Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 433
________________ 416 PARABLES-PÂRÂSARİKAUNDINIPUTRA stant supply of fresh w., 35, 187 the Bodhisattva, 19, 20-3; 49 (i), sq.; a dry log of wood cannot be 17-9; Saha world described as a revived by pouring w. over it (there kind of p., 21, 232 sq.; see also is no Pirit to prolong the life of one Ages of the World, Buddha-fields, whose allotted period has come to and Sukhâvatî ;- paradisiacal chaoan end), 35, 214 ; a tiny drop of w., tic state or state of Perfect Unity, and a mighty rain shower (vice and and its gradual deterioration, 39, virtue), 36, 154 sq. ; goodness com- 369-71; see also Tâo. pared to a pool of clear w. with the Pârâgika, t.t., explanation of it, w. coming and flowing away con- 13, 3 n.; sins termed p., or bringstantly, 36, 155 sq. ; tranquillity ing about defeat, 13, 3-6; sumexemplified by the surface of a pool mary of the P. rules, 20, 374-6; a of still w., 39, 232, 331, 366 ; prin- deliberate lie a P. offence, 35, xli; ciples of good government illustrated a layman who has unawares comby a well, 16, 164-6, 166 sq. n., mitted a P. offence, cannot be con253, 253 n., 327; the man who verted, 36, 78-81, 78 n. See also causes a w. to be dug in arid land, Sins (b). who at last is certain that water is Paramartha, translated the VagrakDear-like the Bodhisattvas, 21, 221, khedikâ into Chinese, 49 (ii), xüi. 224; you do not begin to dig a w. Parama-samhitâ, quoted, 48, 526 when you feel thirsty, nor set to sq. work to have fields ploughed when Paramâtman, the highest Self, see you feel hungry, nor inake a fortress Self. when the battle is set in array Paramatthakasutta, t.c. against you, 35, 102, 125 sq. ; the 152-4. wheel of worldly life described, with Parameshthin, taught by Brahman, its spokes, &c., 8, 355–8; Buddha 15, 120, 188; P. and the Sun, 41, compared to a mighty wind that has 188 sq., 190; in a list of gods, 42, died away, 35, 147-9; a mighty storm 80; splendour in Pragâpati, in P., cloud dispersed by the w. (comp. 42, 84; extended the thread of the premature death), 36, 167 sq.; sacrifice, 42, 208; prayer to P., 42, sense-organs compared with win- 209 sq., 665; Pragâpati P., 42, 215; domus, 35, 86 sq.; the famous Time supports P., 42, 225, 686; a beauty who frowns imitated by the layer of the fire-altar laid down by ugly woman, 39, 354; the body is means of P., 43, 130, 142; son of like a wound, 35, 115. Pragâpati, 44, 15 sq.; oblation to Paradhâtas, or Pêshdad, kings of the support the Soma-sacrifice, 44, 206. first Iranian dynasty, 4, 226 sq., 226n. Paramitâs, the six (five) perfections Paradise, of the Holy Ones, 4, 220 of a Buddha, 21, 243, 246, 249, 316, sq., 220 n., 221 n.; good deeds 318 sq., 355, 419; 49 (ii), 127. See reach P., 4, 247; every man is also Miracles, and Morality. born, so that on death he may have Parâsara, son of Sarasvata, 19, 10, P. as his reward, 4, 375; Haur- 10 n.; the Rishi P. deluded by a vatât and Aineretât reward the holy woman, 19, 44; 49 (i), 45; Vriddha ones in P., 23, 31, 31 n.; the beauti- P. reached final deliverance, 19, ful abodes of the Amesha-Spentas, 139; 49 (i), 130; worshipped at 23, 42 sq.; Good-Thought P., the Tarpana, 30, 244 ; quoted as Good- Word P., Good-Deed P., 23, Smriti autlior, 48, 72, 90, 92, 284, 43, 43 n., 317, 344; bliss of P., 23, 406, 410, 474, 478, 564, 593. 336 sq., 340 sq.; see also Aîrân-rêg, Parâsara Sâktya, author of Vedic Future Life (a), and Garô-nmânem; hymns, 46, 55, 58, 62, 65, 68, 71, -happiness of P., 6, 69 sq., 74; 75, 83, 89. P. for the Muhâgerîn, 6, 175; P. Fârâsara, n. of a great ascetic, 45, for the believers, 9, 225 sq.; see 269, 269 n. also Future Life (d) :-paradisiacal Pârâsarîkaundinîputra, n. of a state of the world on the birth of teacher, 15, 224 n. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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