Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 476
________________ QURÂN-RAGASUYA 459 249, 249 sq. n.; those who dis- 161; a great town, 11, 99, 239, 247; member the Q. punished, 6, 250; Dâgaba over the remains of Buddha the Holy Spirit brought the l. at R., 11, 134; Council of R., 13, down from the Lord, 6, 261; a xxi; 20, 370-85; Buddhist elders reader of the Q. to take refuge and Bhikkhus at R., 13, 172, 201, with God from Satan, 6, 261; verses 253 sq. ; Pilindavakkha's mountain of the Q. abrogated, 6, 261 ; un cave at R., 17, 61; the courtesan believers cannot understand the Sâlavatî installed at R., 17, 172 ; Q., 9, 6; mankind and Ginns festival on the mountain-top at R., together could not produce the like 20, 71, 168; Mahâvîra at R., 22, of it, 9, 10; revelation of the Q. 264, 301; the eleven Ganadharas not to be hurried, 9, 43, 311, of Mahâvîra died at R., 22, 287; 313; men mock at the Q., as a discourse between Gautama and 'jumble of dreams, forged by Udaka at Nâlandâ, a suburb of R., Mohammed, 9, 46 ; called old folks' 45, 419 sq. tales composed by mortals, 9, 83 ; Ragan, n.p., 5, 141, 141 n., 146; 47, objection that it was revealed piece- 34 n. meal, 9, 86, 86 n. ; decides disputed Râganya, nobleman or warrior, at points for the Jews, 9, 106; the Vâgapeya and Râgasûya perMohammed bidden to recite the forms rites, such as shooting arrows, Q., 9, 107, 122; no doubt in the &c., 41, 25, 29, 83, 114 n.; the bow revelation of the Q., 9, 135; reward his strength, 41, 89; drinks Surâ, of those who recite the Q., 9, 160; 44, 233; is a form of noble rank, oath by the Q., 9, 175; an Arabic 44, 286; the battle is his strength, Q. with no crookedness therein, 9, 44, 287; born as one heroic, skilled 185; punishment of those who in archery, a mighty car-fighter, 44, mock at the Q., 9, 201; "the Book 294 sq.; a R. lute-player sings on inscribed upon an outstretched wars and battles of the king at the vellum,' 9, 248; not to be touched Asvamedha, 44, 364, 364 n. See by the unclean, 9, 265; power of also Caste. the Q., 9, 277 ; to be recited by Râga-paramparâ, or lists of kings night, 9, 306–8; allusion to doctrines in the Ceylon chronicles, 11, xlvi sq. of the Q., 24, 173 n., 178 n., 192 n., Ragas, Sk. t.t., Passion, see Quali194 n. See also Revelation. ties. Quzâi, an ancestor of Mohammed, Râgastambâyana, see Yagñavakas 6, xvii. R. Râgasûya, t.t., Sonia sacrifice at the inauguration of a king, 15, 89; 41, xi, xxiv-xxvi, 4, 42-142; 42, 661 sq.; 44, Xv-xvii; Brâhmanas Race, racing: the gods ran a r., 12, are not qualified for the R., 34, 370 sq. ; 26, 327 n. ; 41, 1 sq.; the 218; 38, 266; to be offered by a r. of the Maruts, 32, 63, 75, 77, prince who wishes to become the 159, 209; chariot-r. at the Vâga- ruler of the whole earth, 34, 222, peya, 41, xxiv, 17-29. 222 n.; aveshti, an offering at R., Races, see Caste (e), and Man. 38, 266; the Pankavâtîya offerings Râga, see King. at the R., 41, 48-50, 48 n.; DasaRagâ, daughter of Mâra, 10 (ii), peya, part of the R., 41, 113-26 ; 159. R. and Vâgapeya, 43, 213 sq. n., Râgagaha, or Râgagriha, Buddha 225 sq., 225 n., 246 n., 298; a great at, 10 (ii), 67, 80, 85, 87; 11, 1-12, state function with religious ele55-7; 13, 136-51, 205-7, 239, ments, 44, xv; called Varuna's con267 sq., 298, 302 ; 17, 1, 68, 78, 97, secration, 44, xix; story of Sunah171, 207 sq. ; 19, u sq., 187; 20, sepa recited at the R., 44, xxxiv; 4, 66, 157, 220, 236, 390, 392; 21, Sunahsepa to be offered at the R., 1; 49 (i), 104 sq.; (ii), 1 sq., 147, 44, xxxv. K Digitized by Microsoft ®


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