fice) must announce it first to the of sacrifice sink, 26, 311 ; at domesBrahman, 44, 277 sq.; Hotri sings tic sacrifices, 29, 163; 30, 138 sq.; the praises of the sacrificial horse, 44, Brâhmana recites prayers at ordeals, 384; the Brahman p. is the highest 33, 105 n., 107, 108 n., 109; chief seat of speech, 44, 391; the Hotri judge at an ordeal like an officiating is the sacrifice, 44, 460; the Brah- p. at a sacrifice, 33, 250 ; sacrificers man is the best physician among of the same family employ p. of the the officiating p., 44, 483; Agni as same family, 34, 226; the fruit of Hotri or Purohita p., 46, 1,6,8, &c.; meditations in which the p. is the see Agni (q); Agni is Adhvaryu, agent goes to the sacrificer, 38, 321 ; Hotri, Prasastri, Potri, &c., 46, 96, Brahman, the priesthood, created, 98 sq., 108 sq., III, 186, 189, 303, 43, 73; the sacrificer is the body of 348 sq. ; with the five Adhvaryus the sacrifice, the officiating p. the the seven p, watch the footstep of limbs, 43, 280 ; 44, 236; order in the bird (Agni), 46, 249; the Hotri which the p. are initiated for the is called the carrier (of the gods), sacrificial session, 44, 135-8; Brah46, 281 sq.; the Hotri called upon modya or theological discussions to sacrifice, 46, 303.
between p., as part of ceremony, (6) FUNCTIONS, DUTIES, AND QUALI- 44, 314, 388-91; the p.'s colloquy FICATIONS OF INDIAN P.
with the king's wives at the horseProcession of p., 1, 21; 26, 305 n., sacrifice, 44, 324-6, 386 sq.; seated 306; may perform sacrificial acts around the king at the horse-sacri. without knowing their hidden mean- fice, 44, 360 sq.; Brâhmana p. insult ing, 1, 36; 38, 254 ; duties of the a Gaina monk, and are punished by various p. at the sacrifice, 1, 69, Yakshas, 45, 51-4 ; Ardraka's dia69 n.; 12, passim, 138-43, 145 sq., logue with a Vedic p., 45, 417; 236-56, 236 n., 274-6, 297, 298 n., have established Agni and pressed 392 sq. n., 396, 400-6, 411, 413, Soma, 46, 42, 52; Praisha, t.t. of 431 sq.; 14, 193-5; 15, 122-5; 26, the sacrificial commands of one p. passim; 30, 331 sq.; 41, passim; 43, to another, 46, 164, 165; meditapassim, 191 sq., 194 sq., 282-4, 288 tions on elements of the sacrifice, n., 298; 44, passim, 93 sq., 459; to be performed by the p., not by places of the p. at the Mahâvrata the sacrificer, 48, 707 sq. ceremony, 1, 174 sq.; only Brâh- (c) RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF P. manas may be, and Brâhmanas shall IN INDIA, HONOUR DUE TO THEM. be p., 2, 124; 8, 359; 12, 25, 25 n.; Crime of slaying initiated p., 2, 26, 129 sq.; 30, 321; requirements 79, 81; received as guests, 2, 120, of an officiating p., 7, 122; 25, 56; 205; 14, 49, 245; 25, 96, 97 n.; those only who possess true know- 29, 87 n., 88, 197, 273, 276, 435; ledge and serenity of mind, are true 30, 132, 279; Daiva marriage for p., p., 10 (i), 7 sq., 8 n.; sacrificing p. 2, 127, 197; 7, 107; 14, 6, 205; 25, who slay innocent cows, blamed, 80; 29, 166; 33, 173 sq. ; reverence 10 (ii), 51; sacrifices and the priest- towards one who has performed hood, 12, ix-xix; ceremony of the Dîkshanîyeshti of a Soma sacrichoosing the p., 12, 6 sq., 375; 26, fice, 2, 188; how to be honoured, 107; 29, 193-7 ; what blessings the 2, 209; 12, 276; 14, 67, 155; sacrip. invoke at the sacrifice, that is for ficing a means of livelihood for the sacrificer, 12, 77, 77 n., 253; Brâhmanas, 2, 227, 227 n.; he who keep up the tradition as to the sac- forsakes p. becomes an outcast, 2, rifice, 12, 140 sq. ; p. who neglect 282; ignorant p. must be forsaken, Veda-study and sacrifices become 2, 282; Lakshmî resides in officiating outcasts, 14, 68; sin of sacrificer P., 7, 299; the 'man-gods,'12, 86 n.; falls on negligent p., 14, 101; 25 carry the sacrifice to the gods, 12, 309, 309 n.; excommunication of 92; are repellers of the Rakshas, an outcast in the presence of p., 25, 12, 93; consequences of cursing a 468; blameworthy p. make the ship Hotri, 12, 122-4 ; must be satisfied
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