cedure, 2, 125, 170; 4, 254, 299, baggâ), of Buddhist friars, 10 (ii), x; 299 n. ; 7, xxiv ; 33, xiii, 100–21, 11, 110 sq. n.; 13, 114 sq., 168-70, 120 n., 123 n., 286, 297, 312, 334, 208 sq., 228-34 ; 17, 33 sq., 38 sq.; 359; 37, 130, 284; 47, xi; by fire 35, 42; Parivâsa or Probation, and melted metal, by heated gold, rules before the o. of heretics, 13, 4, xxxviii, xlvii, 371, 371 n.; 5, 14, 186-91; 17, 270 sq., 384-93, 199, 199 n., 376, 376 n.; 7, 53, 55, 395 n.; no one must confer the o. 57-9; 23, 361, 361 n.; 21, 171, on a person without being asked to 171 n.; 25, 274, 274 n.; 31, 39, 51, do so, 13, 170 sq.; he who ordains 182 1. ; 33, 8 n., 9, 108-11, 119 sq., a person must tell him the four 254-6, 277-80, 318; 37, 187, 324 sq., Resources, i.e. the food, clothes, 368; 42, 294-8; oath taken before dwellings, and medicines allowed the boiling water, 4, 46, 46 n., 49, to Bhikkhus, 13, 172-4; a chapter 49 n.; you can bribe the judge, but of ten Bhikkhus required for the o. not the 0., 4, 298 sq. and n.; service, 13, 175; only a learned, property seized in consequence of competent Bhikkhu who has com0., 4, 339; Lake Frazdân does not pleted at least ten years may confer receive what an unrighteous man the o., 13, 175-8; cases of admissithrows into it, 5, 86; six hot o., bility of O., 13, 182-6; persons 5, 360 ; 37, 477 sq.; rules regarding who shall not receive the pabbaggâ the performance of 0., 7, 52-61; or upasampadâ o., 13, 191-9,215-17, 25, xcix, ci sq.; 37, 55 sq., 58 sq., 219-25, 230-3; the proper age for 61, 63, 70, 105, 144 sq.; by poison, receiving o., 13, 201-5, 229; no 7, 53, 55, 60; 18, 102 sq. n. ; 33, one shall confer the pabbaggâ o. 114-16, 248, 260 sq.; by water, on a son without his parents' per7, 53, 55, 59 sq. ; 25, 274, 274 n.; mission, 13, 210; no one shall 33, 111-14, 256-9, 318; by sacred ordain two novices, 13, 205; exceplibation, 7,53-5, 60 sq.; 33, 116-18, tion to this rule, 13, 210 sq.; no 247 sq., 261-3, 318, 347, 384; by animal shall receive the o., and if the balance, 7, 53-7; 33, 00-8, it has received it, it shall be expelled, 251-4, 317; 44, 45 n.; Rashnu 13, 219; newly ordained Bhikkhu invoked at o., 23, 168-77, 170 n.; should not go out without a comcalamity befalling a witness within panion, 13, 234 sq.; the o. of seven days after his evidence Bhikkhus who had been temporarily has been taken, a proof of guilt, expelled, 13, 236-8; pabbagga o. 25, 273; 33, 246; are sometimes must be performed also during the made nugatory by artful men, 33, rainy season, 13, 320 sq.; not to 13; divine proof or o., when to be be performed by an incomplete resorted to, law about o., 33, 30 sq. Sangha, 17, 268 sq.; when unlawful, and n., 96-9, 247-63, 295, 315-19; 17, 277-80; Bhikkhus by whom o. 37, 403 ; the o, by grains of rice, 33, is not to be performed, 17, 337, 118 sq., 318; by the ploughshare, 340, 372, 386 ; second o. of a 33, 316, 318 sq.; by Dharma and Bhikkhu who, when under probaAdharma, 33, 319; sacred-twig and tion, threw off the robes, 17, 419, heat o., 37, 48; wizards tried by o., 422-31; after having been trained 37, 144; Gathas for an o., 37, 205, for two years in the Six Rules, 205 n. , ritual of o., 37, 246, 329 sq., Bhikkhunis are to ask leave for the 371 52.,385; thirty-three o instituted upasampadã o, from both Samghas, by Zoroaster, 47, 74; blessedness 20, 324; Bhikkhunîs receive the of 0., 47, 82; heretics do not upasampadâ o. from Bhikkhus, 20, establish 0., 47, 89; Zoroaster 327; rules for the upasampadâ e. subjected to o. by the archangels, of Bhikkhunîs, 20, 349-55, 360-2 ; 47, 158 sq. See also Idols, Judicial when Buddha attained Bodhi, this procedure, Oath, and Woman (a). was his o., 35, 118; things necessary Orders, see Asramas.
for admission into the order, 36, 96. Ordination (Upasampada, Pab- 96 n.
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