many times, 43, 3; - categories of senses, 34, 239,244; mind is superior twelve, 28, 484; twelve, 42, 165, to the o., 34, 239. 524, 528; all this universe) consists Obsequies, see Funeral rites. of sixteen parts, 44, 302, 302 n., Obstacles, see Hindrances.
384, 410; twenty-one, see Seven, Occult sciences, see Divination, Nuns, see Ascetics, Bhikkhunîs, and Omens, and Witchcraft. Gaina monks and nuns.
Oocupations, see Caste (a), and NÜ Shang, minister of the Marquis Professions. Wû of Wei, 40, 91-3.
Ocean, and rivers produced, 5, Nü Yü, an old man with the com- 28 sq.; 8, 192; nature and origin plexion of a child, 39, 24; a great of o., lakes, rivers, 5, 41-5, 169-73;
Taoist teacher, 39, 245 ; 40, 282. explanation of the tides, 5, 44, Nû zûdi, see Initiation.
44 n., 171 sq., 172 n.; the threeNya, n. of a lake in the world of legged ass in the o., 5, 67-9; chief Brahman, 1, 131, 132 1.
among waters, 8, 89, 346, 354; 36, Nyagrodha, converted by Buddha, 55; 41, 75 sq.; dialogue between 19, 241.
Kârtavîrya and the 0., 8, 293 sq. ;. Nyagrodha tree, see Trees.
this world as far as the o., S, 296; Nyarbudi: prayer to Arbudi and N. eight astonishing and curious quali
for help in battle, 42, 123-6, 129, ties of the o., 20, 301-5: corpses 631-4, 637.
thrown out by the o., 20, 303; 35, Nyaya, see Philosophy.
259; 36, 70 sq., 191, 303; can Nyâya-sûtra, quoted, 38, 428; 48, never be filled, nor exhausted, 20, 162.
304 ; 36, 120; 39, 323, 375; made Nymphs, see Apsaras.
salt by a Brâhmana, 25, 398, 398 11.; long-lived through the rivers, invoked to give long life to the newborn child, 29, 294 ; Vedic Indians acquainted with the o., 32, 57-61;
there is only one o., 36, 50; monsters Oath(s), false, crime of perjury, 2, and dragons in the 0., 36, 298; the 170 sq. ; 4, 34, 46, 48 sq.; 5, 207, Southern O. the Pool of Heaven, 207 n. ; 9, 234; 33, 91 sq., 37, 39, 164, 167; flows round the world 155; witnesses to be charged on from left to right, 41, 301; 43, 169; 0., 2, 247; 25, 273 sq., 273 n. ; 33, the cloudy o. is the sky, 43, 235; 91; lady swears by the sun that those who enter a sacrificial session she is sincere in her affection, 3, for a year cross an 0., 44, 145 sq.; 440; formula on taking an 0., 4, the aerial o., name of the wind, 44, 49 n.; sin of perjury extends to 479. See also Parables (f), Sea, and nine generations, 4, 266 sq.; occur- Vourukasha. ring in the Qur'ân, 6, lxii; make Offences, see Crimes, Punishments, not God the butt of your o., 6, 33; and Sins. expiation for inconsiderate o., 6, Offspring, see Child, and Sons. 109 sq.; 9, 290 sq., 290 n. ; warn- Oghatinna, 'saved from the flood,' ing against breaking o., 6, 260 sq.; t.t., a Bhikkhu who has escaped from false o. permissible, 25, 273; pre- the five fetters (senses), 10 (i), 86. scribed in the Veda, 25, 288, 288 n.; Ogres, ogresses, see Demons, and as a means of proof, 33, 97-100, Pisakas. 97 n.; o. for light cases, ordeals Ogress-ridder, a name of the for heavy crimes, 33, 100; when wind, 44, 479. to be administered, 33, 225 sq., Ohod, battle of, 6, 61, 61 11., 64 sq.,
314 sq., 337, 352, 359. Obedience, see Sraosha.
Okkâka, King, slays animals for Objects, and subjects, their mutual sacrifices, 10 (ii), 50 sq.; the Sâkya relation, 1, 298 sq. ; 34, 3 sq., son, an offspring of 0., 10 (ii), 104-6, 378 sq.; o, are beyond the 186.
66 n.
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