means of the m. the sacrifice is Mih-zze, his followers, the Mohists, performed, 44, 154; there are three 39, 182, 182 n. m., 14, 155: a m. does not collapse Mikâ'il, guardian angel of the Jews, from excess or deficiency of a 6, lxix. syllable, 44, 157; by means of the Milinda, King, conversations beBrihatî the gods reached heaven, tween him and Nâgasena, 11, 112 n.; 44, 172 ; cattle related to the 35, xii, xiv, xvi sq., 1, 40-302 ; 36, Brihati, 14, 221, 376; the Gagati 1, &c.; the Greek Menander, 35, is this carth, 44, 245; the hair is xviii sq.; coins of M., 35, xvii, xxthe m., 44, 249, 448; by means of xxi; Greek and Roman writers on the Gagatî lie secures cattle, 44, M., 35, xix sq. ; was he a Buddhist : 252, 286, 408; horse of the Anusl: 33), xxi-xxv; his date and birthtubh character, 44, 304; Anushtubh place, 35, xxiii, 127; previous births the highest of m., 14, 332; Trishtubh of M. and Nâgasena, 35, 4-6; his is the vigour in Indra, 14, 358; cer- greatness and wisdom and love of tain m. for each of the three Soma disputation, 35, 6-13, 23, 29 sq. ; pressings, 11, +4+; 46, 301; Gâya- confutes Iyupala, 35, 30-3; goes trî, Trishtubb, Gagatî, and the three to meet Nâgasena, 35, 37-40 ; makes worlds, 14, 494 sq.; Anushtubh, 41, presents to Nagasena, 35, 13+ $9.; 518 ; Itikkhandas, 14, 379, 497, longs for the higher life of the re522; Brihati, 44, 526; Dvipada, 44, cluse, 35, 135; studies the Buddhist 530; Ekapadâ, 44, 531; Gagati, 44, Scriptures and becomes a lay dis53+; Gayatri, 44, 535; Kakubh, 44, ciple of Nagasena, 35, 137-44; 36, 5+3 ; Pankti, Padapankti, 44, 554; 373 sq. ; takes the Buddhist vows, Sanstubh, Samudriya, 44, 567; 35, 138; mentioned by Kshemendra, Satobrihati, 44, 569; Svarâg, 44, 36, xvii; gives up his kingdom and 576; Trikakubh, Trishtubh, 11, becomes an Arhat, 36, 374; builds 578; irregularities of m. in Gaina a Vihara, 36, 374; Questions of M.,' verses, 45, 39 n. See also Gayatri, see Milindapanha. Numbers, and Virâg.
Milindapañha, the date of Buddha's Mettagû, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 (ii), death in the, 11, xlvii sq. ; trans187, 193-5, 210.
lation, Vols. 35 and 36; translated Mettagûmânavapukkhâ,t.c., 10(ii), into Pali, 35, xi, xlv; Sinhalese 193-5.
version of the M., 35, xi-xiii; as a Mettasutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 24 sq. work of art, 35, xii, xvii sq., xxiv, Metteyya, the Buddha to come, 35, xlviii sq. ; 36, xxvii; Buddhaghosa's
225, 225 n. See also Tissa M. references to M., 35, xiv-xvi; a Mettiya, one of the Khabbaggiya work of great authority about Bhikkhus, 20, 9-17, 118.
1. D. 430, 35, xvi; its date, 35, xvi, Mettiyâ, falsely accuses Dabba of xxii, XXV-xlv, 248 n.; MSS. and
having defiled her, 20, 13 sqq. edition of the text, 35, xvi sq.; the Miâo, lord of, 3, 51 sq. and n., 5+; author of the M, knew the Pitakas, people of M. rebels against Shun, 35, xxvii xlii; countries and per3, 61; wickedness of the M., their sons mentioned in the M., 35, xliipunishment, 3, 255 60.
xlv; its language, 35, xlv-xlviii; its Michael and Gabriel, 6, 13, 13 1. relation to the Tipitaka, 35, 196 1., Mîdhushî, n. of a goddess, 30, 290 n. 293 n., 298 n.; 36, 19 n., 144 n., Midian, Sho'hâib sent as an apostle 176 11., 304 n. ; Chinese versions of to, 6, 148-50; 9, 121; punishment the M., 36, xi-xv; references to it of the people of M., who disbelieve in other works, 36, xvii-six; M. in Sho'haib, 6, 183, 214-16, 249, and Katha Vatthu, 36, xx-xxvii. 249 n. ; 9, 61, 97, 176, 242.
Milk: dadhi-gharma, libation of hot Migadâya, a hermitage at Benares, m. mixed with sour m., 26, 336 n.; 11, 146, 153 sq.
44, 502 sq. ; as m, transforms itself Migâra, see Visakhâ, mother of M. into curds, so Brahman is the cause Mihir, see Mithra.
of the world, 31, 3 46 sq.; used with
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