423 Phassa, Pali t.t., touch, pain and among the members of a legal pleasure arise from it, 10 (ii), 136, assembly, 25, 510; Nyâya p., 34. 166.
15 n.; systems of p. known to Pheî.î, a perfect man, 39, 172 n.; Milinda, 35, 6; of Buddhism, 36, teacher of Wang I, 39, 312, 312 n. ; 361 sq., 362 sq. n.; philosophical instructs Nieh Khüeh about the controversies, 39, 128 sq., 176-97 ; Tâo, 40, 61 sq., 291.
Taoist and other Chinese systems Phî, grand-administrator of K2 of p., 39, 162 sq. ; 40, 214-32 ; five 27, 179.
schools of p., 40, 99 sq. ; philosoPhien, the wheelwright, and Duke phical hymns in the Atharva-veda, Hwan, 39, 343 sq.
42, xxix, xl, Ixvi; heretical doctrines Phî-î, see Phei-i.
of p. discussed from the Gaina point Philo Judaeus and Zoroastrianism of view, 45, ix, 235-47; the Kriya4, lv-lvii.
vâda held by the Gainas, the AkriyâPhilosophy, Âpastamba knows the vâda by the Buddhists, 45, xvi, xxv, Pîrva-Mîmâmsâ (called Nyâya by 83 n., 318 sq.; systems of p. menhim) and the Vedânta, 2, xxviii sq., tioned in Gaina and Buddhist writ121; Bhagavadgîtâ anterior to ings, 45, xxiii-xxvii; relation besystems of p., 8, 7-13; Sânkhya and tween Gainism and the Vaiseshika Yoga in the Bhagavadgîtâ, 8, 27, 47, system, 45, xxiv sq., XXXV-Xxxviii; 47 n., 52, 63 sq., 74 n. ; causes of Kshanikavâdins and Sûnyavadins, action according to the Sankhya 45, xxV; the system of Fatalisin system, 8, 123, 123 n.; no system described in Gaina and Buddhist of p. in the Sanatsugâtîya, 8, 144 sq.; writings, 45, XXV sq. ; Agnosticism Buddha sees no good in p., but seeks (Agñânavâda) as described in Budfor inward peace, 10 (ii), xii, xiv, dhist writings, 45, xxvi; influence 157-9, 160-3, 167; 11, 194 sq., 293 of heretical systems, esp. Agnostisq., 298 sq.; 35, 205 sq.; sixty- cism, on Gaina and Buddhist doc. three systems of p. at the time of trines, 45, xxvii-xxix; Vedânta, Buddha, 10 (ii), xiii, 93; the Bhikkhu Sankhya, and Gaina metaphysics, has shaken off the dogmas of p, and 45, xxxiii sq., 153 sq.; Mahâvîra is therefore independent, 10 (ii), had inastered all systems of p., 45, 148-50, 152-4; no one is purified 291 ; criticism of the four creeds: or becomes a Muni by p., 10 (ii), Kriyâvâda, Akriyâvâda, Vinayavâda, 150 sq., 199 sq. ; the different and Agñânavâda, 45, 315-17; refuschools of p. contradict each other, tation of Materialists, Vedântins, and constantly exciting strife in the Fatalists, 45, 339-47, 417 sq., 417 n.; world, 10 (ii), 167-74; the systems there are 306 systems of p. all teachof other teachers than Buddha are ing final beatitude: but their adhevoid of saints, 11, 106-8; summing rents do not abstain from injuring up of various systems of p., 15, 232 living beings, and are therefore sqq. and n.; Vedânta and Sankhya subject to the Samsara, 45, 385-7; systems, 15, 250 n.; metaphysical how philosophers treat one another, speculations, 19, 105-9; 49 (i), 99 45, 411 sq. See also Grânakânda, sq.; psychology and metaphysics of Heretics, Kâryâkas, Lokâyatikas, Arâda Kâlâma, 19, 133-41; 49 (i), Pûrva- Mîmâmsâ, and Vedanta. 124-32; Hetuvidyâ sâstras, works Phing, or 1-khill, King, delivers the on the explanation of causes, 19, charge to Marquis Wan, 3, 22, 209, 209 n.; preachers of the Lotus 265-7; the banished son of King of the True Law will have no Yû, bewails his fate, 3, 360. pleasure in worldly p., 21, 438 ; p. Phing, Duke, drinking with Kwang in Manu-smriti, 25, lxxiii; science and Lî Thiâo, 27, 179 sq. of dialectics to be learnt by the king, Phoenix, see Birds (6). 25, 222, 222 n. ; systems of p. not Phû-î-zze, an ancient Tâoist, 39, based on the Veda denounced, 25, 259, 259 n. 505 ; a logician and a Mîmâmsaka Phù-yau-king, Chinese translation
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