Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 504
________________ SACRIFICE, SACRIFICES 487 tanks, and gardens, 29, 134-6; 302; 7, 153-5, 181; 12, 398 sq., oblations made before the per- 406 sq.; 14, 58, 106, IIo sq. and n., formance of s., 29, 164; outline of 116-18, 120, 125, 128, 130, 134, 148 the Pâkayagña ritual, 29, 172-6; sq., 204, 211 sq., 215 sq., 217, 222, connected with charms for averting 295 sq., 297-9, 301 sq., 303-11, danger, disease, and other evils, 29, 318 sq., 321, 328, 330; 25, 435, 445, 224 sq., 232, 432 ; 30, 118 sq. ; 42, 445 n., 454 sq., 471, 472 n., 475 sq., 17, 32, 261, 505, 519; to be per- 481 sq. ; 29, 134, 136-40, 224 sq., formed by one who has been re- 406; Vaisvânarî Ishti, an expiatory stored to health, 29, 236; to prevent S., 7, 192; 25, 435; self-sacrifice to death in the family, 29, 248-50; Death as a penance, 14, 106; offerto Rudra to cure cattle diseases, 29, ings to Sarasvatî in expiation of 258 sq.; Vrâtya-stoma s., whereby falsehood, 25, 272; expiatory s. for a patitasâvitrika becomes fit for evil omens, 29, 406; 30, 81, 184; initiation, 29, 312; to prevent a 42, 166; expiatory s. before coservant from running away, 29, habitation, 30, 197 sq.; penance for 351 ; at the beard-cutting, 29, 380; omitting half-monthly s., 30, 203; Yagñavâstu ceremony, 29, 391 sq.; at auspicious and expiatory rites, 30,37; daily and monthly s., 30,xxvii; 30, 253, 295-7; 45, 371 ; expiatory for one who cannot pay a debt, 30, formula for imperfections in s., 42, 13; Sthâlîpâka to Indrânî, 30, 114; 164, 528 ; offering on having a bad at the Samâvartana, 30, 161 sq., 253, dream, 30, 183 sq. ; 42, 484;—. 275 sq.; at the reception of guests, for the sake of cattle, see Cattle; con30, 174; to make husband and wife nected with conception and birth of love each other, 30, 269; Isânabali children, see Child (b); agricultural and offerings to Kshetrapati, 30, S., see Agriculture (c). 289-91; s. to Agni and Pragâpati (i) INDIAN SRAUTA (SOMA) S. AND on the appointment of a daughter, ITS RITES. 33, 376; oblation to the sun, the Soma-s, is the most perfect of s., heavenly dog, to cure disease, 42, 1, 223; who is obliged to offer 13, 500 sq.; oblation offered to Soma-s., 7, 192; Havis-s. and Somadestroy evil demons, 42, 36, 64 sq., S., 12, 141 sq.; Soma-s, performed 475; oblation to save one from by the seven Hotris, 12, 223, 223 n.; death, 42, 49; charm to frustrate other s. given up for Soma-s., 12, the s. of an enemy, 42, 90, 557; 447 sq., 447 n.; younger brother for the suppression of enemies, 42, must not offer Srauta-s, before the 92, 476, 495 sq.; for the welfare of elder, 14, 329 ; annual Soma-s., 25, a child, 42, 109; s. before battle, 133 ; Soma-s. in the Satapatha42, 119 sq., 122, 128 sq., 132, 325, brâhmana, 44, xiv; some perform 439, 510, 582, 632; to allay discord animal s. without, others with Soma, among kinsmen, 42, 135 sq.; for 44, 122 sq.; at Soma-s, fire burns success in trade, 42, 148 sq., 352-4; on the eight altars called Dhishnya, Bali offerings to the earth, 42, 207; 46, 325, 328; when a man hungers, of persons wishing to obtain a thirsts, and abstains from pleasures, husband or wife, 42, 323, 491, 502; that is the Diksha or initiatory rite a shepherd's s. to Indra, 42, 367; of Soma-s., 1, 51; the Diksha repreBali offerings to Sahasraksha, 42, sented as a new birth, 1, 52; 25, 473; the Grihamedhas, 43, 298; 61; the Dîkshanîyeshti, or consecraofferings to Heaven and Earth, tion offering, 1, 75 sq. ; 26, 12-25; Vâyu and Sûrya, to recover any- 43, 258, 258 n. ; when initiated to thing that is lost, 44, 347; offered Srauta-s., the performers shave to gain wealth, 46, 316 sq.; Sandhyâ their hair, 2, 37; food of a Dikshita, ceremony, an item of virtuous i. e. one who has performed the conduct, 48, 592 ;-expiatory s. for initiatory ceremony of a Soma-s., offences committed, 2, 85 sq., 86 n., not to be eaten, 2, 68; 7, 163; 14, 275, 275 n., 284, 287, 289-91, 293- 69; 25, 161; how to salute the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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