Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford
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435 statements regarding them, 33, 3, Pranîtâuh, see Water (6). 74-9; called graha, seizers, 38, 79, Prâptasena, the 44th Tathậgata, 83; although guided by divinities, 49 (ü), 6. are yet connected with the indi- Prasastri, see Priests (a). vidual soul, 38, 92 sq. ; are not func- Prasenagit, king of Kosala, 19, 213, tions of the chief vital air, 38, 94; 213 n., 230-10. when a new body is obtained, they Praskaniva Kânva, author of hymns also go from the old body to the addressed to matutinal deities, 46, new one, 38, 105; at the time of 37, 39, 42 sq. death the P. go to the other gods, Prasna-upanishad, quoted, 8, 20 38, 105 sq.; do not depart from the and notes on 65, 79, 81, 123, 152, embodied soul of him who knows 166, 176, 259, 271, 390 sq. ; 34, xliii; Brahman, 38, 372 sq. ; are Rishis, 38, 428; 48, 778; translated, 15, 41, 143, 333; 43, xxi n., 60, 122, xlii sq., 269-84. 174, 185; 48, 568 sq.; Pragâpati Prasnavâhanaka Kula of the Kauproduces creatures by union with tika Gana, 22, 292. the P., the life-sustaining gods, 43, Prâsnîputra Asurivâsin, n.p., 15, 32, 34; put into the body of Agni 226. (the fire-altar), 43, 51, 54-61, 90 Prâtahsavana, see Sacrifice (i). sq., 136, 138-44, 149, 209-12, 214, Pratâpavat, the 2nd Tathâgata, 49 220; identified with Agni, 43, 70; (ii), 6. assist Pragâpati in the creation, 43, Pratardana, the son of Divod@sa, 72-6; are the highest of all this came to the abode of Indra, instiuniverse, 43, 149; the Sâmans are tuted the inner Agnihotra, 1, 283, P., and the P. are immortality, 43, 293 sqq.; 34, 97-9, TOT; 38, 305 sq.; 177 sq.; are the gods among the 48, 250-4. gods, 43, 185 sq., 304; are the in. Pratibimbavâda, Sk., t.t., the docmortal element, 43, 220; food con- trine that the soul is a reflection of the veyed to them, 43, 347 sq.; mind, Self in the buddhi, 34, lviii, xcvii sq. speech, and the other P., 43, 376-9; Pratibodha, the watchful divinity, work incomplete without P., P. in. or the Sage Watchful, 42, 54, 60, complete without work, 43, 379; the 571. mouth is the extreme end of the P., Prâtîbodhî, n. of a wife of Hrasva 44, 76; speech, breath, eye, and Mândûkeya, 1, 253. other P., 44, 174; imperishable are Pratîdarsa Svaikna performed the the P., 44, 174; the sacred fires Dâkshâyana sacrifice, 12, 376 ; P. identified with them, 44, 190; the Aibhâvata questioned by Suplan bearer of P., i.e, the individual soul, Sârñgaya, 44, 239, 239 n. 48, 298, 554 sq.; the rule of the soul Pratihartri, see Priests (a). and the presiding divinities (Agni, Pratîkîna, back-hurler,' the de&c.) over the P. proceeds from the scendant of Angiras, 42, 73, 603. will of Brahman, 48, 575-7; all P. Pratîkopâsana, see Meditation, are 'organs' except the vital breath, Pratikramana, Gaina t.t., expiation 48, 577 sq.; soul, when passing out of sins enjoined by Mahâvîra, 45, from the body, followed by the P., 434 sq., 434 n. 48, 586. See also Organs, and Senses. Prâtimoksha, see Pâtimokkha. Prânasamvada, Sk., the quarrel of Prâtipîya, see Balhika P. the senses, 1, 72 n. ; 34, lxx. See Pratiprasthâtri, see Priests (a). also Prânas (C).
Pratitheyî, see Vadavâ P. Prânata Kalpa, the tenth world of Prâtrida, n.p., 15, 194. the gods, 22, 271.
Pratyânîka, King, oblation (at the Pranava, t.t., the drawing out of wedding) to, 29, 32. the syllable Oni, see Oin.
Pratyavarohana, see Serpents. Prânavidyâ or prânasamyâda, t.c., Pratyekabuddhas, the vehicle of 1, 72 n., 234 n., 236 ; 34, lxviii; 38, the, 21, 10,78-80, 88 sq.; men who 200 sq., 212. See Pranas (c).
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