2, 305; 283 sq., 3.263 1., 2045, 8, 282.dains for 261
387 sq.; 30, 22, 58, 91, 123, 142, went to their father P., who acts as 145, 158, 161, 188, 196, 203, 236, umpire, 1, 73; 8,271 n.; instructs 243, 254 ; 33, 376; 41, 250 ; 44, 3, Indra and Virokana, teaches the 143, 183, 206, 391, 394 ; reception true Self, 1, 134-42 ; 34, 183-91, of guests represented as a sacrifice 199; 48, 321-4, 328,608, 673, 675, to P., 2, 117 sq. ; 29,88; oblation to 757, 760; praises the order of the P. at the wedding, 2, 305; 25, 195, householder, 2, 160; decides the 195 sq. n.; 29, 32, 279, 283 sq., dispute between Mind and Speech, 289; 30, 49; part of the hand 8, 263 n., 265; 12, 130 sq., 130 n. ; sacred to P., 7, 198; 25, 40; offer instructs gods, 8, 282 sq.; 25, 164 ; ings to P. made with a low voice, 43, 175; 44, 103 ; ordains for all 12, 131, 170; Muhûrta sacred to beings their mode of life, 12, 361 P., 14, 63, 90; the horse of the sq.; utterances about laws and cusAsvamedha belongs to P., 15, 77; toms ascribed to P. (author of a 43, 404; 44, xviii, xx, xxiii sq., 274, Smriti?), 14, xvii sq., 23, 71-3, 274 1., 277 sq., 291 n., 295, 314, 248, 266, 309, 323, 331 sq. ; 25, 319, 333, 336; invoked for off- 335, 452, 455, 473; 33, 197 ; created spring, 15, 221; 29, 171, 180 sq., the law by his austerities, 25, 479 ; 344 ; 30, 199; marriage rite of P. decides quarrels between gods, 26, 25, 79-82 ; a horse sacred to P. as 267; the Rishi of a Kânda, 30, 242; sacrificial fee, 25, 438, 438 n.; the great inspirer of devotion, 41, animal sacrifice for P., 26, 429, 194; the Aranyenûkya belongs to P., 429 n., 441, 443 sq. ; 29, 88, 360; 43, 212 ; first saw the Asvamedha, 41, xxiv, 14-17, 171-86; 44, 127, and the Purushamedha, 44, xlii, 127, 383 n., 393, 405, 409, 417 ; student 275, 347; from out of P. the gods given in charge to P., 29, 189, 306, formed the Mahâvrata, 44, 140; 401; 30, 66 ; 44, 86, the Ashtaka tells Purusha Narayana to sacrifice, sacred to P., 29, 206 sq., 341, 44, 172 sq.; declares that the soul 341 n. ; 30, 97; connubial inter- has the power of realizing all its course after the Samâvartana sacred wishes, 48, 602; Kapila called P., to P., 29, 223; vow belonging to 49 (i), 125. Agni together with P., 29, 229; (e) P.IN PHILOSOPHYAND MYSTICISM. the milkings of P., 29, 342 sq. n; P. is the self, 1, 245; 15, 311; Udumbara tree sacred to P., 30, 26, 419, 424; 34, 142 sq. n.; 43, 122; parasol (of Snâtaka), P.'s xxiv; is the year, 1, 265; 12, 62, shelter, 30, 169; he who offers 62 n., 98, 135, 144, 173, 198, 198 n., the Vâgapeya becomes P.'s child, 265, 309, 346; 15, 95, 272, 317; 26, 41, 32, 33 n.; goats are of P., 41, 37, 251, 301, 318, 408, 425 sq.; 41, 35; informed of the king's conse- 1,1 1., 8, 13, 30 sq., 57 sq., 119, cration, 41, 89; prayer to P. at the 152, 158, 173-5, 386; 43, xxii sq., consecration, 41, 97; the Agnika- 30, 49, 62-6, 70 sq., 76, 127, 264, yana belongs to P., 41, 179; 43, 281, 313, 321-7, 347, 349-52, 356-8, xviii, xviii n.; invoked in a charm 403 n. ; 44, xiv, 1, 15, 344, 432 n., to promote virility, 42, 31 ; he who 506; the emancipated sage is P., 8, gives the sterile cow to the Brah- 219-21, 345 ; one of the ten fires at mans, does not estrange himself the allegorical sacrifice of the sensefrom P., 42, 179; he-goat offered organs, 8, 261 ; is the truth, 8, 315; to P., 44, xxxviii sq., 371, 371 n.; 26, 285; is not seen by one who the Vyâhritis relate to P., 44, 313 does not attain to the Adhyâtman, 8, sq.; victims to P. at the Purusha- 316; the Mahat is P., 8, 334 ; is the medha, 44, 408 n.; the dead body sacrifice, 12, 8, 8 n., 62, 62 n., 143, placed in the deity P., 44, 433 sq. 210, 309, 386; 15, 140 sq. ; 26, 37, (d) P. AS A TEACHER.
251, 302, 341, 406, 408 sq. ; 41, 1, List of teachers beginning with i 1., 8 sq., 17, 30 sq., 72 sq., 79-82, Brahman and P., 1, 44, 144; 15, 227; 112, 118 sq., 215; 43, xxi; 44, 1, 22, 43, xviii, 404; the quarrelling senses 105, 107, 116, 205, 344, 406 n., 454
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