Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 437
________________ 420 PÂTIMOKKHA-PENANCES during the recitation of the P., 13, Pautimâshya, 11. of a teacher, 15, 50 sq. ; regulations concerning the 18, 185 sq. Uposatha ceremony and the recita- Pautimâshyâyana, n. of a teacher, tion of the P., 13, 239-97; various 15, 18 n. ways of reciting the P., 13, 260 sqq.; Pâvâ, the city of wealth, 10 (ii), 188; inust be recited in an audible voice, Buddha at P., 11, 70-2 ; 19, 285, 13, 265 sq.; laymen and certain 285 n.; the Mallas of P., 11, 133; Bhikkhus must not be present at Dâgaba at P., 11, 135. the recitation of the P., 13, 266, Pavamânîs, poets and hymns of the 295-7; 35, 232, 264-8, 264 n., 9th Mandala of the Rig-veda, 1, 265 n.; the Thera is master of the 217, 217 n. P., 13, 266-8; recitation of P. in Pâvana, etymology of, 15, 310. the case of unlearned Bhikkhus, 13, Pavaranâ, see Rainy Season. 267 sq., 272-4 ; after re-establish- Pâvârika, mango grove, at Nalanda, ment of concord among the Sangha, 11, 12, 14. 17, 322; Buddha enjoins reverence Favattinî, t.t., see Teachers (6). and obedience to the P., 19, 296; Payanghrô-makhsti, n.p., 23, 214. knowledge of P. rules required of Pâyâsi, the Râganya, addressed by a Bhikkhu who is to judge upon Kumâra Kassapa, 35, 275. conduct of other Bhikkhus, 20, 50 Pâzinah, 1.p., 23, 214. sq., 317; legal and illegal exclusion Peace: the Bhikkhu is to be a p.. from P. ceremony, 20, 299-319; maker, a lover of p., impassioned the P. ceremony for Bhikkhunîs, 20, for p., 11, 190 ; Gaina monks and 330 sq., 338 sq.; the five recitations nuns must avoid all quarrels and of the P., 36, 215. dispute, forp. is the essence of Patisaraniya-kamma, t.t., Act of monachism,' 22, 309; Âkhsti, Reconciliation, see Samgha (disci- genius of P., worshipped, 23, 4, 4 n., plinary proceedings). 13, 35, 37, 164, 249 ; 31, 345, 353; Patitthâna, of Alaka, 10 (ii), 188. the consort of P., 29, 346; inward Patka, n, of a Bhikshu, 49 (ii), 2. p., see Tranquillity. Patna, see Pâtaliputta. Pearl, and its shell, 42, 62, 383 sq.; Pâtrapâni, demon harassing infants, hynin strung as a p. on a thread, 29, 296; 30, 211, 44, 173; gold ps. woven into the Patriarchs, see Pragâpatis. hair of sacrificial horse, 44, 313. Pât-srôbô, king of the Arabs, 37, Peasantry, see Caste. 28, 28 n. Pedhâla, father of Udaka, 45, 420, Paul, the high-priest,' his words Pedu, his white horse that slays quoted, 24, 237. serpents, 29, 131, 204, 327, 330; Paulkasas, see Caste (f). 30, 238, 288; 42, 152 sq., 605--8. Pausâyana, see Dushtarîtu P. See also Horse (white). Paundras, became Vrishalas, 8, Pei-a, a class of sprites, 40, 19. 295. Pei-kung Shê, collector of taxes Paurânikas, refutation of their for Duke Ling of Wei, 40, 31 sq., views about creation, 45, ix, 244 sq., 289. 247, 247 n. Pei-măn Aăng, 1.9., 39, 348. Paurasishti, see Taponitya P. Penâhikâ bird, 36, 342 sq. Paurukutsya, see Trasadasyu. Penal Law, see Law, and PunishPâûrvâgîrya, grandfather of Aôsh- ments. nôr, 18, 171, 171 n. Penances (Sk. Prâyaskitta), enjoined Paurvikâ, daughter of Râhula, 49 when a mistake occurs during (i), 198. sacrifice, 1, 69 n.; 12, 27, 45, 56, Paushkarasâdi, see Pushkarasâdi. 214 sq. ; 26, 411-13, 411 n., 422 Paushkara-sanhitâ, quoted, 48, sq.; for those who have missed the 525. initiation rite, and for those whose Pautimâshîputra, n, of a teacher, ancestors have not been initiated, 15, 224. 2, 4-6; 14, 58; rules about p., 2, see Castorse, 44, Words Fedhâla, Digitized by Microsoft ®


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