Zoroaster, 5, 140 sq., 140 n., 145; Paribhâshâs, 30, 312; quoted, 38, 47, 140.
428; 48, 69, 778. Paitisha, the most Daêva-like Panis, Agni concealed by the, 12,
amongst the Daêvas, 4, 224, 224 n. 245. Paitishahya, worshipped, 31, 198, Pañitabhûmi, Mahâvîra at, 22, 264. 205, 210, 216, 220, 224, 335, 338, Paskadasî, quoted, 34, xcii. 368, 370, 372.
Pañkaganâh, five-people, 34, xl, Paityarsvant, n.p., 23, 210.
257-62, 258 n. See Five-people. Pâka, the Daitya, 22, 222.
Pañ kâgnividyâ, knowledge of the Pâkayagña, son of Idà, n. of a five fires, a text, so called, 1, 274 ; teacher, 30, 39.
34, lxxxiii, cviii, 38, 187. See Fire. Pâkayagña, t.t., see Sacrifice (i). Pañkâlakanda, n. of a teacher, 1, Pâkîna-vamsa-dâya, Buddha at, 17, 255. 309-12.
Pañkâlas, or Pâñkâlas, Svetaketu in Pâkittiya, Pali t.t., see Sins (b). the assembly of, 1, 76; Kurus and Pakkeka-Buddha, is worthy of a P. in Vedic literature, 7, xv sq.; 12, dâgaba, 11, 93 sq., 93 n. See also xli-xliii, xlii n.; Brâhmanas of the Buddha (j), and Holy persons. Kurus and P., 15, 121, 145: PravaPakudha-Kakkâyana, n. of a hana Gaivali in the settlement of teacher, 10 (ii), xii, 86 sq. ; 11, the P., 15, 204; fight in the van of 106; 35, 8; an Arhat possessed of the battle, 25, 247, 247 n.; kings of Iddhi, 20, 79 ; his materialistic P., 44, 397, 400; 45, 58, 60 sq.; philosophy, 45, xxiv sq.
were formerly called Krivis, 44, Palâgala, t.t., courier of a king, 41, 397 sq.; enormous offering-gifts 67.
received by the Brâhmanas of the P., Pâlâgalî, t.t., a king's fourth wife, 44, 398. See also Kuru-Pañkâlas.
of low caste, 44, 3131., 349, 387. Pan-kăng, removes the capital from Palâsa tree, see Trees.
the north of the Ho to Yin on the Pali, old Vedic forms in, 10 (ii), south of it, 3, 103-12. xi sq.; P. Suttas, see Suttas, and Pâñkarâtra, the followers of the, Tipitaka.
i. e. the Bhâgavatas, 34, 442 ; system Pâlita, a merchant, father of Samu- of P. explained in the Mahâbhârata, drapâla, 45, 108.
48, 528 sq.; declared by Nârâyana, Palmistry, see Divination.
48, 529-31; Sâukhya, Yoga, Vedas, Pâmsava, see Asat P.
and Aranyakas together are called Păn, superintendent of officers' P., 48, 530. See also Bhâgavatas. registries, 27, 154 ; or Kung-shù Pañkarâtra-sâstra,' a great UpaniZo, 27, 184, 184 n.
shad,' the work of Vasudeva himPândava, n, of a mountain at Râga- self, 48, 528.
griha, 10 (ii), 68; 49 (i), 106. Paskarâtra-tantra, sets forth the Pândavas, and Kauravas, battle ot, Bhâgavata theory, is authoritative 8, 2 sq., 37 sq. ; 19, 330; Buddha for the Vedântin, 48, 524-31. like the P. in heroism, 49 (i), 106. Paskasikha, Kapila, and Asuri, 15, Pandita, Buddha's definition of a, xl; a heavenly being, converted by 10 (ii), 90 sq.
Buddha, 19, 242 ; a Smriti writer, Pându, Arguna, son of, 8, 229 sq., 34, 291 n. 255; incurred death by having Pañkatantra, and Mahâbhârata, 8, intercourse with his wife, 49 (i), 45. 139, 139 n. Panduka, one of the Khabbaggiya- Pañkavimsa-brâhmana, see Tând
Bhikkhus, 17, 329 sqq., 339, 341 sq. ya-mahâbrâhmana. Pândubhadra, disciple of Sambhûta- Panki, n, of a teacher, 12, 61, 61 n., vigaya, 22, 289.
3oo. Păng Zû, the long-lived, 39, 146, 364. Pannapattiyâ, see Pûrnapatrika. Pânini, his date, 8, 33; 12, XXXV- Pantheism : Vishnu as all-god, 7, xxxix; and the Vaiyâkaranas, 25, 287-91, 298-301; Vaipulya doctrine I sq. ; the sûtras of P., and the of Buddhism is pure p., 19, xi. .
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