28, 465 sq. ; worship of hills, Nêryosang (Neriosengh), son of forests, streams, meres, 27, 256 ; Dhaval, author of Sanskrit versions 31, 291; Heaven and Earth, and of the Yasna and of Pahlavi texts, the processes of n., 27, 380-4, 387 4, xxv; 5, 305 n. ; 24, xx-xxii, xxiv, sq. ; phenomena of n. represented XXX--xxxvi. by music, 28, U1; phenomena of Nêryôsang, a teacher, quoted, 5, n, symbolically represented by guest 305, 305 n. and host at the drinking festival, Neryosengh, see Neryôsang. 28, +36-8 and n., 442-5, 444 n. ; to Nescience, or Ignorance (Sk. avidbe imitated by man, 39, 340 ; the yâ, agñâna, Pali aviggâ), is the regularity and noiselessness of the source of all evil and suffering, 10 phenomena of n., 39, 345 sq. and n.; (ii), 134; 13, 75-8, 75 sq. n. ; is the operation of the Tâo in n., 40, 63 head, knowledge, &c., cleave it, 10 sq. ; n. and soul without beginning, (ii), 189,206 sq. ; with n. is the world 48, 140, 365. See also Heaven (a), shrouded, 10 (ii), 190 ; the Asava of Pradhâna, Prakriti, and Tâo.
n., 11,298,300 sq.; in Brahmanic phiNaunghaithya (Av.), Phi. Nâkahêd losophy and Buddhism, 13,76 n.; the and Nâkisîyyâ, and the Nâsatya or appearance of the world due to it, Asvins, 4, lii; spell against the de- 34, xxv, 135, 155; 38, 294; avidya, mon N., 4, 139, 139 1. ; the Daêva, Sk. t.t., means n. as to Brahman, 34, 4, 224; one of Aharinan's arch- ixxix, xcvij sq., cxv, 62 ; 38, 83 n. ; demons, 5, 10, 1o n.; 18, 319, 319 1. superimposition is n., 34, 6; perNâûnghas, Tarômat is, 5, 128, ception, &c., have for their object 128 n.
that which is dependent on n., 34, Nâvâsutta, t.c., 10 (ii), 52 sq.
7; n., the seed of the Samsara, deNavavâstva, n.p., 46, 33, 36.
stroyed by knowledge of Brahman, Nayâzem, n.p., 47, 34, 34 11.
34, 14, 31, 300; 38, 68 sq., 370; Nebuchadnezzar, his siege of Jeru- 48, 9, 11, 23 sq., 54, 66, 681, 748, salem, 47, xiii, 120 sq.
750 ; all difference fictitiously creNectar amrita), see Immortality, ated by 11., 34, 32; 48, 25, 193, draught of.
195, 197; the limiting adjunct, Negamesha, prayer to, 29, 48, 181. consisting of the organs of action, Nemi, perished through want of presented by 11., 34, 134; 38, 67, humility, 25, 222.
153, 156, 367; 48, 566; names and Nemôvanghu, son of Vaêdhayan- forms presented by 1., 34, 139 sq., gha, 23, 210.
282, 328 sq., 345, 357, 369 ; 38, 64, Neo-Platonism, and Zoroastrian- 67, 140, 163, 401 sq. ; the concepism, 4, xv, lv-lvii.
tion that the body and other things Nerasgarâ, n, of a river, 10 (ii), 69; are our Self, constitutes n., 34, 157,
244 ; from it there spring desires, Neremyazdana, son of Athwyôza, aversions, fear and confusion, 34, 23, 211.
157, 167; compared to the misNeriosengh, see Nêryôsang.
take of him who in the twilight misNêrôksang, see Nêryộsang.
takes a post for a man, 34, 185; the Nêryôsang (Neryosengh, Nêrôk- unreal aspect of the individual soul,
sang), angel, messenger of Allhar- as different from the highest Self, mazd, 4, 262 sq. n.; 5, 224, 224 11., is a mere presentation of n., 34, 189, 226, 235; 47, II, u n., 23, 23 n., 241, 244, 251 sq. ; 38, 68, 139, 173, 34, 129, 129 n., 140; kept charge 179, 340; 48, 100 sq.; by means of of Gâyömard's seed, 5, 53, 53 n.; 1). the highest Lord manifests himwatches the seed of Zaratûst, 5, self in various ways, 34, 190, 352; 144; 23, 195 n.; the promoter of the causal potentiality is of the the world, 37, 222 sq., 222 n.; sent nature of n., 34, 243; the elements to Vistâsp, 47, 70 sq.; Zoroaster's and the sense organs the product of connexion with Allhariazd through n., 34, 281; the effects both at the Yim and N., 47, 139 sq.
time of creation and reabsorption
11, 52 sq.
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