sacrifice, 12, 32, 62 sq., 83, 86, 96, hexagrams indicated by the numbers 127; 26, 35, 38, 81, 145 sq., 166, six and nine, 16, 58, 58 sq. n. ; cate200 sq., 291; the number three in gories of six, 28, 482; six elemental the Nâkiketa rite, 15, 5; three influences, 39, 301, 301 n. ; six years,' i.e. a long time, 16, 164 n. ; Extreme Points and five Elements food, or cattle, is threefold, 26, belonging to Heaven, 39, 346; six 28, 172; categories of three, 28, things that obstruct the course of 483 sq.; three forms of evil, 39, the Tão, 40, 87 sq.; six confines 313 n., 314; three poisons (greed, of the world of space, 40, 96 sq., anger, stupidity), 40, 251; what 128; six faculties of perception, is threefold belongs to the gods, 40, 139, 139 n.; six parties in the 41, 21; the three distances, the social organization, 40, 178 sq., three ethers, 42, 92; thirty-three, 179 n.; six repositories of the 42, 102, 539; 43,76; 44, 164; threc person, 40, 210 sq ; six desires, 40, in magic, 42, 165, 526 ; Agni has 251;-seven, see separately; -eight three heads, three tongues, bodies, objects of government, 3, 140-2 ; &c., 46, 167, 281; the threefold 27, 230, 248; eight tribes of the song, 46, 293, 295; -four classes of Mân, 3, 150; 28, 30; eighty in the people, 3, 229; the four tribes, the fire-ritual, 12, 347 n.; eight the fourteen worlds, with all the n. abodes, worlds, gods, persons, 15, of beings, multiplied eighty-four 149; eight inonths of spring, 27, times, 15, 297; categories of four, 250, 251 n., 258, 262; eight sacri28, 476 ;-five duties, punishments, fices, 27, 431; categories of eight, courses of honourable conduct, 28, 474 ; eight qualities, 39, 188 sq. ; relationships, and ceremonies, 3, eight delights, 39, 293; men are 38-40, 43, 48 sq., 55 sq. and n.; liable to eight defects, and the con39, 335, 335 n., 349; 40, 178 sq., duct of affairs to four evils, 40, 179 1.; five seasons, 3, 55; 12, 196 sq., eight extreme conditions, 192, 280; 26, 24, 166; 44, 405; 40, 210 ; thrice-eighty sâmanfive colours, musical notes, six singers, 42, 89, 296 sq.; the year pitch-tubes, eight kinds of musical is eighteenfold, 43, 66; eighty instruments, 3, 59; 27, 382; 39, means food, 43, 92, 112 n., 161, 328 sq., 351 ; five orders of nobles, 223 ; symbolical significance of and relations of society, 3, 136 s., eight, 43, 190 ;-nine services to be 228, 251; five elements, personal accomplished by a ruler, 3, 47 sq.; matters, dividers of time, sources nine branches of kindred, 3, 54,88; of happiness, 3, 139-42, 140 sq. n., nine virtues, 3, 54 sq., 221; nine 142 n., 149; 27, 382; 40, 258 sq., divisions of the Great Plan,' 3, 270 ; five pairs of geins, 3, 239, 137-49; nine, a favourite n. with 239 n.; fivefold is the sacrifice, 12, Yü, 3, 138; nine tribes of the I, 3, 16, 16 n., 142, 144, 192, 280; 15, 150; 28, 30; nine regions, 3, 307, 50, 91; 26, 24, 166; 44, 405, 452; 307 n., 310; 39, 304, 304 n., 376; cattle are fivefold, 12, 219, 228; 40, 317; nine to 99,999 diseases, whatever exists is fivefold, 15, 50; 4, 236-40; categories of nine, 28, five beings, 15, 178, 178 n.; cate- 479 sq. ; nine openings, and six gories of five, 28, 475; five viscera, viscera, of the body, 39, 180; 40, 39, 294 sq. ; five forms of super- 252 sq.; ninety navigable streams, ciliousness, 40, 210; five mountains, 42, 74; nine and ninety, 42, 172; 40, 317; five tribes of men, 42, 92; sixteen nineties, 44, 288; ninety 44,399; see also Five-people; fifteen- strongholds of the Dâsas, 46, 263 ;fold is the thunderbolt, 44, 300 sq., ten cvil ways, 3, 94, 94 n.; Buddha 350 ; fifteen sets of victims at the possessed of ten Noble States, ten Asvamedha, 44, 308;-six occasions Powers, understands ten Paths of of suffering, six deplorable con- Kamma, and possesses ten attriditions, 3, 140, 149; 40, 184; butes of Arhatship, 13, 141 sq., catcdivided and undivided lines of the gories of ten, 28, 483; ten-ten means S.B. IND.
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