called the N., which consists in peace, N., fixes the time of his N., 19, 45, 271, 311; the flying up of the 249, 267-9, 274 sq., 283, 28; n. ; big lotus in the parable of the lotus- the passage in the boat of wisdom pool compared to N., 45, 338; a from this world to N., 19, 251; monk should preach cessation of disciples of Buddha, and Arhats passion, N., purity, simplicity, reach N., 19, 295, 336; 21, 128; humility, freedom from bonds, 45, 49 (i), 172, 192; (ii), 27; Buddhas 354; puts an end to all future reach final N., 21, 8, 21 sq., 26 sq., births, 49 (i), 162. See also Brahma- 67, 363 n., 382; the four Noble nirvana, Death (6), Emancipation, Truths and the way to N. preached Immortality, and Transmigration. to disciples, 21, 18, 355; 49 (i), (6) THE ATTAINMENT OF N.
175; roused by Buddha's N., or N. is the reward of earnestness,
established in N., 21, 34; the 10 (i), 9, 9 n., 11; 11, 9; 36, 353;
Arhats, &c., think that on reaching
A Bhikshu is to strive after N., 10 (i),
N. they will also acquire the trans22; (ii), 61; 11, 7 sq. ; 21, 36;
cendent powers of Buddha, 21, 35; 36, 360; those who are free from
Arhats before and after reaching all worldly desires attain N., 10 (i),
N., 21, 43; some acquire the know35, 37; (ii), 178 sq.; 11, 84; 19,
ledge of the four great truths, others 298; the four steps in the path
become Pratyekabuddhas and Bothat leads to N., 10 (i), 48 n. ; who
dhisattvas, for the sake of their strive after N., their passions come
own complete N., 21, 80; Buddha to an end, 10 (i), 58; attained by
does not teach a particular N. for the noble eightfold path, 10(i),
each being, but causes all beings to 67 n., 69; 11, 147 sq. ; 13, 94-7;
reach complete N. by means of the introdden country, reached by
his own complete N., 21, 81; to the tamed man, 10 (i), 77; having
be reached by the vehicle of Buddha, cut off passion and hatred, thou wilt go
21, 90; Subhûti and other Arhats to N., 10 (i), 86; by meditation and
fancied they had attained N., but knowledge one approaches N., 10 they never longed to be Buddhas, (i), 87; 21, 135 sq., 138-41; 36, 21, 98 sq., 107, 113 sq.; men who 224; Bhikkhu leaves this and the walk in the knowledge of the law further shore. 10 (i), 1-2 : exertion which is free from evil after the is the beast of burden that carries attaining of N., 21, 125; for the comBuddha to N., 10 (ii), 13; he who plete N. of the Tathâgatas Buddha delights in N., is a Maggagina created all this, 21, 300; Buddha Sainana, 10 (ii), 16; Buddha taught reveals a state in which N. has not the excellent Dhamma leading to yet been reached, 21, 301; men N., 10 (ii), 31, 39; 21, 171, 275; would not obey Buddha's word, for one who has seen the state of unless he enter N., 21, 308, 403 ; N., it is impossible to conceal a sin
the three good methods of entercommitted, 10 (ii), 39; Buddha's ing N. (by suicide), 22, 68 n., 7 n., meditation for the sake of acquiring 78; Mahavira's parents, after N., 10 (ii), 69; 19, 307; 49 (i), 53;
born as gods, will reach final N., who except the noble descrive the well
22, 194; Mahîvîra lived walking understoodt state of N.)? Having the patlı of N. and liberation, 22, perfectly conceived this state, those free 200 sq.; of the Arhat Rishabha, 22, from passion are completely extin- 285; from birth till attainment guished,' 10 (ii), 145; although near of N., 35, 5; Nâgasena had obN., the Muni should not think him- tajned N., 35, 36; the righteous self the best, 10 (ii), 157; how the receive N., 35, 107; 45, 16, 46, gods can attain to it, 11, 163; how 243, 372; beings who cannot attain to be obtained, 11, 233, 233 n.; to insight into Truth and N., 36, 19, 75, 75 n. ; 36, 195-205; 49 (i), 176 sq. ; why children under seven 174, 177-9; results from acts of years of age cannot attain to N., charity, 19, 215; Buddha desires 36, 177-81; the result of Karman,
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