(ii), 24; 11, 118; 13, 91: 19, 181, dition of the original first cause. 189, 203, 224, 273, 273 n., 279, 19, 271 n.; only in N. is there joy, 288, 304; 35, 119 n., 198; the 19, 309, 309 n.; praises of Tathâother shore,' i. e. N., 10 (i), 24 sq. gata's N., 19, 309-22; and after and n., 89; (ii), 4; is unconditioned this present life there will be no freedom, 10 (i), 27 sq., 27 sq. n.; beyond,' for him who attains to the Eternal, the Immortal (amata), Arhatship, 20, 385 n.; Buddha only 10 (i), 43, 87; 19, 222 sq. n., 337; makes a show of N., in reality he 36, 84 n., 190, 190 n.; long-suffer- is not subject to N., 21, xxv sq.; ing the highest N., 10 (i), 50; the Bodisatship versus N., 21, xxxiv; highest happiness, 10 (i), 54 sq.; N. and Gîvanmukti, 21, xxxiv n.; (ii), x, 10, 44; 36, 230; 45, 99; when one becomes Buddha, then 49 (ii), 9, 43, 148, 154; the In- one will be completely extinct, 21, effable, 10 (i), 57; the unchange- 63; deliverance from birth, decrepi. able place, 10 (i), 58; (ii), xv, 33, tude, disease, and death is inseparably 213; means extinction, 10 (ii), x, connected with N., 21, 71; there is xvi, 57-60, 178, 198; 19, 177, only one N. for all beings, 21, 129, 273 n.; 21, 403; 35, 106 sq. ; the 180 sq. ; by a device, Buddha destruction of desire, 10 (ii), 10, 34, tcaches to beings not far enough 197, 201 sq., 206; 19, 203, 203 n., advanced that N. to which they 294 ; the end of birth and destruc- are attached, 21, 180-3, 189 sq. ; tion, 10 (ii), 34 ; a saint described the fancied and the real N., 21, as 'seeing N.,' 10 (ii), 58; Buddha 201-4; the place, the city of N., sees what is exceedingly pure, i.e. 21, 275 ; 36, 117, 202-5, 213, 257; N., 10 (ii), 77, 127; what is not Buddha announces final extinction false, the N., that the noble conceite as though himself he does not become true, 10 (ii), 143; Khema, security, finally extinct, 21, 303 sq., Buddha's i.e. N., 10 (ii), 155, 171; 11, 233; doctrine of N. opposed to the Brahfreedom from upadhis is N., 10 (ii), manic theory of the Atman, 22, 195, 201; seclusion = N., 10 (ii), xxxiii; Mahâvîra reaches the N., 196; N., the destruction of decay supreme knowledge, called Kevala, and death, is the matchless island for 22, 201 sq. ; the nectar waters of the those who stand in the middle of teaching of the N. of the truth, 35, 35; the water, 10 (ii), 203 sq.; realized N. and Parinirvana to be distinin this life, is one side of Arhatship, guished, 35, 78 n. ; how can those the supreme goal of the higher life, who do not receive N. know what 11, 39, 39 n., 110, 207, 218, 243 sq., a happy state N. is? 35, 108; the 293, 312; 35, 41, 78; 36, 84 n., nature of N., 36, 103-8, 186-95; 181n.; the diadem of N., 11, 62 n.; N. itself is all bliss, though there the N. or utter passing away of the is pain incurred by those who are Buddha, as the going out of a lamp, in quest of N., 36, 181-5; false 11, 81, 118; 19, 275, 275 n., 287 explanation of suññatâ, 36, 191 n.; sq., 371; 35, 144-53 ; 49 (ii), 13; on the sweet couch of N.'s peace the state of the Anâsava the same let him rest, 36, 283, 283 n., indias N., 11, 97 n.; the great ambro- viduality and the Void Supreme, sial N., 11, 241; the cessation of 36, 362; agnosticism prepared the the Sankhârâs, 11, 241, 243; doc- way for Buddha's doctrine of N., trine of N. difficult to understand, 45, xxviii sq.; N., or freedom from 13,85; Buddha says, 'I have gained pain, or perfection, which is in view coolness and have obtained N.,' 13, of all; it is the safe, happy, and quiet 91; the state where all sorrow place which the great sages reach, 45. ceases, 13, 146; 19, 181; 21, 56 128; N. or perfection, moksha or sq.; Buddha conceives the idea of deliverance, 45, 156 n., 372, 427; N., preaches N., 19, 51, 168; 21, he should cease to injure living beings 45, 48, 56 sq., 63, 121; the great whether they move or not, on high, Rishi's house, 19, 163; the con- below, and on earth. For this has been
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