peya sacrifice, 41, 6 sq., 18-41; at offering P., 12, 117-20, 119 n., the king's consecration, 41, 71-112, 135 n., 202 n., 387, 411-14, 416; 133-5; 42, 111, 239; at the build- 26, 105, 254 sq. ; 44, 25 sq., 54 sq., ing of the fire-altar, 41, 154, 155 sq., 63-6, 247 sq., 262, 302 ; offering167-9, 193, &c.; 43, 3-12, 21, &c.; formulas and anumantranas, 44, 40, imprecations against demons, sor- 40 n.; the Apri verses, forming the cerers, and enemies, 42, 64-93, offering-p. at the fore-offerings of 237 sq., 256 sq., 285, 295, 298, the animal sacrifice, 12, 400 1. ; 26, 334 sq., 389-404, 456-8, 475 sq., 185 sq. and n.; 41, 169, 173 sq., 495 sq., 544 sq., 602 sq. ; diseases 183 sq.; 44, 129, 244, 244 n., 302, and misfortunes conjured upon 519; 46, 8-12, 153-6, 179 sq., others, 42, 66, 301; imprecations 191 Sq., 198–201, 236-9, 377 sq.; against enemies, 42, 88 sq., 117-33, the apti formulas, 41, 29 sq.; 167 sq., 191, 201, 214, 221-3, 592, Asvinasastra and inorning-litany, 660; 43, 105 sq., 155, 165 sq., 171; 44, 92-4 ; Avakasa formulas, 26, incantation to make a woman 409 ; Avid formulas by which gods sterile, 42, 98, 545; incantations are informed of the king's consecraagainst a rival or co-wife, 42, 107 sq., tion, 41, 89 sq.; the Babishpava2 52-5, 354-6; for deliverance from mâna stotra, 26, 275 sq., 307 n., calamity to all the gods, 42, 160-2, 309-11, 309 n., 310 n., 311 sq. n., 628 sq.; wrong committed through 315; 44,173 ; chanting the Brahmaimprecations, 42, 163; imprecations saman, 26, 433-6; gayatra songs, against the oppressors of Brâhmanas, 46, 104, 154, 180; gayatri, see 42, 169-72, 184, 430-6; for victory Sâvitrî; Gráva-stotra, praise of the in a debate or assembly, 42, 644; stones at the pressing of Soma, 26, at the seasonal sacrifices, 44, 78 sq., 332 n.; the lda, Súktavaka, &c., 78 n., 79 n.; night-hymns and day- 14, 37, 42 sq.; the katurhotri hymns recited at sacrificial sessions, formulas, 26, 452, 452 n.; the 44, 92 ; at the Sautrâmanî sacrifice, Kayásubhiya hymn serves for mutual 44, 223-8, 230-4, 236-9, 242-5, understanding, 1, 170; the klipti 250-9, 264-8; at the Purusha- formulas, 41, 30 sq.; Mahad uktham, medha, 44, 409 sq.; at the Pra- the Great Litany, 43, 110, 110 sq. n., vargya sacrifice, 44, 449-60, 462-89, 112 n., 113, 113 n., 167-9, 168 n., 494-507; for wealth and for liberal 222 sq., 273, 278; the Great Litany givers, 46,88 sq., 420 sq. (danastuti); recited after the building of the liturgical verses addressed to the fire-altar, 43, 281-9, 286 n., 298, sacrificial post, 46, 252-5; repeating 342, 342 n., 346-9, 366 sq. ; Mahathe name of Buddha Amitabha namni hymns in the Aitareyasecures salvation, 49 (i), viii sq., 1; aranyaka, 1, xciii, xciii n.; the inuttered by hermits before the Mabávrata Saman and Great Litany shrines of the gods, 49 (i), 74; chanted at the Mahavrata, 43, Gâthâs in praise of the Buddha xxvi sq., 278, 281 1., 282-9, 282 Lokesvararaga, 49 (ii), 7-9; Gathấs sq. n., 286 ., 298, 32, 342 n., in praise of Buddha countries and 346-9, 366 sq., 367 n.; the MarutBuddhas, 49 (ii), 22-4, 70 sq.
vatiya hymn for the noon-libation (c) CERTAIN INDIAN P. (ALPHABETI of the Mahâvrata, 1, 166-72; the CALLY ARRANGED).
mátrinâmáni hymns, 42, 399 ; The Adhrigu litany, 26, 188; 44, Nárásámsáni, recitals in praise of 385 sq., 385 n.; the Agnishtoma and pious men, at the Purushamedha, Agnishtoma-Saman, 41, xiii sq., 12, 44, xxxii, xlii; the Nigadas, 12, 127; 43, 252, 287, 289; 44, 147, 114 n., 202 n.; the Nishkevalya376 ; the Águr-formulas uttered at Sastra at the Mahâvrata ceremony, the new and full moon sacrifice, 44, 1, 172-97, 218-35; Nirids, solenn 32 sq. and n.; the Ágya-sastra, 26, formulas of invocation, 12, 114 n.; 323 n., 325-31; the anuvákyás or 15, 139; 46, 119, 122; the Pankainvitatory p. and the págyás or dasa-stoma, 26, 167; Parimáda
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