Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 469
________________ 452 PUNARVATSA KÂNVA-PURANA Punarvatsa Kânva, author of Vedic ing the sacred thread-girdle, 24, hymns, 32, 391, 394. 310 ; p. for theft and robbery, 24, Pundravardhanîyâ Sâkhâ, of the 326-8; 25, 307–14, 390-2, 394; 35, Godása Gana, 22, 288. 236; 37, 75; the Lord created his Puñgikasthalâ, a nymph, 43, 105. own son, Punishment, the protector Punishments : corporal p. of of all creatures, 25, 218-20; king's students forbidden, 2, 191; Brâh- duty to inflict p., 25, 218–20, 306-9, manas exempt from opprobrious p., 313-15, 320 sq., 327 n., 377, 380-7, 2, 216; the five inflictions and other 389-94, 397, 423, 451 ; official conp. instituted by Shun, 3, 40 sq., victed of stealing slain by an 40 n., 43 ; five p., 3, 48 sq., 56, elephant, 25, 259; for perjury, 25, 255 sq. and n., 259-62, 261 n., 264, 275; fines, 25, 277, 282, 382 ; 481; 28, 99, 99 n., 353, 384; 39, various corporal p. for seizing 335, 335 n.; Shun's great justice in property under false pretences, 25, the infliction of p., 3, 49 ; different 288, 288 sq. n.; cruel p. inflicted kinds of banishment, 3, 75 sq.; on Sûdras, 25, 302-4; rules about traitors have their noses cut off, 3, corporal p., 25, 306; p. for adultery, 110; on the infliction of P., penal 25, 315, 318-21, 332, 497; riding law, 3, 167–70, 254-64; 16, 101 sq., on a donkey for crimes of un102 sq. n., 293 sq.; 25, 382-6; 27, chastity, 25, 318; p. for gambling, 235-8, 235 n., 259, 288; 37, 54; 25, 380-2 ; branding, 25, 383 sq.; death inflicted for drunkenness, 3, 28, 250 ; prisons to be near a high178 sq. ; the end of p. is to make an road, 25, 393; penal laws differ end of punishing, 3, 233; corporal according to rank, 27, 90, 90 n.; p. and fines according to Mazdean ceremonies of an officer going into law, 4, lxxxii-Ixxxvi; capital p., 4, exile, 27, 104 ; inflicted in the Ixxxiv-Ixxxvii, 27 sq., 77, 113, market-place, 27, 215; criminals 113 n., 134 sq., 135 n.; 7, 24, 26; cast off, 27, 215 sq.; exile and 18, 223 sq., 224 n.; 24, 267, 310; exclusion from office, 27, 232-4 ; 36, 17; 37, 52 sq., 78; 39, 116 sq.; inflicted on the ruler's kindred, p. for burying a corpse, 4, 32 sq.; 27, 356, 359, 359 n.; madmen not for breach of contract, 4, 34, guilty of capital offence, 36, 18 sq.; 38 sq.; for different kinds of assault, mutilation a p. for crimes, 39, 133, 4, 34, 40-5; for transgressing the 223 n., 227 sq. See also Judicial laws of purity, 4, 62, 68-70, 75, procedure. 82 n., 92, 121 sq.; for throwing Punna, or Punnaka, the hired servant, clothes on a corpse, 4, 102 sq.; for a devout Buddhist, 35, 172; attained unnatural sin, 4, 103, 104 sq. n.; for to the dignity of a Setthi, 36, 146. illicit sexual intercourse, 4, 188 sq.; Punnâ, the slave girl, the fame of 24, 267; 25, 317 sq., 318 n.; her good deeds reached even to the criminals burnt alive, 4, 271; p. for gods, 35, 172. neglecting the celebration of the Punnagi receives ordination from Gâhânbars, 4, 329; scale of offences Buddha, 13, 110 sq. and p., 5, 239-41 and n., 242 n., Punnaka, the slave, see Punna. 256, 258 sq., 261-3, 265 sq., 268 sq., Punnaka, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 (ii), 272, 282 sq., 288 sq., 289 sq. n., 187, 192 sq., 210. 291, 294 sq., 298, 334 sq. and n., Punnakamânavapukkhâ, t.c., 10 379 sq. and n.; kinds of p., 7, 24-41; (ii), 192 sq. 25, 275 sq., 308; 35, 239 sq., 254-7, Punnapattiyâ, see Pûrnapatrika. 269 sq., 276-8, 277 n.; 36, 145, Puns, see Etymologies. 145 n., 147, 150, 262; wisdom and Puryabhadra, disciple of Sambhûcaution of the superior man in the tavigaya, 22, 289. use of p., 16, 335, 337, 343; draught Pupil, see Teacher. of wine given to one who is to be Purâbhedasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 162-4. tortured and executed, 19, 280, Puramdara = Indra, 9.v. 280 n.; people stoned for not wear- Purâna, adheres to the Dhamma Digitized by Microsoft ®


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