Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 430
________________ PARABLES 413 filthy with dirt (Nirvâna the clean alight and gone out, 35, 146 sq.; place), 36, 198; the sage under the discourse on the simile of the burninfluence of his heavenly constitu- ing f., 35, 234 ; f. cannot burn in tion : compared to the drunkard who water (conversion cannot take place is unconscious of any injury under without a cause), 36, 80; f. goes the influence of drink, 40, 13 sq. ; out by the exhaustion of the fuel, Arahats compared with the Earth or by a rain shower (premature who is not afraid of people digging death), 36, 166 sq.; the world coninto it, &c., 35, 299; it is not the sumed by the f. of love and hatred fault of the e., if a man falls by - as by a conflagration of a forest running with too great a haste animals are burned, 45, 67; a pot (austeritics overdone), 35, 61 sq.; filled with lac will melt in the f.: so Buddha compared with the e., 35, monks are lost through intercourse 150 sq., 258 sq. ; the man who is with women, 45, 274 sq. ; a starving satiated cannot eat any more (the man turning away froin a largesse world cannot bear more than one of food (backsliders turning away Buddha), 36, 48 sq. ; yolk and egg from the largesse offered by Buddha), shell dependent one on the other- 36, 65 sq., 68; it is not the fault of so naine and form, 35, 76 sq.; the the f. if a man dies from indigestion hard things eaten by females are (laymanship, not Arhatship, at fault, destroyed, but not the embryo in if the layman dies by becoming an their womb, 35, 104 sq.; the man Arhat), 36, 97; the seed developing who has freed himself from enemies fruit, and seed taken from the fruit (realization of Nirvana), 36, 197 sq.; --an endless series, 35, 79, 82; parable of the burning house, to Karnian illustrated by various seeds exemplify the skill of the good producing all kinds of f., 35, 100 father (Buddha) in saving his chil- sq., 113, 120 ; f. fall in fullness of dren, 21, xxix, 72-90; the parable time, or out of season (death), 36, of the rich f. whose son has gone 162 sq.; Buddhism compared to a astray and become poor and mighty furnace with a continual wretched; how the f. gradually supply of fuel, 35, 188; the man leads him back to self-respect and escaped from a blazing fiery f. happiness-just as the wise f. Bud- (Nirvana the cool place), 36, 196 dha, 21, 98-115 ; 36, 52 sq.; the sq., 199; the gambler who hazards young man who claims to be the all dice, 35, 103; as the gamester f. of the centenarian - Buddha throws down his dice, so Varuna and the Bodhisattvas, 21, 294 sq., lays down his laws, 42, 88, 391; 297; parable of the fire, and of the a clever gambler casts Krita, not storm-cloud, 6, 3; by abandoning other dice: so the sage adopts the fancies he obtains Nirvâna, like f. Law of the Saviour, 45, 256; the devoid of fuel, 8, 247 ; the sparks man who has a gem bound within coming from the f. (everything his garment, and does not know it coming from the Self), 15, 105; – like some Arhats, 21, 201-4; the custom of putting up five pots faith, illustrated by the water-cleansfull of water as a fire-extinguishing ing magic g., 35, 54 sq. ; there is apparatus; sinfulness extinguished no need of polishing a pure diamond by the five organs of moral sense, E. (so no restraint for the Buddhas), 35, 67 sq. ; of the f. left burning, 36, 7; the lost g. of sovranty (the which sets the neighbour's field on teaching of former Buddhas), 36, fire, and the lamp which sets the 14 sq. ; renunciation like the wishvillage on fire--illustrations of Kar- conferring 8., 36, 58 sq. ; a wishman, 35, 72 sq.; f. and flames, 35, conferring g. is not disgraced by 114; he who seizes a fiery mass of a roughness on one side (Buddhism metal intentionally is less burnt than not by backsliders), 36, 74; Nirhe who seizes it inadvertently, 35, vâna compared with the gods called 129; Buddha compared to a f. setFormless Ones,' 36. 186 sq. ; guide Digitized by Microsoft ®


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