Sâmans, 43, 288, 288 n.; the Patní- 91, 113, 118, 127 sq. and n., 274, samyágas, 44, 25, 37, 42-4; the 376; 43, 246, 252, 252 n.; 44, Abhyâroha of the Pavanána verses, 152 sq., 156-9, 163-7, 170 sq., and other Stotras, 15, 83 sq.; the 395-401, 405, 418-20; Sâmans and Pavamâna chants, during which the Stomas, used at the Agnikayana, 43, Soma becomes clarified, 26, 307-11, 4-14, 20, 26, 43, 59-70, 77-81, 85, 315, 315 11., 332 n., 333, 333 n., 92-4, 100, 143-6, 192, 217 sq., 220, 336 1., 357 11., 360 n.; 44, 235; 319; seveni Stomas, 43, 277, 314; Pávamáni verses means of purifi- all the gods, &c., all the Stomas cation, 2, 5 sq.; Praishas of the (hymn forms), all the Prishthas abide Maitrâvaruna priest, 46, 10; morn- here on new moon day, 44, 2; the ing-prayer (prátar-anuváka) on the Subrahmanyå litany, 25, 351, 351 n.; day of the Soma feast, 26, 226-32, 26, 81-3, 230 n., 455; the Südadohas 229 sq. n.; 41, xviii ; 43, 249, 249 n.; verse, 1, 187-93, 194 n.; 41, 301, 44, 92-4; Gaina monk should recite 305-7, 307 n., 316, 322, 348, 354, the Pratikramana-sútra, 45, 148 sq.; 366, 369, 376, 379, 381, 383, 386, hymn to be chosen for the pra-uga, 389, 393, 396, 398, 407; the Sûkta1, 161-5; Pravara mantra by which váka, 44, 37, 42-4; he who knows Agni is invited to assist the sacri- the Súryá hymn shall receive the ficer as Hotri, 12, 114-20, 114 n.; bride's shift, 29, 38, 171, UttaraPrishtha consisting of seven ele- Narayana litany at the Purushaments, 44, 2, 170 sq. ; 46, 335, medha, 44, 412; the Vaisvadeva 337 sq.; Puro'nuvákya and Praisha hymn at the Mahâvrata ceremony, and offering formula, 44, 391; 1, 197-9; the Vamadevya hymn, 8, Puroruk formula, 44, 391, 391 n., 277, 277 n.; knowledge of it, 38, Sámidbeni verses, recited at the 310 ; the Vatsapra hymn and rite at kindling of fire, 12, 96-114, 120-4, the building of the altar, 41, 261, 120 n.; 26,13; 30, 345 ; 41, 167 sq., 283-90; 43, 298; yágyás, see above 172, 174, 183 sq.; 44, 24 sq., 35, anuvâkyâs. See also Mantras, Sacred 39 sq., 65, 350, 352, 355-8; syllables, Sâman, Savitrî, Uktha, Samishtayagus, 44, 44; the Sam-yu- Veda, and Yagus. vâkas or All-hail' blessings, 12, (d) ZOROASTRIAN P. IN GENERAL. 254 sq. and n.; 26, 371, 371 n., 44, Blessings pronounced by priests, 29, 37, 42-4 ; the Sarpanáma for- 4, 86, 86 11. ; spells (the Holy Word) mulas, 41, 369-71; the Satarudriya, heal better than the knife, or herbs, p. to Rudra, 43, 150-81, 298; Satya 4, 87, 87 n.; 23, 44; priests who Saman, the true hymn, 41, 363, know the Holy Word, perform the 363 n.; Stotras and Sastras at the rite of purification, 4, 123; chanting allegorical sacrifice of concentration the Gâthas and saying p., the duty of mind, 8, 280; the different of Zoroastrians, 4, 195, 287, 383; Stomas or forms of chanting stotras, 5, 212 sq., 380 sq., 381 n.; 23, 316, 26, 308 sq. n., 313, 313 n.; Stotras 320 n., 344 ; 37, 35, 192; the Holy or hymns of the Udgâtri, and Word shall keep away the evil, 4, Sastras, songs of praise, recited by 232-4; rules for the priest with the Hotri, 26, 323 sq. n., 325 sq. n., regard to the recitation of p. and
regard to the r 326 sq, n., 336 sq. n., 339, 339 n., singing of the Gâthas, 4, 317-31; 361 n., 368–70 n., 373, 375, 387, 37, 195 sq.; the limits of the five 397 sq. n., 401, 401 1., 405 sq. 1., Gathas (Gâhs), 4, 331-7, 331 n.; 418 n., 451 sq., 451 n.; Stotras are the poor who recite p. celebrate taught in the three Vedas, and so the festival, but the rich who sacrialso the meditations resting on fice, and do not recite p., do not them, 38, 282 sq.; Stotras and celebrate it, 4, 337-9; 'stimulator of Sastras, Sâmans and Stomas, at religious formulas,' a god, 5, 228; Soma sacrifices, and sacrificial sin of interrupting p. by chatter, 5, sessions, 41, xii-xxiv, 8 sq. n., 11 n., 287 sq., 288 1., 290-3, 291 n., 321 ; 1 2 11., 15 sq. n., 41, 41 n., 69 n., 81, 24, 11, 11 n., 283 sq., 283 n.; 37,
9;,451 n.; Stof sq. 1., Gåth295 sq.; the lin
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