Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 432
________________ PARABLES 415 35, 158 sq.; a man can cross the sq. ; robbers lying in ambush, caught 0., but cannot bring the other shore by the king (Buddha and Mara), here (Nirvana realized, but no 35, 222 sq.; Time or Days (Nights) cause), 36, 105; Nirvana as un- represented as r., 45, 63-5; the fathomable as the sea, 36, 186 sq. ; emancipated Bhikkhu compared to drop of water on the blade of grass, a rock unshaken by wind and rain, and the 0.: as human compared 17, 12 sq. ; seed cannot grow on a with divine pleasures, 45, 30 sq.; slab of r. (conversion of a sinful Buddha compared to a physician, 21, layman impossible), 36, 79; a blade 304-6, 309; 35, 116, 165, 168 sq., of grass broken by a heavy r. placed 240; the ph. with the five kinds of on it (layman dies by becoming drugs, 35, 68 sq. ; the sick man who an Arhat), 36, 97; the penumgoes to a skilled ph. but will not brae and the shadow, 39, 196 sq. ; allow himself to be cured (back- 40, 147; the man who tried to run sliders), 36, 64 sq., 67 sq.; training away from his sh., 40, 197; shipowner of a ph., comp. training for Nirvana, who has become wealthy, goes to 36, 254 sq.; the man rescued from distant countries (thirteen vows, a pit full of dead bodies (Nirvana), preparation for future bliss), 36,269; 36, 197; the inan preparing poisons, of the slave, and of the dumb man, and the man preparing ghee, honey, 6, 258; Buddha compared with the &c., 35, 94 sq.; he who eats poison sound of a drum that has died away, without knowing it, dies; who walks 35, 149; the s. of a brazen vessel into fire unawares, is burnt ; a man interrupted, if the vessel is touched bitten by a snake unawares, is killed; (comp. premature death), 36, 170 -an unconscious sin prevents con- sq.; the man making a staircase up version, 36, 80 sq.; the potter makes to something unknown, 11, 177; different pots out of the same clay, four obstructions of the sun and so there are disciples, Pratyeka-Bud- moon, and four stains by which dhas, and Bodhisattvas, though there Samanas and Brahmans are affected, is only one Buddha-vehicle, 21, 129, 20, 389 ; as s, and moon shine upon 136; the proud man's garden de- all men, so is Buddha impartial in stroyed while that of the humble man educating all creatures, 21, 128, flourished, 9, 18 sq.; the quarrel 136; the sun--the body, the veil of between the sense-organs, 1, 72-4, fog-sleep, the rays—the mind, 36, 72 n., 290; 8, 207, 268-70; 15, 160; the parable of the three swords 202 sq., 274; the rain pouring told by Kwang-zze, 40, 189-91; down on all plants, exemplifying the syrup or sauce with its ingreBuddha's preaching for the benefit dients, 35, 97 sq.; it is not the of all creatures, 21, xxix, 119-27; fault of the bathing tank (Buddha's the man who has lost his way finds doctrine) if the dirty man turns away a refuge at last (Nirvâna), 36, 200; without bathing in it, 36,63 sq.,66 sq.; the rich man is not poor, though he a large t., when its supply of water may not have food ready in his has been stopped, gradually dries house at any time (Buddha, though up: so is the Karman of a monk omniscient, reflects), 35, 161; the annihilated by austerities, 45, 174 ; river of which the senses are the relation of senses and mind is like banks, the agitation of mind the that of teacher and pupil, 8, 269; waters, and delusion the reservoir, the thief who says that the fruit he 8, 344; the man praying to the has taken is different from that further bank of a r. to coinc over, which the owner put in the 11, 178-80 ; the man who wants to ground, 35, 72, 112; pain caused cross a r. while bound by a strong by extracting a thorn, with good inchain, or covering himself up with tentions, 35, 169; the warrior with a veil, 11, 180-2; the brave man the five javelins, 35, 69; the water who jumps over the over-flowing sloping down, 35, 89 sq., Buddhism brook-illustration of faith, 35, 56 compared to a reservoir with a con Digitized by Microsoft ®


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