198, 205, 210, 216, 220, 224, 335, Maitrîya, told by Buddha to turn 338, 368, 372.
the wheel of the law, 49 (i), 173 sq., Maidhyô-zaremaya, worshipped, 173 n. 31, 198, 205, 210, 216, 220, 224, Makha, deity, initiated boy given in 335, 338, 368 sq., 372.
charge to, 30, 154 ; is the sacrifice, Maidôk-mâh, Zoroaster relates the 41, 233; 44, 443, 450-8; Indra cut incidents of his birth to, 37, 226 off the head of M., which is restored sq. ; disciple of Zoroaster, 37, 230; by the Pravargya, 44, xlviii, 450-8; praise of M., 37, 298.
performs sacrifice, 44, 441; is Vishnu, Maighika Kula, of the Vesavâtika 44, 443 ; worshipped at the PraGana, 22, 291.
vargya, 44, 460; is the sun, 44, 460. Mainyo-i Khard, refers to next-of- Makkhali Gosâla (M, of the cowkin marriage, 18, 398 sq. See also pen, or Gosâla Makkhaliputra), n, of Dînâ-i Maînôg-î Khirad.
a teacher, 10 (ii), xii, 86 sq.; 11, 106; Maithilas, suffered destruction, 1935, 8-10; 45, xxii sq., 409-14; an (i), 116.
Arhat possessed of Iddhi, 20, 79; Maitra, converted by Buddha, 49 (i), relation between him and Mahấvira,
190; his daughter Gopika, 49 i), 198. 22, xvi, xviii ; 45, xxix-xxxii; his Maitra, see Love.
doctrines refuted, 45, ix, 245, 245 Maiträvaruna, see Priests (a). n.; system of Fatalism ascribed to Maitrâvarunî, see Idà.
him, 45, XXV sq. Maitrayana - brâhmana - upani- Makkhikâsanda, Sudhamma and
shad, see Maitrầyanîya-upanishad. Kitta at, 17, 359. Maitrayanîputra, see Pûrna M. Mākshavya, n, of a teacher, 1, 247. Maitrayanîya-samhitâ, quoted, 38, Makuta-bandhana, a shrine of the 427; gives the mantras of the Asva- Mallas where the cremation of medha, 44, xvi.
Buddha's body is to take place, 11, Maitrầyanîya - upanishad, or 124 sq., 1 29. Maitrậyana-brâhmana-upanishad, or Makutadantî, n. of a giantess, Maitri-upanishad, 1, lxx; 8, 418 sq.; 374. 15, xliii-lii, 285-346; M. and Manu- Mâlâdhârî, n. of a giantess, 21, 374. smriti, 25, xliv sq., lxxiii ; Mâyâ in Mâlâlankâravatthu, t.w., 11, xvi the M., 34, cxvii n., cxxi n.; quoted, sq., 32 n., 82 n.; based on the Maha38, 427; 48, 458.
parinibbana-Sutta, 11, xxxii. Maitreya, preserves the Buddhist Male, and female created, 8, 244 scriptures, 19, xv; n. of a Bodhi- n.; 16, 435; ruler over females, sattva Mahâsattva, 21, 4, 8-16, 228, 346, 346 n. ; 43, 230; m. organ, sq., 28 sq., 286-99, 311, 316, 328; 44, 19; m, and female, see also Wo49 (i), 180; (ii), 2; called Agita, man f). 21, 28 sq.; recites stanzas in honour Mâlik, the keeper of hell, 9, 217, of Buddha, 21, 314; resides among 217 n. the Tushita gods, 21, 436.
Malimluka, n. of a demon harassing Maitreya, questions Parâsara, 48, 92. infants, 29, 296. Maitreya-upanishad, t.w., 15, Malkôs, the deluging rain of, 18, xliy-xlvi.
109, 109 n.; 24, 59, 59 n.; will Maitreyî, wife of Yâgñavalkya, taught arise, 24, 268. by her husband, 15, 108-13, 181-5; Mallakis, instituted an illumination 34, 274 sqq. ; 48, 387, 395 sq. See on the death of Mahâvîra, 22, 266. also Sulabhâ M.
Mallas (Mallians): Pukkusa, a young Maitreyî-brâhmana, the story of Mallian, 11, 75, 75 n. ; Sâla grove Yâgñavalkya and Maitreyî, 15, xlvi; of the M., 11, 81, 85, 247 ; come to
38, 305 sq.; 48, 385 sq., 388, 395 sq. take leave from Buddha, 11, 101-3; Maitri, or Maitra, n. of a sage, 15, 19, 285-90; informed of Buddha's xlvii, 290 sq.
death, their grief, they perform Maitri-upanishad, see Maitrâ obsequies, 11, 121-31; 19, 321-5; yanîya-upanishad.
claim relics of Buddha, and erect a
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