ledge, 38, 314; purificatory charm, Purumîlha Vaidadasvi, n.p., 32, 42, 556; Sautrâmanî a means of p., 356, 358–62. 44, 234-6; cleansing from dead Purunîtha Sâtavaneya, n.p., 46, 50. matter, menstruation, and bodily Purûravas and Urvasî, the two refuse to be understood by priests, aranis, 12, 389 n.; 26, 91; P. or 47, 168. See also Ablutions, Im- Aila (son of Idâ), grandchild of purity, and Purity.
Soma, became a madman, 19, 149; Purigîvana, converted by Buddha, 49 (i), 138; myth of Urvasî and P., 19, 243.
26, 91, 91 n.; 42, 521; 44, xiv, 68Purimatâla, n. of a town, 22, 283; 74, 68 sq. n. ; 49 (i), 113; son of 45, 57.
Idâ introduced three sacrificial fires, Purity: when the food is pure the mind 30, xvi, xvi n.; a solar hero, 32,
becomes pure, 1, 125; 48, 702; laws 307 sq.; throws himself into the of p. in Zoroastrianism, 4, lxii, lap of Nirriti, 42, 564 n.; the wellIxiv, Ixvii; meaning of p. and im- doing P., 46, 22. purity in the Avesta, 4, Ixxii; pis Pûrus, n. of a clan, 46, 49. for man, next to life, the greatest good, Purusha, the Person: a P. not 4, lxxii, 56, 141; p. or holiness the human leads the departed to Brahbest of all good, 4, 216, 299; 23, man, 1, 68, 80, 80 n.; the Self 22, 30, 34, 39, &c.; things which when free of the body is the highest are always pure, 7, 103 sq.; 14, P., 1, 141; as Creator, 1, 210-12; 132 sq., 170; 25, 191; p. and p. of 34, cxxii sq. ; 43, xiv; 48, 201 sq., heart of devotee, 8, 103, 114, 119; 333 sq.; created from the water, 1, p. a duty of Brahmans, 8, 126, 238; is the year, and its essence the 359 sq.; part of the conduct of the sun, 1, 259, meditation on P., the good, 8, 162, 243, 326; sacred embodied Self and the universal objects not to be touched or looked Soul, 1, 305 ; 7, 287-91 ; 38, 205; at by one impure, 25, 151; is of the a day of P., 7, 78; offering of quality of goodness, 25, 491; The flowers to P., while muttering the Classic of P.,' 40, 247-54; during Purushasûkta, 7, 206 sq.; there is the twelve hours of the day let the nothing imperishable except P., 7, thoughts be constantly fixed on 290 ; Vishnu is P., 7, 291, 296; absolute p., 40, 269-72. See also knows the Kshetra, therefore is he Impurity, and Purification.
called Kshetragña, 8, 351; the Pûrna, son of Maitrậyanî, converted truth about the unperceived, the by Buddha, 21, 3, 191-8; 49 (i), P., &c., to be understood by the 190, 194; (ii), 2, 162 sq.
Sannyâsin, 8, 368 ; beyond the UnPurnakandra, a Bodhisattva Maha. developed there is the P., beyond sattva, 21, 4.
the P. there is the goal, the highest Pârnapatrikâ (Punnapattiyâ, or road, 15, 13, 22; 34, cxix, 237 sq.; Panna", or Sunna', or Suvannao), 38, 205 ; not larger than a thumb, Sâkhâ of the Uddeha Gana, 22, 290. the P. dwells in the heart of man, Pûrnibhadra, see Punyabhadra. 15, 16, 23, 35, 246 sq.; 34, xxxvii, Purohita, see Priests (a).
195-8; the highest P. is Brahman, Purtarâspô, ancestor of Zoroaster, the Immortal, 15, 19; 25, 6, 6 n.; 47, 139.
34, xxx-xxxvii, 171-4, 195-8; 43, Pûr-tărâ, ancestor of Frêdân, 5, 400; 48, 4, 39, &c.; the eternal 132 sq., 132 n. ; 47, 34.
and true P. reached by knowledge Pûru, conquered by Bharata in of Brahman, 15, 32 sq.; the battles, 41, 292.
heavenly P. is without body, pure, Pûru Atreya, author of Vedic higher than the Imperishable, 15, hymns, 46, 401, 403.
34; 34, cxix, 298; the lord of the Purugit, n. of a warrior, 8, 37. world as the P. who has his source Purukutsa, the Aikshvâka king, in Brahman, 15, 38; the Ps, in the performed a horse-sacrifice, 44, sun, moon, lightning, &c., wor397.
shipped as Brahman, 15, 100-3;
solute p., doonstantly set then
pruth about
, 2, 162 SO°; 49 (i).
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