Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 470
________________ PURÂNA-PURIFICATION 453 and Vinaya as he had heard it from lxxxi n., 63 n., 64 n., 87 n., 99 n., Buddha, not acknowledging the re- 106 n., 107 n., 114 n., 120 n., 1 22hearsal of Râgagaha, 20, 380 sq. 42, 220 n., 236, 240 n.; 5, 205, 247, Pûrana-Kassapa, n. of a teacher, 247 n., 262 n., 319 n., 320 n., 347-9 10 (ii), xii, 86 sq.; 11, 106; an and n.; 18, xxix, 241, 241 n., 284 n., Arhat possessed of Iddhi, 20, 78 sq.; 292-8, 308, 327 n., 330 n., 340 n., questioned by King Milinda, 35, 343 n., 360-6, 424, 431-55, 458 n.; 8 sq.; his materialistic doctrines, 23, 48, 50 sq., 339, 341, 353; 45, xxiii. punishments for defiling fire, water, Purânas : Itihasa-purâna, and Veda, earth, 4, lxxxiv sq.; modes of p. authority of P. as scripture, 1, 40 n., for clothing and other articles when 43 n.; 42, 229; 44, 369, 369 n.; 48, polluted by dead matter, 4, 65 sq., 460, 751; Apastamba's quotations 79-81, 83-5, 92 sq., 216 sq.; 5, from P., 2, xxix-xxxii, 70 sq., 158, 273-6 ; 24, 354 sq.; of the man 160; date of the P., 2, xxx sq. n.; defiled by the dead, 4, 105-13; p. 8, 14, 14 n.; 25, xcin.; 49 (ii), xxii; after touching a corpse in the Bhavishyat-p. quoted, 2, 160; a wilderness, 4, 119-22; 18, 455-8; Brâhmana should be skilled in the Sî-shu p., 4, 120 n.; means of reciting legends and P., 2, 215; an P., 5, lx, 245-76, 310, 319 sq., 332; authority on law, 2, 237; 33, 280; 7, 96-106; 25, 187 sq., 191, 206, Phalasruti in the P., 8, 143 ; legends 206 n.; choice of priests for p. rite, of P. and of the Brâhmanas, 12, 5, 347-9, 348 n., 349 n.; by water xxiv; pre-eminence of Manu's or sand, 6, 78, 98 ; does not come teaching acknowledged in P., 25, from philosophy, but from indifferxiv, xvi sq.; legends of Manu in the ence to this world, 10 (ii), 150-2 ; P., 25, Ixv; allusions to legends of by touching water, 12, 2 sq. and n.; P., 25, lxxii n.; Skanda, Bhavishya, after a rite in honour of Rudra, 12, and other P. and Manu-smriti, 25, 443; water and fire as means of p., Ixxiii, cvi, cx sq., 78 n.; date of 14, 60 ; 19, 135; of food, 14, 72; Matsya-p., 25, cxi; to be recited disputes about p. the subject of the at Sraddhas, 25, 118; on past and Epistles of Mânûskîhar, 18, xxv sq.: future Kalpas, 34, 361; Atharva- cleansing the mouth after meals, veda in the P., 42, lv sq. ; 18, 133-6; ceremonial p. at sacriMarkandeya-p., 42, 435 ; do not fices, 18, 162-8, 171-3; Zâdsparain's teach the doctrine of one non- heresy regarding the p. ceremony, differenced Substance, 48, 86-102; 18, 282-6, 284 n., 292-365; cerepromulgated by Hiranyagarbha, 48, monial p. cleanses the soul, 18, 413; the writers of P. attribute 284 sq. and n.; plan of Bareshnâm consciousness to rivers, hills, the Gâh, 18, 435 ; by means of water sea, &c., 48, 416. See also Itihasa, and gômêz, 23, 336, 336 n.; why Itihasa-purâna, and Sacred books. the Bareshnùin p. is incumbent on Purandhi, goddess, gives the bride every man and woman, 24, 296-8; to the husband, 29, 282; 30,189; the ablutions and sipping water, 25, Morning, 32, 444, 447: Liberality 39-41, 43, 151, 183, 193 sq.; judge of the gods personified, 46, 186, 190, and witnesses enter the court being Purification, rules about impurity purified, 25, 269; by means of and the rites of, 2, 54-9, 60 n., 62, sacred grass, 26, 16-18; three days 66 54., 178-82, 226; 4, Ixx-Ixxxi, of p. preceding sacrifices, 27, 448; 32-4, 49-85, 87-102, 105-15, 119- sipping water, &c., explained, 29, 55, 185-92, 213-17, 220 n., 254 sq., 374 sq. ; 30, 17-19; necessary after 272, 274, 286 sq. ; 14, 20-5, 36 sq., inauspicious sacrifices and sacri160–77, 183, 187-96, 287, 25, 136, ficial acts, 30, 330; duty of priests 140 sq., 152, 177-94; 37, 442; by with regard to p., 37, 93; warming bathing in one's clothes, 2, 253; the bull's urine by the fire, 37, 126; Ghosel, a means of p., 4, Ixxxi, required for Vedic works, with a 106 n.; the Barashnûm, 4, Ixxxi, view to the origination of know Digitized by Microsoft ®


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