in the woods who does not know 67; a man lighting al. from arother the way (false philosopher), +5, 241; I., 35, 1; 1. gives light, but repeeping at the beavens through a mains luminous itself (Self compared tube, aiming at the earth with an with it), 48, 59; as one goes into a awl, 39, 389; some men do a busi- dark place with a light, so those ness themselves, others need help who wish for the supreme go with (some become Arhats at once, others the light of knowledge, 8, 379 sq.; by means of recitation, &c.), 36, a lost thing found -a jungle cleared 94 ; a man may go up the Himalaya, - Buddha rediscovers the lost but cannot bring the Himalaya here teaching of the Buddhas, 36, 15; (Nirvana), 36, 105; the man thrown the man in love with a woman whom into a trough of honey, 35, 88; mind he does not know, 11, 175 sq.; without senses is like a house with- man compared to a lute, 1, 263 sg.; out a door, 8, 270; the world a h. the lute the strings of which are too on fire, 19, 53, 103 ; 45, 90 sq.; much stretched or too loose, 17, 8; 49 (i), 54; a falling h. supported by the baby and the grown-up man are à prop, thus perseverance is a the same, and yet not the sane insupport, 35, 57; the apex the topdividual-compare the continuity of the h.- meditation, 35, 60; hs., of a person when reborn, 35, 6; ; trees and plants, pots, music, fire, the sick man is yet subject to fear images - do not spring up suddeniy, of medical instruments, &c. (so but gradually, 35, 83-6 ; life com- beings in hell are in fear of death), pared with a redhot iron, which 35, 211 sq.; a sick man wants cannot be taken hold of in any place, emetics, &c. (so for the wicked only 36, 198 sq.; if you do not give up restraint in food is enjoined, not for false doctrines you will repent of it, the Buddhas), 36, 7; oil given to as the man did who carried iron patients before purges are adminisbelieving it to be silver, 45, 269; tered, 36, 33; the parable of the final beatitude, an island in the sea Three Merchants, cach travelling of Sansara, 45, 313; people wander- with his capital : the capital is ing through a dense forest to the human life, the gain is heaven, 45, Isle of Jequcls, and their guide who xlii, 29 sq.; the milk is not the makes a magic city appear to give same, and yet the same, as the curds, them some repose-so Buddha with the butter, and the ghee-comp. fancied and real Nirvana, 21, 181-3, the continuity of a person, 35, 65, 187-9; men setting out on a journey 75; the mirror-the body, darktake provisions: why not take pro- ness-sleep, light—the mind, 36, visions on the journey to the world 158, 160, Buddhism compared to beyond, 4, 378 sq.; the inan who a stainless m. that is constantly for the sake of one Kakini loses a polished, 35, 189; mother-of-pearl thousand Kârshậpanas: worldly mistaken for silver, 34, 4 n., 5, 43; pleasures and divinc life, 45, 28 sq.; as a needle with its thread is not the bliss of knowledge and the in- lost, so the soul possessing the sacred convenience undergone in the pur- lore is not lost in the Sansara, 45, suit thereof, 36, 184 sq.; teacher 170; as the ocean remains unmoved, full of wisdom compared to a lake though all waters enter and fill it, full of water, 22, 49; a lamp lighting so the devotee, 8, 51; as rivers run up a house - so is wisdom, 35, 62 into the o., 8, 95, 307 ; the o. of sq., 67; the l. which burns the night this world, 8, 100, 179, 179 n., 245, through is the same and yet not 343 ; like billows in the o., 8, 388 ; the same in the three watches of the eight qualities of the o., and the night--so is the continuity of a the eight qualities of the Samgha, person, 35, 64; the letter written, 20, 301-5; 35, 131-4, 259; 36, 70 when the lis lit, remains after the sq.; the man who crosses the lanp is extinguished: reasoning shallow brook, but hesitates before ceases, and knowledge remains, 35, the mighty 0. (Pakkeka-Buddhas),
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