391 the world of men and gods dwells N. or Mahậnanda, an eminent Arin n. and f., 10 (ii), 143 ; a seeing hat, 21, 2; 49 (ii), 2, 90. man will see n. and f., 10 (ii), 173; Nanda, the king, fought for the sake are born from Brahman, 15, 29; of a beautiful woman, 19, 330; the triad of n., f., and work, 15, 99; royal family of N., 36, 147. evolution of n. and f. is the work, Nanda, n. of a Naga-king, 21, 5. not of the individual soul, but Nanda, at the head of the lay voof the Lord, 34, lix, lxii; 38, taries, under Arishtanemi, 22, 278. 96-100; are the object of Brah- Nandâ, n. of a Buddhist nun, 11, man's knowledge before the crea- 25. tion, 34, 50 ; presented by Nesci- Nandabalâ, the herdsman's daughence, 34, 140, 282, 328 sq., 345, ter, refreshes the Buddha who is ex369 ; 38, 64, 140, 401, 402 ; on ac- hausted by fasts, 19, 144 sq. ; 49 (i), count of their equality, there is no 135. contradiction to the eternity of the Nandahara, god, produces visions Veda in the renovation of the which cause Buddha to become world, 34,2 11-16; the world periodi- an ascetic, 19, xx sq. cally divests itself of them, 34, 212; Nandaka, an ogre who laid hands on Brahman only is different from n. Sariputta was swallowed up by the and f., 34, 232 sq.; whether n. earth, 35, 152 sq. and f. abide in the individual soul, Nandamânavapukkhâ, t.c., 10 (ii), 34, 277-9; non-existence of the 199-201. effect previous to its production Nandana, n. of Indra's beautiful only means the state of n. and f. park, 45, 100, 104, 288, 288 sq. n., being unevolved, 34, 333; the ele- 290; 49 (i), 35. ment of plurality characterized by Nandana, king of Kâsi, became a n. and f., 34, 352; meaning of the Gaina monk, 45, 87, 87 n. term, 34, 404, 404 n.; 35, 76 sq.; Nandana, author of commentary is that which is reborn in conse- on Manu-smriti, 25, cxxxiii-cxxxv. quence of Karman, 35, 71-5, 112 Nandanabhadra, disciple of Sansq.; the apparent world of n. and bhûtavigaya, 22, 289. f. to be dissolved by knowledge, 38, Nandapandita, author of commen162 sq.; deposited in the ukkhishta, tary on the Vishnu-smriti, 7, xxxii42, 226; Brahman (neut.) descends xxxvi. into this world by means of n. and Nanda Vakkha, Gosāla, the sucf., 44, 27 sq.
cessor of, 45, xxix, xxxi. Nami, n, of a Tîrthakara, 22, 280; Nandavana, the heavenly forest,
dialogue between King N. who re- 19, 37. tires from the world, and Indra, 45, Nandika, his daughters the first 35-41; king of Videha, became a Buddhist nuns, 49 (i), 192. Gaina monk, 45, 87, 87 n., 268. Nandika, or Nandiya, n. of a BhikNamuki, a name of Mâra, 10 (ii), x, shu, 17, 309-12; 49 (ii), 2, 2 1. 69, 71; 49 (i), 162, 164; an Asura, Nândika (Pr. Nandigea), a Kula of demon killed by Indra, 32,111; 41, the Uddeha Gana, 22, 290. 92, 135; 42, liv, 256 sq., 583; 44, Nandin, a poor Brâhman, converted 216, 222 sq., 232; minister of Pad- by Buddha, 49 (i), 170. mottara, Gaina representative of the Nandîsvara, a god who was for
demon Pala, 45, 86 n. Namûn, son of Spend-shed, 37, 30, Nandita, of the Kâsyapa gotra, a
30 n. Nanârâsti, son of Paệshatah, 23, Nandivardhana, eldest brother of 213.
Mahâvîra, 22, 193, 256. Nanda, n. of a Brâhmana, 10 (ii), Nandiya, the monkey king, a Bodi
187, 199-201, 210 ; 35, 153. sat, 35, 287. See also Nandika. Nanda, the Sâkya, and his mother, Nandupananda, the Sâkya, conconverted, 13, 210; 19, 226, 243 ; vcrted, 19, 226.
? minister of the Nandist man, 2, 401; var
demon bald
Spend-shed, 37, 3°,
Sthavira, 22, 295. West brother of
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