Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 481
________________ 464 RASHNU-RAUHINAYANA 23. 181; the Fravashis along with Râti-sâk gods, accompany Agni at Mithra and R. help in battle, 23, the sacrifices, 46, 188. 191; Fravashi of R., worshipped, 23, Ratnâbhibhâsa, the 55th Tatha200; Verethraghna goes along with gata, 49 (ii), 7. Mithra and R., 23, 244; brother of Ratnahavîmshi, t.t., jewel-offerAshi Vanguhi, 23, 274; the most ings' at king's consecration, 41, just, invoked and worshipped, 31, 58 sq. 198, 205, 209, 215, 220, 224, 256, Ratnakandra, a Bodhisattva Mahâ319, 326, 345, 351, 388; the Rash- sattva, 21, 4; the 52nd Tathậgata, nus having the seed of fire in them, 49 (ii), 6. 31, 358, 358 n.; supremacy of R. Ratnakara, one of the sixteen virthe righteous, 37, 80; ceremonial tuous men, 21, 4; n. of a Tathậgata of R., 37, 183 in the East, 49 (ii), 66. Rasmiprabhâsa, a future Tathâ- Ratnaketu, the 71st Tathagata, 49 gata, 21, 142-4. (ii), 7. Rasmisatasa hasraparipûrna. Ratnaketurâgas, future Buddhas so dhvaga, a future Buddha, 21, called, 21, 210-12. 257 sq. Ratnakusumasampushpitagâtra, Râspî, see Priests (d). n, of a Tathagata, 49 (ii), roo. Rass, the people of ar R. punished Ratnamati, son of a former Buddha for disbelief, 9, 86, 86 n., 242. Kandrasûryapradîpa, 21, 19. Râstare-vaghant, n.p., 23, 209. Ratnapâni, a Bodhisattva MahaRâta, Genius of Charity, made by sattva, 21, 4. Mazda, 4, 215, 215 n.; 23, 338; 37, Ratnaprabha, n. of a god and a 227, 227 n.; the good R., with eyes Bodhisattva Mahâsattva, 21, 4. of love, invoked, 23, 5, 14, 36 sq., Ratnaprabhâsa, n. of the period of 330. the Buddha Sasiketu, 21, 145. Ratanasutta, t.c., a Sutta of the Ratnasambhava, n. of Sasiketu's Suttanipâta, 10 (ii), 37-40; a Pirit Buddha-field, 21, 145. or protecting charm, 35, 213. Ratnasekhara, king, who spares Ratha, Arya, founder of the Arya- one of six brothers sentenced to gayanti Sâkhâ, 22, 293. death, 45, 421 n. Rathagritsa, is a spring-month, 43, Ratnasrî, the 72nd Tathậgata, 49 105. (ii), 7. Rathanêmi makes love to Râgîmatî, Ratnategobhyudgata, n. of a Tabut is converted by her, and both thâgata, 21, 431 sq. reach highest perfection, 45, 116-19, Ratnâvabhâsa, n. of the aeon of the 116 n. Buddha Dharmaprabhâsa,21,195,197. Rathantara hymns, see Sâman. Ratnavisuddha, the world where Rathaprota is a rainy month, 43, the Tathagata Prabhûtaratna is, 21, 106. 229. Rathasvana is a summer-month, Ratninah, t.t., recipients of the 43, 106. Jewel offerings' at a king's conRathaugas is a spring-month, 43, secration, 41, 58 sq. n., 65, 108 n. 105. Ratnotpalasri, n. of a Tathâgata, Rathavîti Darbhya, n.p., 32, 357- 49 (ii), 101. 60, 362. Ratthapâla, n.p., 11, 260 n. Rathekitra is a summer-month, 43, Ratu, see Priests (d). 106. Ratu: the holy gods and the great Rathîtara, see Satyavakas R. R., 4, 250. Rathîtarîputra, n.p., 15, 225. Ratus, the chiefs of creation, ruled Rati, Lust, daughter of Mara, 49 by the Gâthas, 4, 222, 222 n. (i), 139. Ratûstar, brother of Zoroaster, 47, Ratipratipûrna, n. of the period of 144. the Buddha Tamalapatrakandana- Rauhinâyana, n, of a teacher, 15, gandha, 21, 150. I18n. Digitized by Microsoft®


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