(draonô), a little cake tasted by 237, 240 sq.; 44, 203 sq.; Zaothras, the priest at the end of the Srôsh Baresman, and other implements of darûn, 4, 321,321 n.; what property S. worshipped, 31, 203, 208, 229, is accepted for s., 4, 339-41; offer- 270 sq., 276, 309, 321, 331, 346 ings to be made on the Baresman, 4, sq., 349, 381, 385; gods wor349 sq. ; consecration of the sacred shipped with Zaothra and Baresman, cakes (drôn), 5, 283-5, 283 sq. n., 31, 203-8, 213 sq., 223, 253, 255, 292, 307, 307 n., 312, 332 sq., 338 270 sq., 274 sq., 298, 338-41, 345, sq., 369-71, 370 n.; 18, 141-5, 234, 350, 354, 374 sq.; Zoroastrian wor236, 240 sq. ; 24, 46, 46 n., 314-17; shippers partake of the meat offer - 37, 94, 394, 477; putrid meat and ing, 31, 228 sq.; Haoma cups at s., hairy cakes and butter unfit for s., 31, 243, 246; milk-offering and 5, 332, 332 n.; the sacred feast libation, 31, 257; fire worshipped (myazd), 5, 346 sq., 362, 388 sq., 389 with Baresman, 31, 314 sq.; water, n. ; 18, 155-8, 243, 245 sq., 426; 24, mighty at s., 32, 106, 110; 38, 105, 273 sq., 283, 298; 31, 368-72 ; 37, 108 sq.; clarified butter is sacred, 132 ; penance for eating food 33, 222; the spirit of the sacred destined for S., 7, 166 sq.; 25, cake attacks the demons, 37, 197; 170, 170 n., 173, 475; he must remnants of food not used at s., 39, not make an oblation to the 67; sacrificial ladles, dipping-spoons, gods or to the manes with water 41, 53, 192, 373; 43, 204, 214; 44, collected at night, 7, 210; materials 56 sq., 60 sq.; 46, 45-8, 153, 160, for s., which are to be avoided, 164, 228, 252 sq., 340, 354, 363; 7, 210 sq.; Brahmakârin should pavitra, strainer, filter, 41, 84; 44, eat leavings of S., 8, 360; sacri- 235; sphya, sacrificial wooden ficial vessels and other utensils, sword, 41, Ho sq.; kumbhî, pot, 12, 10-16, 18-27, 30, 34, 34 sq. n., sthâlî, caldron, 41, 135, 270; 44, 38 sq., 42, 44, &c., 67 sq. and n.; 220, 234 n.; sacrificial food which 15, 214 sq., 293 sq.; 18, 163-5, is baked is immortal, 41, 164; the 170; 26, 158 sq.; 27, 104, 115, ukkhishta, the leavings of the s., as 244, 299; 30, 323, 331, 360 sq.; a primordial principle, 42, 226-9, 38, 253-6, 253 n., 284, 287 n., 321, 629-31; Sânnayya (mixture of milk 347, 347 n.; 46, 121 sq.; butter and sour curds) is royal dignity, 44, and Soma, the two kinds of obla- 41; the gods satisfied by milk, ghee, tions, 12, 193; no tax on s., 14, Soma, fat, and honey offerings, 44, 100; water-pot not to be used for 96-8; ghee is s., 44, 236 sq.; S., 14, 164; a sincere worshipper is pressing-stones, 44, 243, 486; deinot startled into letting go his ladle fied objects connected with the and cup of sacrificial spirits, 16, S., 46, 8-12; spreading the Barhis 173, 256; even in s. two baskets or sacrificial grass, 46, 24, 92, 153 of grain only may be presented, 16, sq., 228, 289, 391; worshipper fits out 246, 247 n.; sacrificial food for the the s, as a vehicle, 46, 289 sq. See gods must be cooked, 16, 255, also Baresma, Barhis, and Costumes. 255 n.; 26, 38; remainder of a s. (c) DUTY OF SACRIFICING, RESULTS is called amrita, 25, 128; fish used OF S. for s., 25, 172; property may be S., study, and charity, the duties appropriated for sacrificial purposes of the householder, 1, 35; 8, 114, 25, 313, 432 sq.; property begged 340; 48, 695, 700 ; s. and prayers, for s. must not be used for other enjoined by the Veda, hence of purposes, 25, 435; Kapala or pot. greatest merit, 2, 159; 8, 62 ; 38, sherds in which the cakes are baked, 274 sq.; king's duty with regard to 26, xxvii-xxix; provision for s. by S., 2, 161, 236, 236 n.; 25, 228, 307; taxation, 27, 294, 308 sq.; the one of the eight objects of governstudent's cord, girdle, &c., sacrificed ment, 3, 142; extinction of s, means in water, 29, 84; sacrificial imple- the overthrow of a state, 3, 214, ments burnt with a dead body, 29, 214 n., 393, 393 n.; to maintain
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