on the completion of the sacrifice, householder's duty, 45, 62 sq., 137, 12, 208; 'the Brahman's portion' 137 n.; may he with the help of his at the new and full moon sacrifice, p. become a gainer, 46, 16; the wise 12, 212-15, 213 sq.n.; when chosen, poets, i. e. p., protect Agni and the Hotri becomes non-human, by search for him, 46, 167. See also touching the earth he becomes Brâhmanas, Dakshinâs, and Holy human at the end of the sacrifice, persons. 12, 255 sq.; garments used at an (d) POSITION (AUTHORITY, FEES, expiatory rite given to p., 12, 406 &c.) OF PARSI P. sq.; eat the sacrificial food, 12, 415, Ardashîr, both a king and a p., 437; Snataka must not go to a 4, xli; a house with a (domestic) p. sacrifice, except when chosen as a within the Zoroastrian ideal, 4, 23; p., 14, 62 ; on property obtained for pay by blessings, 4, 86, 86 n., 132; performing sacrifices, 14, 81; im- stipends, fees, gifts due to p., 4, purity on the death of officiating p., 132 sq.; 18, 28 n., 145-51, 201-9, 14, 177; 25, 182 ; take inheritance 242 sq., 245-55, 245 n. ; 37, 101, of people who die without legitimate 422, 440 ; 47, 91; Vohunazga dog heirs, 14, 179; funeral rites for p., compared with the p., 4, 161, 161 n.; 14, 182; costume of p., 14, 186-8; on the unworthy Athravan, 4, 193; quarrels with p. to be avoided, 25, as the Ahû (prince) is excellent, so 157; rule over the world of the is the Rahu (p.), 4, 279-81, 280 n.; gods, 25, 157; breach of contract 31, 212 sq., 222, 228, 230, 253-5, between sacrificer and p., 25, 321; 281, 309, 323, 343, 372, 381; Zorowhere wise p. perform the sacrifice, astrian priesthood hereditary, 4, that is the best sacrificial ground, 313 n.; in partnership, assemblies, 26, 2 n., 3; Tânûnaptra, covenant associations, 4, 315 n., 341; 37, 92 between the sacrificer and his p., sq., 114 sq. ; any one of the faithful, 26, 93-7, 93 n., 100; they strengthen even a woman or a child, may be a the sacrifice, 26, 101; the Brâhmana P., 4, 327; are the authorities on or p. has power over cattle, 26, 219 all religious questions, 5, 74, 309; sq., 220 n.; guilt of oppressing P., 18, 9, 19, 296 sq., 316-20; 24, 7, 26, 258; prepare for the sacrificer 145, 257, 359 ; 37, 285, 460; neanother self in yonder world, 26, cessity and worthiness of high-p., 5, 341; any p. can be a Brahman now, 109, 339 ; 37, 192, 231-3, 244, 479; 26, 434, 434 n. ; judges and p. com- spiritual chieftains of the regions of pared, 33, 289; to be punished by the earth, 5, 115 sq.; family of the admonition only, 33, 387; auspicious Môbads, 5, 142, 142 n., 145-8; Isaddialogue between the Brahman and vâstar, chief of p., 5, 142 ; good the king, 41, 108-10, 108 sq. n.; and bad p., 5, 206 sq. ; 23, 155 sq.; the p. (ritvig) are the seasons (ritn), 37, 20; Péshyôtanû becomes high44, 38, 44 sq., 246, 259; how the p., 5, 229 sq. ; atonement ordained sacrificer's welfare depends on the by and confession to be made to p., p.'s modes of offering, 44, 56-60; 5, 290 n., 300 n., 301-7, 354, 363 ; the priest Saulvâyana taught by a 24, 95, 289, 308, 353; 37, 41; highhouseholder, 44, 61 sq. ; through priest passing away in idolatry, 5, the p. the sacrifice is made to pros- 309 ; initiation of p., 5, 315, 315 n., per, 44, 231; the p. called buffaloes, 354, 354 n.; 18, 234, 234 n., 44, 231; cups of liquor drunk by 236; meat-offering to the fravashi the p. at the Sautrâmanî, 44, 245-7; of p., 5, 337 ; submission to p. brace up the sacrificer to energy, enjoined, 5, 385 ; 24, 78; 37, 94, 44, 256; greatness of Pragâpati 295; 47, 170; troops maintained entered the great sacrificial p., 44, by high-p., 18, xxvii, 290, 290 n., 275, 275 n.; four regions belonging 346 sq.; pontifts, p., high-p., judges, to the four p., 44, 402, 412; par- and other religious leaders, 18, 6; take of the residue of the Gharma, high-p. provided in every age for the 44, 489 n.; feeding learned p., a protection of creatures, 18, 51;
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