appearance of the P., 15, 107; 38, to overpass all beings, beheld the 167-9; the bright, immortal P. in Purushamedha, 44, 403 ; Virág born all beings and things is the same as from P., and P. from Virâg, 44, 403 the Self, the Immortal, Brahman, sq.; is the wind, 44, 407; P. Nârâthe All, 15, 113-17, 245-8; 48, yana litany, 44, 410; the inner ruler 334, 356 ; Yâgñavalkya on the p. in of Agni, &c., pleased by sacrifices the earth, in love, in the colours, in to Agni and other gods, 48, 155; the ether, &c., the principle of everybody of the highest P., 48, 202 ; self, 15, 142-5; the golden P., the Pradhana and all its effects and the lonely bird, 15, 165; 43, xxiv, 400; individual souls have their Self in P. under the form of mind is light, P., 48, 359; release consists in within the heart, and small like a attaining to the highest P., 48, grain of rice or barley, 15, 192; he 625-8; knowledge or meditation who knows the great P. passes originated through the grace of the over death, 15, 245; 48, 686; with Supreme P., 48, 699; hymn to P., a thousand heads, eyes, feet, 15, see Purusha-sûkta; in the eye, in the 247; 44, 410; the P. of sixteen lightning, in the moon, in the sun, parts within the body, 15, 283 sq.; see Eye, Lightning, Moon (c), and is Pragâpati, called Visva, who Sun. See also God, Man, and Soul. makes the body intelligent and is Purushamedha, see Human sacrithe driver thereof, 15, 291 sq.; 43, fice. xxiv; is Agni Vaisvânara, 15, 294; Purushanti, n.p., 32, 360 sq. 43, 398; when all things perish, he Purusha-sûkta, hymn to Purusha, becomes one with the P., 15, 302; of the Rig-veda, 1, lxvi; 7, 206 sq.; Pradhâna (nature) and the P. (the 8, 280 n.; 25, 480 ; 43, xiv sq., xv n.; thinking subject), as food and 44, xx, 410. feeder, 15, 313 sq.; seven Ps., 25, Purusha-vidyâ (i.e. meditations on 11, II n., 613; 43, xy n.; the P. in Purusha) of the Taittirîyaka and the heart sees everything, 25, 269 sq., of the Khândogya-upanishads, 38, 269 n.; the supreme Male, 25, 512; 220-2. individual soul (in the Sankhya Purushottama, the Highest Man, sense), 34, xxx, xl, xlvi, 36, 45, a name of Buddha, 21, 44. 238 n., 370; is not the original Pûrvâkâryâs, 'ancient teachers, Brahman but an effect, may be quoted by Râmânuga, 34, xxi. called the internal Self of all beings, Pûrvâ-Mîmâmsâ, system of philo34, 142; purisaya, the person dwell- sophy, its early existence, 2, xxviii ing in the castle (of the body), 34, sq., 121; 25, xlvii, xlvii n.; 34, x; 172, 178; is higher than the senses systematizes the Karmakânda, 34, and everything else, 38, 204 sq. ; is ix; inquiry into active religious hard to know, and to be reached duty its subject, 34, 10; means of by sharp minds only, 38, 205; proof made use of in the P., 34, became Pragâpati, 41, 144, the one 17 sq. and n.; 38, 262 sq. P. made out of seven Ps., 41, 144 ; Pûrvâ - Mîmâmsâ - sûtras and 43, 205, 304 sq.; P.-Pragâpati is Kalpa-sûtras, their relation to each related to the herbs, 41, 340 sq. other, 34, xii; the Vedânta-sútras and n.; the Ps. in the sun, in the presuppose them, 34, xiii. See also eye, and in the gold man of the Gaimini-pûrvamîmâmsâ-sûtra. Fire-altar, 43, xxii, 466-74; the Pârvaskitti, is a nymph, 43, 108. Agni-like, Arka-like, Uktha-like P., Pûs, demon of avarice, 5, TIO Sq., 43, 398 sq.; the fire-altar, as repre- n10 n. senting P.-Pragapati, 44, xiv ; P.- Pûshan, a name of the sun, 1, 313; Pragâpati born from golden egg, 15, 199; worshipped at the cere44, 12; P. Narayana exhorted by mony of setting a bull at liberty, 7, Pragâpati to sacrifice, 44, 172 sq.; 261; 29, 10; with the hands of has entered into five things, 44, P.,' the distributor of portions to 389, 389 11.; P. Nârâyana desiring the gods, 12, 16, 42, 53, 213; 26,
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