as lucky, 2, 221; auspicious things 156,619; the black bird defiles the to be passed with the right turned sacrifice, 42, 186; cry of birds a towards them, 2, 225 sq. and .; good O., 42, 312; the 'seven a king must listen to the advice of Rishis' obscured by a nebulous interpreters of 0., 2, 236; crowing mass or comet, 42, 390, 563; not of a hen in the morning indicates looking backwards, 44, 205, 267; subversion of the family, 3, 132; good and bad o. from the glowing evil o., 3, 355 ; 7, 200-3, 217 sq.; of the Gharma (pot at the Pra8, 40, 365 n.; 18, 280, 280 n., 326; vargya), 44, 468, 485; he who puts appearance of a pair of phoenixes, his faith in prognostics will be born a good o., 3, 406, 406 n.; King Yû an Asura, 45, 231; lucky and unblamed for disregarding evil o., 3, lucky marks of the body, see 428; prayers recited at sneezing, Body. See also Divination, Eclipses, yawning, and sighing, 5, 352, 352 n.; Miracles, and Trees. 20, 152 sq. ; 24, 265 sq. ; 37, 452; Ommâiyet ibn 'Half, tries to induce houses not to be entered from Mohammed to give up his poorer behind, 6, 27, 27 n.; auspicious followers, 9, 17 n. things and persons (in which Omnipotence depends on the omniLakshmî resides), 7, 298-301; potent ruler being the cause of all approaching from the right, a good created things, 34, 132. 0., 9, 169; the Bhikkhu must refrain Omniscience, 'all-knowing: defrom the interpretation of o., 10 (ii), notes death, and is the same as 60, 176; 11, 196-9; 20, 152; knots nescience, 21, 118 n.; obtained by as 0., 12, 73, 73 n.; 26, 134, 146; a hermit's life, 21, 132 sq., 139 sqq.; tuck of a garment sacred to the Buddha has raised o. in the Arhats, Manes, 12, 435, 435 n.; an ascetic who do not know it, 21, 202, shall not live by explaining o., 14, ascribed to the Pradhâna, 34, 46 sq. 48; 25, 208; if a man sees himself Onaha, Pali t.t., obstacles,' 11, in the water, he should recite a 182 n. certain verse, 15, 216 sq.; auspicious Opapatika, Pali t.t., a being sprung and inauspicious lineal figures, into existence without the intervenVol. 16; the miracles at Buddha's tion of parents, such as the higher birth good o., not portents, 19, 7 sq.; devas, 11, 213 sq. n. white cloth spread out for good luck Opposites, pairs of, such as heat by a woman who had had a mis- and cold, pleasure and pain, &c., carriage, 20, 129; knowledge of o., 8, 48, 48 n., 60, 63, 74 11., 76, 111, the last of the seventy-two sciences, 160, 167 n., 168 n., 233, 246 sq., 22, 282; thunder a dangerous 0., 257, 292, 351, 357 sq., 366, 369 sq., 27, 260; rules for wind, thunder, 379. See also Pain, and Pleasure. rain, 28, 5; occurring to a wedding Oracles: the Bhikkhu should not procession, 29, 40 sq., 170 sq. ; 30, apply himself to the interpretation 49 sq., 258, 262; birth of twin- of sleep and signs, or of the cry of calves inauspicious, 29, 109; 42, birds, 10 (ii), 176; how to find out 145, 359-61; a weather-prophet the qualities of a girl one intends not fit to be a witness, 33, 88; to wed, 29, 165; 30, 42 sq., 257; interpreters of evil o. termed 'open what the sacred fires prophesy for thieves,' 33, 360; interpretation of the deceased and his son, at the 0., the business of Brahmans, 35, funeral, 29, 242 sq. See also Divina247 sq.; danger from ill-omened tion. speaking, 37, 129; prodigies, a ewe Oral tradition, as an authority for lainbing and a quail hatching in the the true teaching of Buddha, 11, house, 40, 107; when the axle of 67-70. the chariot creaks, that voice is Ordeal(s), by the heated hatchet, to demoniacal, 41, 291; amulets against find out a thief, 1, 108 sq., 108 n.; the consequences of evil 0., 42, 82; 34, 323 n.; a means of ascertaining Rudra invoked against evil o., 42, the truth, as part of judicial pro
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