(6) IN IRAN.
appointed k., 3, 243 sq. ; 'Kinged The wicked are rebels against the by God,' 3, 319; prerogatives of k. k., 4, 189, 192; should deserve good with regard to certain sacrifices, 3, renown here below, and long bliss 405 n.; filial piety in the Son of hereafter, 4, 253, 253 n.; the most Heaven, 3, 467 sq., 479; love renexcellent thing in the world is to dered to the mother, reverence to have an Ahu and a Ratu (prince and the k., both to the father, 3, 470; priest), 4, 279-81, 279 n.; Kingly benevolence shown by k. in their Glory or Glory of the Kavis invoked hunting expeditions, 16, 75, 76 n.; and worshipped, 23, 7 sq., 7 n., II k.'s father' and 'ki's mother' sq., II n., 15, 19, 93, 286, 289-97, in Chinese = 'grandfather' and 302-9, 339, 358; Nairyô-Sangha grandmother,' 16, 133 n.; ancient dwells in the navel of k., 23, 8, 8 1., k. examined the different regions of 16, 358; must possess twelve vir- the kingdom, 16, 292; promulgates tues, 23, 25 n.; Kingly Glory drives his announcements throughout the behind Mithra's chariot, 23, 136, four quarters of the kingdom, 16, 153; Kingly Glory (genius) present 321; date of marriage to be anat the ordeal, 23, 170; ks. worship nounced to the k., 27,78; etiquette Kista, wishing peace for their to be observed in eating with a k., country, 23, 268; the punishment 27, 81 sq.; rules concerning a ki's for installing an evil k., 31, 39, carriage, 27, 94-8; etiquette to be 48 sq.
observed before a k., 27, 103; must (C) IN CHINA,
not leave his gems without good Titles of Chinese k. Sons of reason, 27, 106; how one should Heaven,' &c., 3, xxiii, XXV-xxix, try to stop a k. from leaving his xxv n. ; 27, 107 sq. ; 39, 331; Re- state, 27, 107; announcement of a corders, Annalists, Historiogra- k.'s death, 27, 108; members of the phers, and clerks at the courts of royal harem, 27, 109; certain things Chinese k., 3, 4-6, 153, 155; mutual that should not be said of k., 27, relation of sovereign and people, 3, 113; sacrifices to be offered by the 50, 58-62, 97, 102-12; 16, 296, k., 27, 116; rules for discharging 297 n.; called 'The One Man, 3, royal orders, 27, 118; mourning 79, 89-91, 89 n., 100, 105, 107, 109, for a k.'s mother or wife, 27, 155; 127 sq., 130, 154, 163, 170, 178, keep their coffin deposited away, 27, 198 sq., 207, 213, 228, 234, 244, 156 sq.; funeral rites for k., 27, 157– 253, 260, 266, 394; 27, 107; duties 61, 173-5; messages of condolence of a k., 3, 79 sq., 92-103, 142-4; from k., 27, 163; mourning of the the k. is the parent of the people, heir on the ki's death, 27, 179; 3, 125, 144, 483; he who soothes us superiors should pay regard to is our sovereign ; he who oppresses us popular opinion, 28, 288; the kingis our enemy, 3, 130; only the k. dom is a 'spirit-like vessel,' 39, 72; entitled to receive revenues, 3, call themselves orphans,' 39, 82, 144 sq.; exhortations addressed to 85; rulers of the world are to act a k., 3, 150 sq., 166-71, 190 sq., in accordance with the spontaneity 212 sq.; the virtue of reverence to of Heaven, 39, 143, 307-14, 307 n.; be cultivated by a k., 3, 182, 184-7, the way of Heaven is to be the way 191 ; offerings made to the k. or of Tis and k. and sages, 39, 144, Son of Heaven (by feudal princes), 330 sq., 334-8; k. and sages who 3, 184, 184 n., 188, 191, 445 sq., resigned or refused a throne, 39, 446 n.; 16, 88, 285; 39, 105 sq.; 157 ; 40, 149-52, 161-3; what is model k. (according to the Tâo), the fullest discharge of loyalty, 39, 3, 201-4; 39, 82 sq., 136 sq., 145, 212; he who establishes the attri259-62, 267 n.; palace of a k., 3, butes of the Tâo is possessed of 236 sq. n. ; installing the new k. on kingly qualities, 39, 310 sq. : the death of his father, 3, 237-42; sovereign, 'the correlate of Heaven, presents offered to the newly 39, 312 sq., 312 1. ; the right course
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