everything, 44, 420; wishing for Mâra tempts Buddha with a religious glory and food men enter upon s., life and perforining s., 10 (ii), 69; 44, 441; offspring and cattle the Buddha's discussion with Bharadvâga reward of s., 44, 504; for him who on s., and those who are worthy of walks in righteousness the s. is s., 10 (ii), 74-9; classed with divinaanointed with honey, 46, 179; tion, witchcraft, and other 'low arts' purify the mind, 48, 700, 703 ; only and lying practices,' forbidden to through the propitiation of the the Bhikkhu, 11, 196, 199; rejected gods, s. can bring about their results, as belonging to worldly existence, 48, 720.
13, 138; prayers and Veda study (d) RELATIVE VALUE OR WORTH- equivalent to s., 29, 159 sq.; the LESSNESS OF S., SYMBOLICAL S. gifts to Ahura are the actions of the
Are useless for attainment of pious, 31, 80, 83; truth better than salvation, 1, ci; 8, 16, 47 sq., 84, a thousand horse-s., 33, 93; a son is 367; 10 (ii), 41 sq., 192 sq. ; 34, better than a hundred s., 33, 93; 197 n.; 49 (i), 120 sq., 126; per- superiority of asceticism to s. shown, formers of s. proceed, after death, 45, 55 sq.; the 's' of the monk on the path of the fathers, not of described, 45, 55 sq.; what the true the gods, 1, 80; 15, 96; 34, 27; S., and true Brâhmanahood consists 38, 121-6; 48, 588-92 ; s. can pro- in, 45, 136-41; being causes of sin, cure a limited beatitude only, and s. cannot save the sinner, 45, 140;are a hindrance to real salvation, 1, performed in thought only by a man 314 sq.; 8, 185; should be avoided living in the forest, 1, 51 sqq., 51 n.; at the Tishya ceremony, 2, 150; there are two ways of the s., by officiousness in s. is called irrever- mind and by speech, 1, 69, 38, 57; ence, multiplying ceremonies leads five "libations of the Devas on the to disorder, 3, 116; sowing corn, a five "altars': heaven, Parganya, religious act equal to the recitation earth, man, woman, 1, 78 sq. ; 38, of 10,000 sacrificial formulas, 4, 30, 103; the first food which a man may 30 n.; Ahura-Mazda offended by take is in the place of Homa, 1, 89; the s. of a thief, or liar, 4, 283-5; fired by hope does menory perform s. without knowledge is no piety, 4, S., 1, 119; what people call s. is 347, 347 n.; good thoughts, words, really abstinence (brahmakarya), 1, and deeds, the best s., 4, 355-7, 355 131; breath in speech offered, n.; ceremonial worship (yazisn) of 1, 266; oblations of ghee offered to mortal sinners who have not con- the deities Speech, Breath, Eye, fessed, has no value, 5, 302; burnt- Ear, Mind, and Knowledge, 1, 281 offerings will not save a man who sq.; allegorical s. of the Prânas or is in the bonds of death, 7, 82; senses, 8, 61, 260 sq., 276 sq.; 14, prayers more efficacious than s., 138; 15, 91; s. of Brahınan with 7, 183 sq.; 14, 128; 25, 45 sq.; Brahman in Brahman, 8, 61; Gapa Krishna cannot be seen by means (silent meditation, the chief of s., of s., 8, 98 sq., s. without Mantras 8, 89, 89 n.; the s. of concentration condemned, 8, 119; 44, 276; are of mind, 8, 279 sq.; by performing acts belonging to the quality of a mental s. at which meditation passion, 8, 324 sq., 324 n.; end in is the fire, truthfulness the fuel, destruction, 8, 355 ; ascetics re- patience the oblation ... ahimsâ the nounce s., 8, 366; 14, 260; 25, 205; sacrificial cake... a wise man goes God does not wish men to provide to heaven, 14, 139, offering to the Him with food, 9, 248 ; good works, Vital Airs or to the soul, 14, 262-4, gifts of food, homage paid to the 266, 280, 299; eating represented as righteous, are better than s., 10 (i), a s. of the Self to the Self, 15, 32; 14, 245; 19, 260 sq.; 49 (i), 23; 312 sqq.; by protecting his subjects eight persons that are praised by the king perforins a kind of sacrificial the righteous, Buddha's disciples, session, 25, 307; judicial proceedare worthy of offerings, 10 (ii), 38; ings compared with S., 33, 298;
plasi, 355
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