Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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Page 412
________________ NESCIENCE--NIGHT 395 31. are the mcre fallacious superimposi- connected with n. the cause of the tions of n., 34, 312, 357 n.; view of world, 48, 429, 445; ail effects are the plurality of existence due to n., based on n., 48, 432; souls the 34, 355 ; 48, 9, 22 sq., 102-19, 180; abode of n., souls and n. like seed cannot be the cause of inequality, as and sprout, 48, +36 sq. ; a special n. it is of a uniform nature, 34, 360; for each soul, 48, 438 sq.; no disthe relation of causes of suffering tinction between Mâyâ and n., 48, and of sufferers is the effect of n., 441 sq.; objections to the theory of 34, 380; in the Vaiseshjka-sútra, 34, Brahman's nature being hidden by 392 sq., 393 n.; Bauddha doctrine 1., 48, 445-53; Brahman by being of n., 34, 404-9, 404 n., 423; 48, couscious of n. experiences unreal 502 sq.; is the root of time, 35, 79, bondage and release, 48, 494 ; the 81; the rising from deep sleep is individual soul due to n., 48, 543; due to the existence of potential n., five kinds of n., 49 (i), 126 sq. See 38, 48; the conditions of being also Ignorance, Karman, and Mâyâ. agent and enjoyer presented by 1). Nether world, see Hell. only, 38, 54, 55; the soul being en- Nêvak-tôrâ,the Aspîgân, 47, 34, 341. grossed by n. identifies itself with New-moon, see Moon. the body, &c., and imagines itself to New Testament, no historical conbe affected by pain which is due to nexion between Tipitaka and, 11, 11., 38, 63-5; the soul when leaving 165 sq. its body takes n. with itself, 38, Nibbâna, see Nirvana. 102; the Lord is everlastingly free Nidâna, of the Bhâllavins, quoted, from n., 38, 149; a soul which has 14, 3 sq. and n. freed itself from n. can impossibly Nidanas, the twelve, Buddhist docenter into phenomenal life, 38, 149; trine of the chain of causes and the primaeval natural n. leaves room effects, 11, 141, 208 sq.; 13, 75-8, for all practical life and activity, 38, 75 n., 85, 146; 34, 404 sq., 407-10, 156; the bondage of the soul due 410 n.; 35, 79, 81, 81 n. to n. oply, 38, 174; final release Nieh, known as King Yû, a worthconsists in cessation of n., 48, 9, 11, less ruler, 3, 265. See Yî. 70 sq., 271, 438 ; put an end to by Nieh Khüeh, was a perfect man, 39, Vedanta-texts, 48, 10 sq., 39; con- 172 n.; disciple of Wang 1, 39, sciousness is non-contradictory of 190-2, 190 n., 259 ; 40, 279 ; n., 48, 50; does not originate, is the teacher of Hsü Yû, 39, 312; 40, substrate of changes, 48, 54; what 108; asks Phei-î about the Tâo, it is, 48, 72 ; souls engrossed by n. 40, 61 sq., 291. in the form of good and evil works Nie-hsü, n. of a Taoist teacher, 39, (Karman), 48, 88-90, 101, 147, 198, 247. 306, 756-8; individual soul the Nî-fû, posthumous title of Conabode of n., 48, 98; taught neither fucius, 27, 159, 159 n. by Scripture nor by Smriti and Pu- Nigantha - Nataputta, n. of a râna, 48, 124-9; cannot belong to teacher, 10 (ii), xii, 86 sq.; 11, Brahman, 48, 131; not terminated 106; accuses Buddha of not belierby cognizing Brahman as the Uni- ing in the result of actions, 17, 109; versal Self, 48, 145-7; the root of an Arhat possessed of Iddhi, 20, 79; all error, 48, 161; owing to n., and King Milinda, 35, 8. Brahman is viewed as connected Niganthas, Sk. Nirgranthas, a sect with the world, 48, 176; produces of naked ascetics, 10 (ii), x, xiji; the organ of egoity, 48, 182; Brah- 21, 263; disputatious N. do not man, the substrate of beginningless overcome Buddha, 10 (ii), 63. See n., 48, 215 sq.; beginningless n. the also Gaina monks, and Holy persons. root of Karman, 48, 259; obscures Nîgâs-afzûdi-dâk, 1.p., 5, 146. the true nature of the soul, 48, 271; Nighandu, vocabulary, 10 (ii), 98, Brahman's true nature cannot be 189. obscured by 1., 48, 393; Brahman Night: the soul of the departed Digitized by Microsoft ®


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