vay repezes the Lampared with. 35,
qualities, 35, 53 ; sticks, &c., cannot piled up on the other (so would the stand in the air (conversion cannot world be with two Buddhas), 36, take place without a cause), 36, 79 49; if two smashed cars were to sq.; untrained archers miss the unite there would be at least one fit mark, so fools cannot realize the for driving, 44, 198; the man in a religion of Buddha, 36, 71 sq.; cave, protected from rain, 35, 281 training in arehery comp. training sq. ; simile of the chariot yoked with for Nirvana, 36, 253 sq., 369-72; vicious horses (senses), 1,234; 8,187; the architect of a town begins by 15, 241; 34, 121, 239 sq., 244, 246; clearing the site- the recluse by 48, 355 sq., 370; going on foot, and good conduct, 35, 53; Buddha an driving in a carriage (progress of the a., his doctrine a city he has built, man of understanding and the man 36, 208-43; the small army break- devoid of it), 8, 380-2 ; simile of ing up a large one- perseverance, the ch. and its parts, 35, 43 sq.; 35, 57; the various parts of an a. the body the chariot, the mind the working for the same end--so all charioteer, the organs the reins, &c., the five good qualities, 35, 62; 1, 142 n. ; 8, 338 n., 386 ; 15,12 sq., thinking powers of the Buddhas like 292--5, 301; 48, 638 sq.; as the an excellent arrow, discharged by a ch. who leaves the smooth highpowerful man on a fine stuff, 35, way repents -- SO the fool who 159; the a. that does not reach its transgresses the Law, 35, 102 sq. ; aim (comp. premature death), 36, 45, 22; Pirit compared with a 169; a man in whose body sticks mother who chastises her child, 35, an a., does not extricate it, and the 218 sq.; a mother brings forth the arrow goes deeper and deeper in the ch, that is already there (Buddha flesh: so the deceitful man who brings to light the teaching of former does not confess his sin, 45, 362; Buddhas), 36, 15; toys given to hereties, blind men led by the blind, children before a task is appointed 11, 173 sq. and n.; 15, 8, 32, 343; to each of them, 36, 32 sq.; parents 45, 241 sq., 295; the blind-born and ch. (Buddha and the Order), man who is first cured, then be- 36, 52 sq.; the child-wife who, lieves he sees and knows everything, when grown up, is carried off by but is shown that he knows nothing, another; the latter punished, for finally acquires transcendent know the grown-up girl is derived from ledge-so the creatures blind with the child (Karman), 35, 74; a circle infatuation are led to Nirvana, 21, -illustrating the endlessness of the xxix, 129-41; blind man who had past, 35, 80 ; the city which denied caught hold of the ox's tail, 34, 55; God's favours, 6, 262; the embodied a blind man, though he have a light, spirit within the e. with nine gates, does not see : the heretics, 45, 317; 8, 65, 65 n., 317 sq.; 15, 247; the good deeds are like the boat carry- c. with one gate, 35, 90 sq. ; the ing stones, 35, 124; the b, that can guardian of a c., 35, 95; a man conbear only one man (the world can demned to death, but let off with harbear only one Tathagata), 36, 48; ing his hand or foot cut off, 35, 166 pushing along a b, on the dry land, sq.; six brothers are sentenced to d., 39, 353; a b. colliding with an one is spared, the father rejoices: empty vessel, 40, 31; a blind-born the householder who abstains from man getting into a leaky b. is slaughter of animals as he cannot drowned—so are heretics whirled spare the six kinds of living beings, round in the Samsara, 45, 243, 314; 45, 421 sq., 421 n., 424; the copper the burglar caught in the breach of vessel beaten into shape, 35, 96; the wall by his own work: a man as a coward takes to flight in battle, cannot escape the effect of Karman, so the unworthy recoils from the 45, 18; the carpenter, 35, 96; one restraints of Buddha's religion, 36, cart following the other (habit), 35, 72; cymbals elashing together, 35, 91; two full c., the load of one 93 ; the man escaped from a spot
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