Book Title: General Index to Names and Subject Matter
Author(s): M Winternitz
Publisher: Oxford

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________________ 392 NĂNG-NAREMANAU Năng, see Shăn Năng. 33, xvi sq., 274 sq.; compared with Nan Hwa Kăn King, general title the drama Mrikkha katika, 33, of Kwang-zze's works, 39, 11 sq. xvii; translation of the N., editions, Nan-kung King-shû, carried his MSS., and commentaries, 33, xixtreasures with him when he went to xxii, 1-232; quotations from N., court, 27, 149. 33, xxi sq., 233-67. Nan-kung Kwo, minister of Wăn, Naradatta, one of the sixteen vir3, 208. tuous men, 21, 4; nephew of SudNan-Kung Mâo, officer at Khăng's dhodana, 49 (i), 15, 15 n.; converted court, 3, 237. by Buddha, 49 (i), 194. Nan-kung Thâo, his wife mourns Narâsamsa, a name or form of Agni, for her mother-in-law, 27, 129. 12, 136, 136 n. ; 32, 439; 46, 10, Nan-kwo Zze-khi, and his dis- 303; offerings to N., 12, 233 sq., ciple Yen Khang Zze-yû, 39, 156, 235, 321; 26, 154, 154 n. ; is the 176-8, 176 n.; 40, 145 sq., 145 n.; air, 12, 234 ; worshipped in Aprî his son Khwăn, 40, 106-8. hymns, 26, 186 n.; 46, 8-10, 198, Nan-po 3ze-khî, n. of a Taoist 377; n. of Indra, 32, 303; mixes sage, 39, 219; 40, 103 sq., 104 n. he sacrifice with honey, 46, 153. Nan-po Zze-khwei, wishes to Nârâsansa, fathers, 44, 211. learn the Tâo, 39, 245, 245 n.; and Nârâsamsî-Gâthâs, to be studied, Nü Yü, 40, 282. 44, 98. Nan-yung Khû, inquires about the Nârâyana, is Vishnu, 7, 296; a method to become a perfect man, name of the highest Self, 8, 219, 40, 77–81, 77 n. 230 sq.; 15, 311; 34, 440; 48, Naotara, Vistauru, son of, 23, 71, 240, 279, 282; the counterpart of 206, 206 n.; the N. family wor- the Buddha of the Saddharmashipped Anáhita, 23, 77, 77 n.; pundarîka, 21, xxvii; a name of legend of Turanians and Ns., 23, Brahman, 25, 5, 5 n.; 34, xxxi n.; 280 sq. and n. 48, 240, 256, 521, 530 sq., 667; the Napât-apãm, see Apãm Napât. omniform N. instructed Närada Naptya, n.p., 23, 206. about Mâyâ, 38, 157; Purusha N., Nârada, dialogue of Sanatkumâra 44, 173, 403, 410; the one God and with, 1, 109–25; 8, 17; 34, 166 sq.; Creator, 48, 133, 207, 227, 229, 239, 48, 300, 527; calls Krishna the 242, 280, 359, 404, 461, 469, 522 : first god, 8,87 ; chief among divine alone existed before creation, not sages, 8, 89; dialogue between N. Brahmâ, nor Siva, 48, 240, 472, and Devamata, 8, 274 sq. ; both N. 767; free from all evil, 48, 279; and Pabbata rejoice at Buddha, 10 from N. there was born the Four(ii), 94; remodelled the Manu- faced One, 48, 335; assumes the smriti, 14, xi sq., xvi, 2, 2 n.; 25, form of the world, 48, 410, 461 ; to XCV sq. ; 33, 274 ; on the Manu- be meditated on, 48, 411; of insmriti, 25, xv, xvii; 33, 1-4, 1n.; a finite nature, eternal, 48, 461; is sage and a Pragâpati, 25, 14 ; his alone the operative and the subrepute as a legal writer, 33, xxi; a stantial cause of the world, 48, 521; doctor of medicine, 36, 109, 109 n.; Pragâpati, &c., refer to the supreme instructed by the omniform Nârâ- Reality established by the texts yana, 38, 157; assumed a new body, concerning N., 48, 522; declared 38, 235 ; in the Atharva-veda, 42, the Pañkarâtra doctrine, 48, 529– 172, 175 sq., 178,435 ; Hariscandra 31; the thunderbolt (?) of N., 49 (ii), told by N. to row his son to Va- 17 sq. See also God. runa, 44, xxxvi. Nârâyana, author of Manvartlavi. Nârada-smriti, its relation to the vriti, 25, cxxviii-cxxx. Manu-smriti, 7, xxv; 25, xcii, xcv Nârâyanabhatta, author of D pisq., xcix, ci-civ, cvii; 33, xi-xvi, 4, kâs on several Upanishads, 15, x-xii. 4 n.; its date, 25, cvii; 33, xvi- Naremanau, cpithet of Keresâsp, xviii; compared with other Smritis, 18, 369, 369 n. Digitized by Microsoft ®


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