charms, 42, 117 sq., 58; sq. ; water- (apa-marg) sin, 44, 436–8, 437 n.; p., and a frog, used with charms to care and propitiation of p., 47, 162, ward off fire, 42, 147, 514 sq.; used 168. See also Amerôdad, Hauragainst snake poison, 42, 154, 606-8; vadad, Hom, and Trees. - prayers and offerings to herbs Plato, Platonic ideas in Zoroastrianand trees, 2, 107; 12,333; 29, 219, ism, 4, lv. 347, 388 ; 30, 22, 154 ; 41, 340 Pleasure(s), devotee does not long sq.n.; 42, 119, 160, 44, 81, 87,206; for, 8, 47, 50, 66, 322, 341; are the Waters and P.invoked and worship- source of misery, 8, 66; celestial p. ped, 4, 245; 23, 8, 16, 26, 53, 193 sq., of gods, 8, 84 ; higher and lower p., 199, 227, 356; 26, 216 sq., 292; 8, 240, 287; produced from union 29, 306; 31, 199, 206, 210, 217, of Udâna and mind, 8, 275, 275 n.; 220, 225, 249, 257-9, 329, 362, 382, of the quality of Goodness, 8, 300 sq.; 385, 389; 32, 375; 44, 266, 438; what is p. ? 8, 311; are of the the evil spirit's conflict with the p., quality of passion, 8, 324 sq.; the 5, 17 sq., 30 sq., 176 sq.; origin of end of p. is grief, the end of grief is p. from the primaeval ox, 5, 45 sq., P., 8, 354 sq.; 10 (i), 56; the dangers 177-9; purification of polluted of sensual p., 10 (ii), 8 sqq., 146 sq.; trees, corn, fruits, 5, 274-6; not to 19, 121-30; 45, 62-9; 49 (i), 112-19; be looked at by a menstruous woman, what the world considers p., is really 5, 283; duties with regard to water pain, and vice versa, 10 (ii), 143 sq.; and p., the counterparts of Horvadad vanity of worldly p., 45, 58-61; arethe and Amerôdad, 5, 373, 377 sq.; cause of love and hatred, and a hinWaters and P. assist Tistrya, 23, 95, drance to final beatitude, 45, 187-92; 99, 101; Waters, P., Fravashis come p. and pain, 48, 152-5; see also for help, drive along with Mithra, Opposites, and Pain; nothing is in 23, 26, 145; the seeds of all p. on itself of the nature of p. or pain, 48, the tree of the eagle, 23, 173, 173 n.; 390; what are called p. are merely Fravashi of the p. worshipped, 23, remedies for pain, 49 (i), 116-18. 200; Waters and P. rejoice at Zara- Fledge, see Property. thustra's birth, 23, 202 ; the p. Pleiades, see Stars. Hadhânaêpata offered to the Waters, Poetry, the expression of earnest 31, 208, 223; the p. Hadhânaệpata thought, 3, 45, 275 sq.; p. and worshipped, 31, 270 sq.; the music, 3, 45, 275 sq.; Brâhmanas mothers of Agni, 41, 224, 227 sq., sing about the gifts, Râganyas about 294; the wives of the gods, 41, the victories of the sacrificer, 44, 242 ; are related to Soma, Soma 286 sq. their king, 41, 340 ; 42, 14, 44, 55, Poets, sinful liars, on whom the 162; 44, 135, 206; invoked as devils descend, 9, 99. divine beings, 42, 3, 160, 162; their Po-hwang, a primaeval sovereign, parents, 42, 20 sq., 30, 41-3, 97, 39, 287. 419-21, 465, 579; the food of Agni, Po-hwăn Wû-săn, warns Lieh- ze the offspring of the waters, 42, 42; in vain, 39, 160 sq.; 40, 202-4, called mothers, 42, 581; the hair of 202 n.; a famous Taoist teacher, the earth, 43, 208; as Apsaras, 39, 226; 40, 53 sq. Agni's mates, 43, 231; p. and trees, Po-î, minister to Shun, 3, 44, 44 n., the food of Agni, 43, 335; p. and 258; a pattern of justice, 3, 259; trees, the hair of the sacrificial died to maintain his fame, 39, 139, horse (Pragậpati), 43, 401; certain 273, 275; a worthy, but not a True p. arise from parts of the body of Man, 39, 239, 239 sq. 1)., 375 sq.; the bewitched Indra, 44, 214-16; declines to take office at the court offering to Grass and Lotus, 44, 336; of Wû, 40, 163-5; died of starvathe Fathers are the world of the p. tion, 40, 173. 44, 429; Samî plant gives peace Poison, see Ordeals, and Parables (f). (sam), Varana plant wards off (var) Po-kâomourning rites for, 27, sin, Apâmârga plant wipes away 134 sq., 134 n.
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