the P., 8, 253; a name of Prakriti, the world, 34, 367-71; 48, 484-6; 8, 331; 'he who understands the P., does not modify itself spontaneously, is emancipated, 8, 370; meditated 34, 371 sq.; absence of a purpose upon by sages, is void of smell, on the part of the P., 34, 372 sq., taste, colour, touch, sound, 8, 382; 374; the soul may move the P. as is unperceived, 8, 382; not an in- the lame man moves the blind one, dependent power, but the power or as the magnet moves the iron, (sakti) of the Deva, 15, XXXV sq.; 34, 373 sq. ; the theory of P. the perishable P. is ruled by the im- adopted by Manu and other adheperishable Hara (God), 15, 235 sq.; rents of the Veda, 34, 394; Lord Brahman compared to a spider acts as ruler of the P. and of the drawing threads from the P., 15, souls, and P., soul, and Lord are of 263; the thinking Purusha abides mutually different nature, 34, 434within P. (nature), 15, 313; how 7; of infinite duration, 34, 438; the perception of P. takes place, 15, the same as sansara, 34, 439; 314; the Sânkhya doctrine of the through P. the souls obtain enjoyP.as the cause of the world refuted, ment and release, 38, 69; Vishnu 34, xxxii, xlvi, 1, xciii, cxvii, 16, as P., 48, 93; is perishable, 48, 16 n., 46 sq., 47-64, 70 sq., 135 sq., 139 ; independent of Brahman, 48, 139-42, 237-41, 238 n., 252, 257- 413; the master of the P, and the 60, 263, 290, 296, 313 sq., 353 sq., souls, the lord of the gunas, 48, 363-81, 437 sq.; 48, 200-8, 354- 469; God not the ruler of P., 48, 407, 475; the Upanishads teach 522 sq.; 'Brahman' used in the nothing like the P., 34, cxix, 252; sense of P., 48, 533. figuratively spoken of as thinking, Pradhvamsana, n. of a teacher, 34, 52 sqq.; cannot be designated 15, 120, 187. by the term 'Self,' 34, 55-60; the Pradyumna, Vasudeva, Sankarshainternal ruler is not the P. 34, na, and Aniruddha, 11, 267 n.; a 132 sq.; absolute bliss cannot re- manifestation of the highest being, sult from P., 34, 138; the abode of 34, xxiii, 441 sq.; cannot spring heaven, earth, &c., cannot be the from Sankarshana, 34, li, 441–2; P., 34, 154, 157 sq.; the supporting a form of Vasudeva, denotes the of all things up to ether cannot be mind (manas), 34, 440; Aniruddha the work of the P., 34, 170 sq.; cannot spring from P., 34, 441 sq. ; denoted by the Undeveloped,' 34, the internal organ so called by the 238, 245 sqq. ; by the term P. the Bhagavatas, 48, 524-6. Sânkhya understands the antece- Pragâpati. dent condition of the world, 34,
(a) P. a supreme God and creator; the 242; is something to be cognized, Pragâpatis. 34, 246; is not spoken of as an
(6) Other mythological conceptions of P.
(c) Worship of P. object of knowledge, 34, 246 sq. ; (d) P. as a teacher. not mentioned among the subjects (e) P. in philosophy and mysticism. of discussion in the colloquy be- (a) P. A SUPREME GOD AND CREAtween Yama and Nakiketas, 34, TOR; THE PRAGÂPATIS. 247-52; is not denoted by agâ, 34, Is the father of gods, (men), and 252-7; why it is treated in the Asuras, 1, 4; 12, 54, 54 11., 59, 110, Vedânta-sûtras, 34, 288 sq., 317; 144, 153, 198, 265, 279, 286, 370 ; assumed by the Yoga-smriti, 34, 15, 78, 189; 26, 31, 105, 135, 142, 296; non-intelligent P. cannot be 301; 41, I, 254, 256, 289, 387; the cause of intelligent soul, 34, 43, xvii, 59 sq., 193, 257; 44, 22, 308; 48, 205; is the state of equi- 105, 152, 423, 429 ; brooded on the librium of the three gunas, 34, 353, worlds, and from them Sacrifice, 364 n., 366 sq.; 48, 201 ; argu- and the sacred syllables, proceeded, ments of the Sânkhyas for the 1, 35; called Ka, 1, 59 n. ; see also threefold P., 34, 364; is not in- Ka; created the three worlds, the telligent, therefore cannot produce three lights (Agni, Vâyu, and Sûrya),
944, 153, 108.5, 54, 54 n., 59, 110,
by the Yoga-Sm! :: 357;
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