuns to preach the S. after fixed by divination, 28, 349-51 ; at Buddha's Nirvana, 21, xxx, 255 sq., hospitable receptions, 28, 439-41; 258-61, 363 sq.; glorification of archery trials at s. of a ruler, 28, the S. as the best of all Sûtras, 21, 451 sq.; sons shall offer s., though xxxi, 242, 386 sqq., 391 sq.; exnot to the Highest Object, 39, pounded by a Buddha, 21, 174 sq., 97 sq.; offered to tutelary spirits of 186 sq.; difficulty of keeping and the land, 39, 382 ; a sacrificial liba- preaching the S. illustrated, 21, tion made of a cup of wine, 40, 104. 240-2 ; he who will preach the S. (m) ARABIAN S.
after Buddha's extinction, will be Mohammed is to offer s. from the leader of the sons of the Tathahis abundance, 6, cxviii; 9, 342 sq.; gata, 21, 242 sq.; whoever hears what is sacrificed to idols, forbid- the chapter on the apparition of the den to eat, 6, 97; portions of tilth Stûpa in the S., will be born in and cattle set apart for Allah and the Buddha-fields, 21, 248; daughter other deities by the Arabs, 6, 132 of a Naga-king has fully grasped sq., 132 n.; offered at the Kaabah, the S., therefore becomes fully en
lightened, and changes her sex, 21, Sacrificer, see Sacrifices (f).
250-4; preaching of S. is the last Sacrificial fee, see Dakshina, and and most precious gift bestowed by Priests (c,d).
Buddha on his disciples, 21, 274-80; Sadânvàs, female demons, 42, 62, the merit of preaching the Lotus 66 sq., 301.
of the True Law illustrated by the Sadâparibhûta, n. of a Bodhisattva, story of Sadâparibhûta, 21, 356–62; 21, xxxi, 356-62.
inthis Dharmaparyaya I (Buddha) have Sadagaspati, worshipped at opening succinctly taught all Buddha-laws (or and concluding ceremonies of Veda
laing ceremonies of Veda Buddha-qualities), all the superiority, study, 14, 308; 29, 221, 321 sq.; all the mystery, all the profound con. 30, 242, 266 sq.
ditions of the Buddhas. Therefore, Sad Dar, t.w., not a Pahlavi text, young men of good family, you should, 24, xxxvi; prose and metrical after the complete extinction of the versions, their authors, 24, xxxvii, Tathagata, with reverence keep, read, xliii-xlv, 255 sq. n.; its contents, promulgate, cherish, worship it, 21, 24, xxxvii sq.; MSS. and versions 367, 369; meritoriousness of preachof it, 24, xxxix-xlv; S. or 'The ing and keeping the S., 21, 368-71, hundred subjects,' translated, 24, 377-9, 386, 388-92; one of the 255-361.
Samadhis, 21, 393; great merit of Saddharma-pundarîka, the Lotus writing, reading, and studying it, of the True Law,' t.., dramatic 21, 435 sqq.; those who preach and
9, 59 sq., 59 n. Cred at the Kaabah, tilhe a Nâga-king has tu
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