Fravashis to avert dangers, &c., 23, 185-230; occasions when p. are recited, 23, 311-13; for the protection of the mother and the newly born child, 23, 341; daily and monthly p. to sun and moon indispensable, 24, 264, 264 m.; to Ashi Vanguhi for earthly goods, 23, 272 sq.; benedictions (afrîngân) in honour of the departed souls, 24, 273 sq.; recited when disposing of nail-parings, 24, 275 sq., 275 n.; anything agreeable to be saluted with 'in the name of the sacred being,' 24, 276 sq.; recited to frighten away demons, 24, 292, 292 n.; no daily p. (Nyâyises) enjoined on women, 24, 320 sq.; duty of thanksgiving, 24, 328 sq.; daily p. to sun, moon, and fire, 24, 341, 357 sq.; 37, 168; recited before sleeping and when restless, 24, 348 sq.; recited after a death, 24, 351 sq.; p. of Zarathustra for the people, 31, 5, 12 sq.; for Grace and for the Words of Revelation, 31, 14-24; to Haoma to drive away death and other evils, 31, 236 sq., 238-40, 243 sq.; for sanctity and its benefits, 31, 292 sq.; for the dwelling of the sacrificer, 31, 310-12; the well-timed p. for blessings as it rules in the order of p., 31, 351; benediction of the priest on giving legal decision, 37, 61; nightly p., 37, 163; at cohabitation, 37, 208 sq.; comfort for the spirit of the liturgy, 37, 296. (f) CERTAIN ZOROASTRIAN P. (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED).
Afrigán Dahmán, a p. recited in honour of the dead, 23, 192 sq., 193 n.; 24, 283, 298; 31, 367-75; 37, 219 sq., 219 n.; the Afrin Dahmân, a p. of blessing on the house, 4, 289, 289 n., 291; the Abuna Vairya (Ahunavar) p., or Honover, 4, 100, 100 n., 251, 263, 287, 287 n., 355; 5, 157-9, 158 sq. n., 346 sq.; 18, 65 n.; 23, 23, 30 sq., 30 n., 36, 39, 42, 47, 49, 52 sq., 84 sq., 87, 89, 91, 109 sq., 118, 142, 158 sq., 163-7, 169, 178, 230 sq., 248 sq., 262, 268, 282 sq., 285, 287, 308, 328, 355-8, 361; 37, 5 sq. and n., 166, 172-4; 482 sq.; 47, xxvi, 69; libations without the Ah, flow
to the benefit of the Daevas, 4, 347; the Evil Spirit confounded by Aûharmazd's uttering the Ah., 5, 8 sq., 8 n.; 23, 274 sq.; 37, 11, II n.; when and how the Ah, and Ashem-vohû p. are to be recited, 5, 390-3; 37, 208 sq.; the Ah. is the best fiend-smiter, with it Zoroaster confounds the demons, 23, 160, 305; 37, 254 sq.; 47, xxv, 7, 58-60, 62 sq.; Ah. the divine word of Aûharmazd, 24, 65, 65 n.; 31, 264; the Ah. worshipped, 31, 227 sq., 253, 266, 281, 309; the Ah. first sung by Zarathustra, 31, 235, 235 n.; 37, 231; commentary (Zand) on the Ah., 31, 259-66; 37, 231 sq., 231 n., 453--61, 464; by chanting the Ah, the soul passes over the Kinvat bridge, 31, 261; prelude to the chief recital of the Ah., 31, 280 sq.; Ah. and other p. come to Sraosha, 31, 303; Ah., Ashem-vohû, and YêNhê hâtăm, 31, 312 sq., 336, 339; the wise offerings of the Ah., 31, 354; Ah. and other great p. extolled, 31, 393; the twenty-one words of the Ah., and the twenty-one Nasks, 37, xxix, xl, 7, 7 n., 9, 10 n., 12 n., 13 sq. n., 15 n., 19 n., 23-5 n., 31 n., 34 n., 35 n., 74 n., 92 n., 121 n., 152 n., 166 n., 169 n., 173 sq., 428, 433; the Ah., the first saying of revelation, 37, 13, 13 n.; the Ah. smites the fiends and heals, 37, 160, 165 sq. and n.; Ah. recited when spilling food after sunset or to the north, 37, 207, 207 n.; embodying the Ah., 37, 261; details about the Ah., 37, 303-8; Ah. a symbol of the Nasks, 37, 401-3, 404 n.; effect of reciting the Ah., 37, 451; the new-born Zoroaster utters the Ah., 47, xiv, 142, 142 n.; the power of the Airyama-ishyô, 4, 247; 23, 41, 43-7; 37, 302 sq.,403, 404 n., 405, 405 n.; the Ai. worshipped, 31, 293, 293 n., 337, 340, 380; the Ai. the greatest of all p., 31, 390; the Ardibebist Yast recited every day, 23, 41; Asha-Vabista p., 23, 356 sq.; the prayer Ashem-vobû, Praise of Asha, the epitome of religion, 4, 289, 376, 376 n., 383; 5, 75, 75 n., 212 sq. and n., 289, 333, 347; 23, 22, 30, 34 sq., 39-41, 48, 52 sq., 84 sq., 87 sq., 91 sq., 109 sq.,
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