217; 7, 193 sq., 211-17; 8, 216, to satisfy the deities, 8, 360 sq.; 358; 14, 256 sq. ; 25, 87-97, 127 Kâmyeshtis ors, for the fulfilment sq., 132, 198 sq. ; 29, 217, 271, of a special wish, 12, 97 sq., 143, 271 n., 319; 30, xx; 44, 95 sq.; 48, 163 sq. ; 29, 223 sq., 226, 426-8, 17; student who has broken his 431 sq.; 30, 114-20, 124-9, 177 sq., vow of chastity offers an ass to 267, 356 sq.; Idâ connected with Nirriti like a Pâkayagña, 2,85; 14, the Pâkayagñas, 12, 214, 214 n., 215 sq. ; 29, 361 sq.; at the anniver- 219, 220, 230; at ceremonies consary of the wedding-day, 2, 100 sq. nected with study of Veda (Upakaand n.; Vaisvadeva ceremony, rana, Utsarga, Anupravakanîya), 14, burnt-oblations and Bali-offerings 63; 29, 73 sq., 112 sq., 191, 221-3, made from the daily meals, 2, 104- 321 sq., 405; 30, 74-6, 75 n., 161, 9, 202 sq. ; 7, 146, 192 sq., 220 ; 8, 242, 266 sq.; burnt-offerings at the 216; 12, 245 sq., 245 n., 329 sq.; ceremony of adoption, 14, 76, 14, 49 sq., 239 sq. ; 22, 99; 25, 90, 335 sq.; daily libations to gods, 90 n., 95, 95 1., 97, 124, 199; 29, Rishis, and manes, 14, 238; 25, 62; 84-7, 89 sq., 133, 161 sq., 290 sq., 30, 246; the Tarpana or satiating 319-21, 387 sq. ; 30, 22-5, 266 sq.; of gods, Rishis, &c., with water reception of a guest represented as libations at the end of course of a s. to Pragapati, 2, 117 sq. ; s. to Veda-study, 14, 252-6; 29, 3 sq., Kubera to attain prosperity, 2, 151, 115, 120-3, 149, 219 sq., 223, 325; 151 n.; hermit shall offer the five 30, 79, 243-6; s. to be performed great s., 2, 195, 195 n.; 7, 276 sq.; on entering a new mode of life, 14, 14, 259; 25, 199; Madhuparka 285 sq. ; as rites securing success, offered to guests at s., 2, 205, 207; 14, 323, 331-3; all s. are useless 30, 132 ; Sûdra may offer the Pâka- without the Vaisvadeva ceremony, yagñas, 2, 234; offerings at mar- 15, 31; Sthâlîpâka offering conriage rites, 2, 305; 14, 205; 25, nected with conception, 15, 220; 195, 195 sq. n.; 29, 22–32, 34 sq., interpreters of dreams make offer37, 41-4, 167-71, 279-83, 287-9, ings (bali) to the house-gods, 22, 380-5; 30, 45-52, 187 sq., 190 sg., 245 ; offerings to house-gods made 196-8, 253, 259-68; 42, 96, 498; at birth ceremonies, 22, 255; 45, sprinkling the ground round the 371; at Ashtakâ festivals, 25, 152; altar and putting fuel on the fire, 29, 102-5, 206-9, 341-4,417-24; 30, duties of the student, 7, 116; the 97-110; libations of watertothe gods, (four, seven) Pâkayagñas, 7, 183 sq. 25, 203 ; s. at domestic ceremonies, and n., 190 sq.; 25, 46, 46 n.; 29, Vols. 29 and 30; general division of 12, 12 n., 15, 15 n., 20, 159, 163, domestic s., 29, 30 sq., 159, 159 n.; 176, 276, 375; 30, xv sq., xxii-xxiv, at the Upanayana ceremony, 29, xxiii n., 254; s, to the waters on 61, 68, 188-93, 306, 380; 30, 64, crossing water, 7, 203; 29, 127; 138–46, 158, 253, 271, 273; of a offerings to gods and manes after teacher on initiating a student in the having bathed, 7, 206 sq.; by bathing secret doctrines, 29, 79; at househe becomes entitled to perform the building ceremonies, 29, 92-6, 213, offerings to the Visve Devâs, 7,207; 215, 345-7, 429 sq.; 30, 122-4, domestic s. on the Parvan or new 204-6, 286; 42, 141, 344 ; for and full moon days, 7, 230; 14, 159; protection of cattle, 29, 100 sq., 25, 152; 29, 17 sq., 136, 172–6, 290, 410; 30, 88 sq., 185 sq. ; 42, 143, 389-93; 30, 27-40, 196, 265, 332-8, 303, 360; at serpent worship (Srâ345, 361-3; 42, 559; 46, 108, IU; vana and Mârgasîrsha or Agraat the letting loose of a bull, 7, 261; hầyanî rites), 29, 127-32, 201-5, 29, 353-5; oblations in the fire with 327-30, 338-41, 411-13, 416 sq. ; prayers addressed to Vishnu on the 30, 89-92, 94 sq., 238-40, 287-9; full moon day of the month Pausha, on the Asvayuga full moon day, 29, 7, 266; Brahmakârin must offers. to 130, 203, 332 sq., 415; 30, 92 sq. ; the fire, and make libations of water at the consecration of ponds, wells,
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