flowers brought by G. for Faith, 29, performed in the ga-hall, 30, 219, 316; 30, 168; employed charms, 287; allowed by Nárada, 33, xv; 42, 23 sq., 319; dug up a plant, to property acquired by g. is "black promote the growth of his daughter's wealth,' 33, 54; gamblers not to be hair, 42, 31, 537; the Rishi G. is the witnesses, 33, 83, 87, 303; game of eye, 43, 9; Rishi of apri-verses, 44, dice and ceremonies on the gaming302 ; is Pragâpati, 44, 302.
ground at the king's consecration, Gâmadagnyas, descendants of 41, 63 sq., 106-8, 106 sq. n., 109 n., Gamadagni, see Gamadagni.
Tu sq.; the gaming-board is fire, Gâmâspa, Gâmâsp, one of the first and the dice its coals, 41, 64, 112; converts of Zoroaster, 4, 359; 23, prayers and rites for success in 8., 331 ; 31, 250; 37, 230; 47, 125; 42, 69, 149-51, 412 sq., 548 sq.; meat-offering to the Fravashi of G., the brilliancy of the dice, 42, 116; 5, 336, 336 n.; of the Hvôvas, the meat, liquor, and dice, 42, 144, 493; high-priest, 18, 149, 149 n.; 23, 207 dice used for magic cures, 42, 470; sq., 208 n.; his care for the sacred a gambler sacrificed to dice at the fire, 18, 380; sacrifices to Anâhita, Purushamedha, 44, 414, 416. See 23, 70, 70 n.; the younger, 23, 219; also Parables (f). prime minister of Vistâspa, 23, Gambû, disciple of Sambhûta324-6, 329; champion of Zoroas- vigaya, 22, 289; of the Gautama trianisin, 31, 76, 76 n., 166, 166 n.; gotra, a Sthavira, 22, 295, 295 n. the Hvôgva, gained the kingdom of Gambudipa, or India, so called Ahura, 31, 185 sq. ; habits of after the Gambu tree, 13, 127. Frashồstar and G., 37, 130, 130 n.; Gambu-gâma, Buddha at, 11, 66. praise of G., 37, 290, 297 ; Pôrûkâst Gambuka, the naked ascetic, 36, his wife, 37, 299 sq., 299 n.; the 249. learned, 37, 397 ; words of G. in the Gâmbûnada-prabhâsa: Mahâ-KâMathra, 37, 406; made omniscient, tyâyana is to be the future Buddha 47, xxiji; had the Avesta written on G., 21, 148 sq. ox-hides, 47, xxx, 127; passes away, Gambûnâman, n. of a Sthavira, 22, 47, XXX; priest of priests after 287. Zoroaster, 47, 165.
Gambûsvâmin, disciple of SudharGambha, n, of an Asura, 42, 572. man, 22, 1. Gambling, and betting, law about, Games : list of g. and amusements
2, 162; 25, lxx sq., Ixxx, cix, 254, forbidden to Bhikkhus, 11, 193; 282, 380 sq.; 33, 45, 212-14, 271, 17, 348 sq.; the game of pitch-pot, 329, 385 sq.; forbidden for Brah- 27, 50 sq., 28, 397-401; monks makârins and Snatakas, 2, 188; 7, should not play ashtapada (chess ?), 227; 25, 140; house to be built so 45, 303, 303 n. See also Hunting. that it should be free from &., 2, Gâmi, the goddess of maternity, 42, 212; gambler and keeper of g.- 323, 323 n. house excluded froin Sraddhas, 2, Gamshed, i.e. Yima, 4, 10. 258; 25, 103, 105, 105 n.; for- Gana : meaning of the terms G., bidden, 6, 32, 32 n., 110; success in Kula, and Sakhâ, 22, 288 n.; the g., acquired by a Sraddha, 7, 245; head or founder of a G., one of the of cheats Krishna is the game of superiors of Gaina monks, 22, 306. dice, 8, 91; belongs to the quality Gâna, see Vrisa G. of passion, 8, 324; a cause of loss, Ganadatta, disciple of Bhadrabahu, 10 (ii), 18; a game of dice played 22, 289. by the priests at the laying down of Ganadhara, Gaina t.t. = chief disthe Sabhya fire, 12, 302 n.; a sin, ciple, 22, U., 306; Ganas and G. 14, 220; a vice of kings, 25, 223; of Pârsva, 22, 273 sq.; Arishtanemi gamblers are open rogues, had eighteen G., 22, 278; Rishabha
thorns' to be removed by the had eighty-four G., 22, 284; Mahaking, 25, 387, 494 ; 33, 223, 360 sq.; vîra had nine Ganas and eleven G., ceremony against the dog-demon 22, 286 sq.; the G. and their dis
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