Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 473
________________ 456 PUSHAN-QUALITIES 136, 141, 167, 181, 239; 29, 63, protector of all this world, 43, 195; 198; 30, 232; 41, 39, 53, 63, 63 n., invoked for cattle and good fortune, 201, 214; 43, 228; 44, 449, 474; 44, 63; wealth, the lord of wealth, the Hotri invokes the help of P. for bestows wealth, 44, 64, 326; the his work, 12, 135; how P. became heads of P., 44, 253 n,; protector toothless, 12, 210 sq.; cattle belong of travellers, watcher of men, 44, to P., 12, 314 n. ; 41, 55 sq.; 43, 293 ; Indra accompanied by P., 46, 75; 44, 346; offerings and prayers 154; Agni said to be P., 46, 187. to P., 12, 386, 402, 418 sq. ; 26, Pushkarasâdi, teacher, quoted, 2, 22-4, 24 n. ; 29, 64, 86, 398; 38, xxvii sq., 70, 88; 30, 154. 309; 41, 38, 62 sq., 82, 113, 116, Pushpadanta, see Suvidhi P. 125; 42, 160 ; 44, 34 n., 62-6, 207, Pushpadantî, n. of a giantess, 21, 291 n., 293, 346, 486 ; is this earth, 374. 12,418 sq., 418 n. ; 26, 57; 41, 205; Pushpadhvaga, n. of a Tathagata, 44, 300, 352; related to the Sûdra 49 (ii), 67. caste, 15, 89, the mouth of the true Pushpakara, the 33rd Tathậgata, (Brahman) is covered with a golden 49 (ii), 6. lid, which P. is invoked to open, Pushpakâlâ at the head of nuns, 15, 335; represents or means cattle, under Gina Pârsva, 22, 274. 26, 22 sq., 219; 41, 82, 89 sq., 113, Pushpavatîvanarâgasankusumi116; 43, 195; 44, 293 ; lord or tâbhigna, the 32nd Tathagata, guardian of paths, 26, 57 ; 29, 86; 49 (ii), 6. 42, 135, 495; 44, 352 sq. ; the speed Pushpottara, Vimâna, from which of P. is the wind, 26, 205 ; 44, Mahavira descended, 22, 190, 218, 474 sq., 486; animals esp. goats Pushyagiri of the Kausika gotra, sacrificed to P., 26, 219; 44, xxv, a Sthavira, 22, 293. xliv, 300; porridge offered to P., Pushyamitra, grandson of Asoka, 26, 315, 316 n.; 44, 75, 75 n., 19, xiv sq. 352 sq., is rich in kindred, 29, 27; Pushyamitrika Kula of the Karana worshipped at the wedding, 29, 32, Gana, 22, 292. 44, 169 sq., 279, 285; 30, 45 sq., Pûtadaksha, author of a Vedic 190, 194; invoked at the Upana- hymn, 32, 410. yana, 29, 64, 188; 30, 66, 151; Pûtîka, see Adara. invoked to protect the house, 29, Pûyisn-shâd, n.p., 5, 147. 97; invoked for the protection of Puzzles, about the dawn, 42, 204, cattle, 29, 99, 354; 30, 89, 184 sq.; 667 sq.; relating to Agni, 46, 114 sq. 41, 52 n.; 42, 143; invoked in See also Riddles. dangers, 29, 226; has shaven Brihaspati's head or beard, 30, 61, 217; where P. dwells, 30, 218; has braided hair, 32, 424; offering to Agni and P., Indra and P., and to Qadr, t.t. meaning of, 9, 337 n. P., 41, 54 n., 55 sq. ; informed of Qaf, Mount, 6, lxx. the king's consecration, 41, 89 sq.; Qâinuqâh, Jews of, 6, xxxvii, 68 n.; husbandry beneficial to P., 41, 329: 9, 276 n. Aryaman and P. invoked for easy Qarûn, see Korah. parturition, 42, 99, 243 sq.; among Qasim, El, Mohammed's son, 9, the Vasus, 42, 116; prayer to P. 343 n. for finding lost property, 42, 159 Qiblah, t.t., the point to which one sq., 542; invoked to wipe off sins turns in prayer, 6, liii, 20, 202. on the abortionist, 42, 165 (bis), Qiyâs, 'Analogy,' 6, lxvi. 526 sq.; bestows a thousand cows Quails, sent to the people of Moses, as sacrificial reward, 42, 198; 6, 7. Pathyâ Svasti, wife of P., 42, 331; Qualities, eight good, of the soul, goat of P., 42, 421 sq.; Aditi's share 2, 217 sq. ; crimes and bad qu. that and P.'s lordship, 43, 69; is the make one contemptible, 7, 137, 148, Digitized by Microsoft ®


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