Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 458
________________ PRAYERS 441 182, 182 n., 192, 192 n., 207, 477; repels the demons by singing sacred when and why p. should be words, 4, 208-10; addressed to a addressed to angels and archangels, tree, 4, 215; at purificatory rites, 4, 5, 312-14; inward p., 5, 321; 18, 216 sq.; 18, 307, 307 n., 309, 309 n., 134, 134 n., 135 n.; 37, 332 ; must 316 sq. ; invocations of the creation be properly recited, not mumbled, of Alura-Mazda, of the gods, &c., 5, 327 sq., 370 sq., 370 n.; 24, 106; 4, 220-4; invocations for the pro37, 479 sq.; mystic signification of tection of the family, addressed to Gâthas and other p., 5, 352-69 ; how the waters and the sun, moon, and inen are led to meditation and p., stars, 4, 230-4; praise of the bull, 4, 18, 124, 124 n.; the sacred girdle 231; invocation to the rain as a heala token of worship at p., 18, 124 sq.; ing power, 4, 231; recited while putprostrations during p., 18, 124 n.; ting on new clothes, 4, 245; Thraê the precinct of p.,' the place used taona invoked against brigands, for a ceremony, 18, 163; sin of not 4, 245 sq.; morning and evening repeating the full grace before p., 4, 246 sq.; for the benefit of a drinking, 18, 233-6, 233 n.; bless member of the family who is travelings and curses in word and thought, ling,4,248; connected with sacrificial 23, 12, 12 sq. n., 20; the awful rites, 4, 248–50; 37, 94 sq.; bene. cursing thought of the wise, a genius, dictory formulas, 4, 369; 24, 269,269 23, 136, 153, 170, 191; the power n.; on killing a serpent, 4, 371 ; for of p. or spells against Daêvas and salvation in Paradise, 4, 386 ; recited other fiends, 23, 160-2; 31, 382; by Gâyônard, 5, 18; about p. to be blessing and curse, gâthas, p., and recited by a menstruous woman, 5, spells worshipped as deities, 23, 285; 277 sq., 278 n., 281; 24, 303 sq., 31, 200, 206, 211, 217, 221, 226, 303 n.; for tying the sacred girdle, 227 sq., 293-5, 326 sq., 331, 337, 5, 286, 286 1. ; 18, 128, 130-3, 340, 349, 361, 363 sq., 381 sq.; 131 n.; at fire worship, 5, 299, how the homage and glorifying of 299 n., 333, 333 n., 371; when the sacred beings are to be per making water, 5, 318, 318 n.; 24, formed, 24, 95 sq. ; good works of 317; Gâthas not to be recited over no use unless performed with the the dead, 5, 318; begging forgiveauthority of p., 24, 266 sq., 267 n.; ness for a person who has passed "the metric feet of zealous wor- away, 5, 319 sq. ; an Avesta to be ship,' 31, 174; a p. of Zarathustra, recited by an unmarried man, 5, 31, 230; p. and sacrifices offered to 323, 323 n.; on lying down and the gods, 31, 350 sq. ; effectual getting up, 5, 325 sq.; at the inorn. invocation, 37, 196; those who ing ablution, 5, 347; 24, 296, 313, pray become righteous, but not if 338; recited at sneezing, yawning, they are wishful sinners, 37, 197; and sighing, 5, 352 ; 24, 265 sq. ; 37, benefit of the liturgy, 37, 240 sq., 452; Gâthas and Mathras, and p. of 248, 333 ; perfection of p., 37, 298; blessings, for the propitiation of the the words of Zaratûst the best p., Yazads, 18, 61, 61 n.; 31, 208, 37, 397. 213 sq., 223, 259, 270 sq., 274-6; (e) ZOROASTRIAN P. FOR CERTAIN before and after eating, 18, 133-6 ; OCCASIONS, TO CERTAIN DIVINITIES. 24, 282-5; 37, 167, 182 sq.; at the P. to Ahura Mazda, 4, xlvii, 263, consecration of a sacred cake, 18, 293 ; 31, 28, &c.; formula of 141-5, 143 sq. n. ; 24, 314, 316 sq.; repentance, 4, lxxxvi; Earth pleased liturgies at the sacred ceremony, 18, by p. to Mithra, 4, 23; formula on 160 sq., 166-9; at the Bareshnûm taking an oath, 4, 49 n.; morning p. ceremony, 18, 437, 442-4, 447-54, to sinite the Daevas, 4, 197, 199; 448 n.; to Ardvi Sûra Anâhita for recited to atone for sins, 4, 202 sq.; success in battle, 23, 84 ; for help, the Word of Mazda, Zarathustra's joy, and every bliss to Mithra, 23, weapon against Angra Mainyu, 4, 120 sq., 126-8, 133 sq., 138 sq., 208, 212 ; 31, 312 sq.; Zarathustra 142 sq., 144, 148 sq., 155; to the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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