Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 472 RITA-RÔSHANÔ-KASHM of R., 46, 148, 248, 412; Night nature of r., list of r., 5, 74-85; and Dawn, the young mothers of chiefs of r., 5, 89 sq.; rules about R., 46, 153, 377; Agni the charioteer crossing r., 7, 203; Sraddhas perof R., 46, 158, 229, 350; streams formed on the banks of holy r., of R. hidden at the birthplace of confer eternal bliss, 7, 256–60 ; Agni, 46, 160, 161 sq.; Agni is ocean the prince among r., 8, 346; intent upon R., 46, 164; the gods feast of the Ganga and Mahî, 17, rejoiced in the song of R., 46, 170; 25; 20, 359; the cause of r. beds, Agni Vaisvânara, increaser of R., 18, 213 sq.; names of r., 20, 301 46, 228; Agni loves many aspects sq., 304; 32, 320, 323; 35, 171; of R., 46, 240; the two long-maned, 36, 304 sq.; why r. were created, red horses of R., that swim in ghee, 24, 98; Snâtaka must not swim 46, 244; the thoughts of the wor- over a r., 25, 141; a r. made pure shippers go along the path of R., by its current, 25, 188; invoked 46, 263; priests, eager to set to for bliss, 32, 423; 46, 143; the work the R., 46, 297, 299; the seven r., 42, 25, 375; 43,211 sq.; host (of the seven Rishis?) came 46, 75, 219, 224; expiatory oblation forth in the womb of R., 46, 308; to the stream at Soma-sacrifice, 44, our human fathers (the seven Rishis), 211; in hell, 45, 280; Dâît (Av. aspiring after R., 46, 308 sq., 318; Dâitya), a mythic r., 47, 25, 25 n.; Agni has harnessed the two steeds wonderful r. in Sukhâvatî, 49 (ii), of R., 46, 316, 319; the brilliant 37-9. See also Holy places, dawns have shone out R., 46, 318; Robbery, see Theft. the wise have held up the R., 46, Rodasi, wife of the Maruts, • 318; the sacrifice, one of the chief 272-7, 284, 338, 357, 369; and manifestations of R., 46, 325, 328; Eileithyia, 32, 277 sq. by R. the waters have sped for- Roga, the Malla, converted by ward, 46, 326; with R. Agni has Buddha, 17, 135-9; 35, 282 n.; been anointed, 46, 326; the R. of a friend of Ananda's, 17, 228. the cow (milk) ruled by R., 46, 326, Rohagupta, see Khaluka Ř. 329; by the R. the Angiras have Rohana, disciple of Suhastin, 22 broken the rock, 46, 326; the 290; teacher of Nâgasena, 35, xxv, abode, foundation of R., 46, 336, 13-24. 343; Agni has spread over heaven Rohini, moon beloved by, 22, 235; and earth according to R., 46, 364; divinity of the cows, 42, 7, 265; Agni knows R., 46, 372; Agni has wife of Rohita, 42, 210, 661, 665 grasped the rein of R., 46, 382; sq.; wife of King Vasudeva, 45, Agni as connected with R., 46, 393 112 ; wife of Soma, 49 (i), 44. sq.; by R. they have supported the Rohita, the red sun, prayer for supporting R., 46, 399; Agni im- sovereign power addressed to, 42, plored for favour, wealth, and R., 207-14, 661-8; the divine R., 42, 46, 410. 265; identified with Time, 42, Ritas gaya, worshipped at the Tar- 683. pana, 30, 244. Rohita, son of Hariskandra, 44, Rites, see Auspicious rites, Cere- xxxiv sq. monies, and Works. Romaka, Romans (?), v. 1. Râmaka, Ritu, see Seasons. 14, xxv, 94 n. Rivayat, on next-of-kin marriage, Rosaries, Buddha worshipped with, 18, 414-26, 428; extracts from 49 (i), 191. Persian R., 37, 418-47. Rôshan, Pahlavi writer, quoted, 5, River(s): simile of r. and sea, 1, 216, 216 n., 256, 267, 272; 24, 102; 34, 277-9; two r. in the xxvi sq., 120 n., 169, 169 n., 189. world of Brahman, 1, 275-7; wor- Rôshano-kashm, Av. Raokas-kaeshshipped, 3, 39, 39 n, 134 sq., 317 man, among the producers of the sq., 318 n.; 27, 225; 29, 127; renovation, 18, 13, 14 n., 78 sq. origin of r., 5, 28 sq., 172 sq.; and n. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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