Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 410 PARABLES tall tree and the low shrub, and turtle of the Eastern Sea, 39,388 sq.: their shadows, 35, 127 sq.; an owl, gnat and Udumbara tree, 8, 374, 379; when a phoenix went passing over- the hen and her chickens, 11, 233, head, looked up to it and gave an 233 n.; the hen and the egg-an angry scream, 39, 391; how a cer- endless series, 35, 80; hens without tain ruler tries to treat a bird like a a cock, 39, 263, 263 n.; Milinda man with feasts and music, 40, 8 sq., compares himself to a lion put in a 26; a mantis pounces on a cicada, golden cage, 35, 135; simile of lion, a large bird takes its opportunity to 36, 338-40; a keeper of monkey's secure them both, Kwang-zze might proposes to give them in the mornhave shot the bird, but lets it alone, ing three and in the evening four 40, 39-41; men abandoning worldly measures : they are angry; he gives pleasures compared to birds, 45, them in the morning four and in the 67 sq.; the life of monks like the evening three: they are satisfied, 39, life of pigeons, 45, 91 sq.; the crane 185; the monkey dressed up as a produced from an egg, and the egg duke, 39, 354; the monkey happy produced from a crane : the same among the branches of high trees, with desire and delusion, 45, 185; but distressed among prickly trees birds of prey carrying off young and thorns, 40, 36 sq.; a starved ox birds: so unprincipled men will might be tied up, an excited ox will seduce a novice, 45, 324; a man escape (the ordinary man, and the taking a cripple on his cart, does a Arahat), 36, 76 sq.; how the clever meritorious act, though he puts the cook of King Wan-hui cuts up an bullocks to pain (causing sorrow by ox, 39, 130, 198–200; pigs sucking making gifts), 36, 116 sq.; the be- at their dead mother, 39, 230; ranis haviour of bad bullocks put before butting together, 35, 92 sq.; the a car compared to the behaviour of ram fed with rice to be killed : so bad pupils, 45, 149-52 ; Buddha the ignorant man sins and enjoys persuaded by the p. of the seed and pleasures, to gain hell, 45, 27 sq. ; of the calf to forgive Sâriputta and the snail with two horns on which Moggallana, 35, 301 sq.; the mis- are the kingdoms called Provocabelievers shall not enter into Para- tion and Stupidity, 40, 119 sq.; dise until a camel shall pass into a worldly pleasures abandoned-as a needle's eye, 6, 142; the city guard snake casts off the slough, 10 (i), 1-3; and the cat, 11, 14; story of the 45, 66, 98, 253; the man whom a hunchback catching cicadas on the poisonous snake approaches even point of a rod, 40, 14 sq. and n.; for the sake of curing him, is yet heretics compared to deer who dread afraid of it--so beings in hell are safe places, but are not afraid of afraid of death, 35, 212; the man traps, 45, 240 sq.; the boy who, find- who kills a serpent by destroying an ing the Black Dragon asleep, takes anthill, 35, 234 sq.; the effect of a pearl from under his chin, 40, 20; snake poison removed by a snake young elephants who imitate the old charmer (comp. premature death), ones, Devadatta emulating Buddha, 36, 168 sq.; as the snake gathers 20, 260 sq., see also Elephants; story dust (both on and in its body): so of the goby fish who wanted a pint the fool accumulates sins by acts of water and is promised a stream and thoughts, 45, 21; the spider's when it will be too late, 40, 133; house, 9, 121; the spider with its story of the scion of Zăn who caught thread (everything coming from the the huge fish, after fishing for a whole Self), 15, 105; the Sannyâsin draws year in the Eastern Sea, 40,133 sq.; in his senses, as a tortoise his limbs, men abandoning worldly pleasures - 8, 342, 366; the purblind tortoise as the fish Rohita breaks through a and the attainment of the condition weak net, as the herons fly through of a luman being, 35, 291 sq. ;-the the air, 45, 66; the frog of the kbwei desires to be like the millipede, dilapidated well, bragging before the the millipede like the serpent, the Digitized by Microsoft ®


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